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some believes in. I used to be very big on reincarnation, but the way the world is going these days reincarnation is a scary thing because who would want to return to earth with the mess it is in instead of spending my life in heaven with my family forever. here is the question if i do not focus on reincarnation beliefs am i still allowed to think that reincarnation can be real if i am a christian. Not to say i would preach reincarnation because i would not but it will always be in the back of my mind. I would like a answer from all different beliefs of people and no mean answers please.

2007-01-17 13:57:19 · 16 answers · asked by daisy322_98 5 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

16 answers

Some people claim that the early Christians believed in reincarnation and at some point the doctrine was thrown out. I don't have evidence of this, it's just something I've read about.

My own attitude is that nobody knows for sure so there's no real point in worrying about it.

2007-01-17 14:04:58 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

There are many problems with the salvation-by works doctrine of reincarnation. First, there are many practical problems. For example:
1. We must ask, why does one get punished for something he or she cannot remember having done in a previous life?
2. If the purpose of karma is to rid humanity of its selfish desires, then why hasn't there been a noticeable improvement in human nature after all the millennia of reincarnations?
3. If reincarnation and the law of karma are so beneficial on a practical level, then how do advocates of this doctrine explain the immense and ever-worsening social and economic problems - including widespread poverty, starvation, disease, and horrible suffering - in India, where reincarnation has been systematically taught through out its history?
There are also many biblical problems with believing in reincarnation. For example, in 2 Corinthians 5:8 the apostle Paul states, "We are confident, I say, and would prefer to be away from the body and at home with the Lord." At death, the, the Christian immediately goes into the presence of the Lord, not into another body. In keeping with this. Luke 16:19-31 tells us that unbelievers at death go to a place of suffering, not into another body.
Further, Hebrews 9:27 assures us that "man is destined to die once, and after that to face judgment." Each human being LIVES ONCE as a mortal on earth, DIES ONCE, and then FACES JUDGMENT. He does not have a second chance by reincarnating into another body.

2007-01-17 22:54:05 · answer #2 · answered by Freedom 7 · 0 0

The bible says it is appointed unto man but once to die and after that the judgment. Reincarnation is a concept that denies that Christ died for us because if we come back again and again then we're doing the work that he did by once and for all removing the penalty of sin. Reincarnation teaches that we come back again and again until we reach the state of sinlessness, isn't that right? Although it's not called sinlessness but more disharmony with the cosmos or something like that. Where does the work of Christ fit into all of that? The Holy Spirit living in us cleanses us and makes us whole. Believing in reincarnation is double-mindedness because it's believing that you have to live again and again to become whole, while at the same time believing that Jesus Christ has made you whole. The life we live in heaven will be time enough to cause us to fill the potential that God made us with. This world is just the testing ground to see whether or not we will obey and believe him. Also, the bible warns of doctrines of devil's and not following every wind of doctrine.

2007-01-17 22:33:49 · answer #3 · answered by hisgloryisgreat 6 · 0 0

But why would you still want to continue believing in a lie? It's like you were once blind but your sight has now been restored. Would you still choose to close your eyes and live in darkness? That's how you will live your life if you claim to be a Christian and yet cling to dangerous beliefs and lies.

Consider Hebrews 9:27, "Just as man is destined to die once, and after that to face judgment." Paul clearly states that the soul does not transmigrate into another living body, but goes to await judgment.

For the Christian, Paul promised that death is the means to being in the presence of Jesus, "We are confident, I say, and would prefer to be away from the body and at home with the Lord (heaven), 2 Corinthians 5:8" It is clear that the Bible does not allow for the concept of reincarnation.

2007-01-17 22:10:57 · answer #4 · answered by TY 5 · 0 0

From a Christian: I don't think it's wrong for you to believe in reincarnation especially if you're not sure whether it's real or not. I heard from a lady who died, went to heaven, and came back said that she was told that the reason some people believe they had past lives on earth is because our memories are carried in our cells and DNA. So those past memories are just stored in our cells. As long as you believe in Jesus then you aren't doing anything wrong. There are many other things that the Bible doesn't tell us and so it's natural to be curious about them.

2007-01-17 23:07:34 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Hi Daisy,

I'm glad you are a Christian!! There are several tenets to Christianity that you must hold to call yourself a Christian, and reincarnation is not a belief that is found in the Bible. Since you are a new Christian, it is very important to begin studying God's Word and find other believers to worship with. Are you going to a Bible believing church? Make sure your church lines up with what is in the Bible. They should have a statement of beliefs that you can look at. Speak with someone who is more mature in the faith and keep asking questions until you get a satisfactory answer.
God Bless!

2007-01-17 22:05:41 · answer #6 · answered by kyletexas_123 2 · 0 0

I'm a Christian and dont believe in Reincarnation.

2007-01-17 22:01:45 · answer #7 · answered by Darktania 5 · 1 0

Christianity teaches that everyone is born with an eternal soul. It's born when our physical bodies are born, and it lives forever. When you die, the soul ether spends eternity in Heaven, or in Hell. The idea of your soul or spirit coming back and taking over a new body is not consistent with Christianity.

So, maybe what you are feeling when you are drawn to reincarnation is that your soul is eternal, and you need to learn more about your faith and Christianity's teaching on eternity.

2007-01-17 22:05:38 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Reincarnation is incompatible with Christianity. People only live once in this life.

2007-01-17 22:22:05 · answer #9 · answered by iraqisax 6 · 0 0

Being a christian is believing the bible. If you don't believe the bible your just a false convert. The bible teaches about heaven and hell. Their is no reincarnation. Before you decide whether or not your a christian why don't you try reading the bible.

2007-01-17 22:10:09 · answer #10 · answered by ۞ JønaŦhan ۞ 7 · 1 0

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