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Why is it that everone thinks I should just keep going on living? I have tons of emotional and medical problems now. I just feel so sad sometimes. I have a history of bi-polar disorder in my family & definitely have some of those symptoms. I do not respond well to the medications. I used to be a Christian, but do not feel that I can go back. I truly feel that God has abandoned me. There is NOTHING that makes me feel good anymore and I have a horrible relationship with my family. Also...a good friend of mine killed himself and I'd like to be with him. I am just SO tired.

2007-01-17 13:51:36 · 56 answers · asked by Beverly J 1 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Peachpie-I also lost a child-not recently, though so I do understand that pain. I just feel like nothing can go right in my life now.

2007-01-17 13:56:18 · update #1

56 answers

PLEASE go to the ER or call the hotline. -800-784-2433 OR 1-800-273-8255
I will pray for you.

i also have bi-polar. i know what a crappy disorder it is and how hard it is to function day to day. I have also been suicidal at times. but you know what? it was GOD that saved my life. GOD reminded me of all the things i had to look forward to in my life. PLEASE DONT GIVE UP!

2007-01-17 13:55:01 · answer #1 · answered by jmprince01 4 · 1 0

You sound as though you are going through an acute depressive state, but not necessarily showing symptoms of bipolar at this time. I am not a psychiatrist, but you definitely need to see a doctor for treatment. ANY thoughts of suicide should send you racing to seek medical treatment, NOT seeking help from an Internet website.

Let's put aside any talk of religious beliefs for the moment and think about this medically and pragmatically. You say that you don't respond well to medications, or at least haven't in the past. It is your psychiatrist's job to find the correct dosages, the correct mix and types of medications that WILL work for you. There are many, many drugs available, and many that do different things. Sometimes it is a hit or miss thing to prescribe the right meds. You have to give it some time to get it right.

In the meantime, personal counseling can work through the emotional issues that are weighing you down as the meds are getting straightened out.

Many people have weighed in on the issue of religion. I would take it completely out of the picture, and just look at it from a completely medical standpoint for the moment. You have an illness that can be treated. Once you are on the road to being properly treated, then you can begin to address the spiritual aspects of your personality. But just go slowly. Some people search for spiritual answers for a lifetime before ever finding a place to settle.

Good luck, and go find help soon, please!

2007-01-17 14:05:59 · answer #2 · answered by luvmelodio 4 · 0 0

About 4 years ago I felt the same way regarding suicide. I even made an attempt, took 22days worth of anti-depressants in an hour. As you can tell didn't kill me, but boy was I a sick puppy for the next week.
If you want an honest opinion, Christianity ain't all it's cracked up to be, for a start it rules out any phenomenon which cannot be attributed to God or the Devil. The truth is we all contribute in our own way to the positive and negative aspects of this life we experience. God (or whatever you may call the ultimate being) is a part of us and we a part of it and God never gives up on us. The truth is, we give up on Life.
I have lost loved ones, and I know it is painful. I can't say anything to make you feel better, but I can tell you from an esoteric stand-point if you commit suicide you're just going to have to come back here and do this life again because there is a lesson the Universe is trying to teach you here, and it's unlikely to be 'Give Up!'.

2007-01-17 13:59:51 · answer #3 · answered by Taliesin Pen Beirdd 5 · 0 0

I too am bipolar. 15-20% of us die from suicide. This is a truly tragic statistic. It is a difficult disease. And it is not a "mental illness", is is a brain illness - it is proven to be a physiological problem. PLEASE don't give up. I have seen many people struggle terribly for years and then recover very well once they have found the right medication.
I also abandoned Christianity. The most important thing for you to depend on is people. You will find a warm and accepting community in this Yahoo group - http://members.iinet.net.au/~fractal1/
There are also many other bipolar groups on the Net.
We are a very unique, and often highly creative lot of people!! I am angry at people like Tom Cruise who try to tell us that our problems cannot be helped by science. When I first became ill, I hated taking the drugs, because I thought they were poisonous. But every time I stopped taking them, I would land in hospital. I am emotionally and physically very well now, but I have been through some very dark times of self-harming and depression. Please feel free to contact me, if you would like a friend to talk to.
Peace to you

2007-01-17 14:00:56 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Dear Beverly J.

Please don't do this! I know how you feel. I have the same problems from time to time. I have been there and done that. I was in Vietnam when I was 18. I have PTSD. I take a lot of pills. I have been in counseling since 1978.

God has never and will never abandon you! That is the devil putting these thoughts in your mind. It you take you life, he will own your soul for all eternity.

I encourage you to get into therapy. Go regularly, maybe you need a change in your meds. I take Zoloft, it has helped me greatly. Suicide helps no one. Not you, your family, your friends. I share your grief about your friend. But this is not the answer.
I do not know you, but God does. He loved you enough to send His only Son to die in your place. Even if you were the only person that there ever was. Jesus would still have come and died for you so that you could be with Him in heaven.

Please call someone, there are 24 hr. help lines for you to talk about your issues.

Your story has so touched me that if you email me at "starlight65@earthlink.net", I will give you my phone number and you can call me collect. I would like to talk to you.

God has not given up on you, He never will. Do not give up on HIm or yourslef. I will be praying for you daily. Write me!

With love and concern,


2007-01-17 14:07:50 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Sounds like me...I used to be Christian too.

I'm always sad, and yes it's tiring. I just can't shake off that sadness no matter how many happy people that I'm being surrounded by. I know that I'll probably never commit suicide because I've already tried that lol and almost succeeded. I'm in more hell than I was before but I'm just gonna take this crap and swim through it because I want to give myself a chance. Think about it, who else would survive in your place? If they were you they would probably give up sooner. So feel strong and give yourself life even if it's crap. In the end when it's your time you'll be honored to have lived such a crap life and still surviving it.

I have a crap life, serious wounds from my suicide attempt still going through surgeries...but only I can be myself and so I have to give myself that honor. Suffering and surviving is kind of an honor if you look at it this way: a beautiful rich woman lived a life of happiness and love for her beauty and money, a sad girl lived a life of pain and torture but kept living because she found herself worthy. In the end who will be glorified? You will say, I took what life threw at me and I made it. That's real life, you take what life throws at you and stand your ground. Only you could be you so give yourself that honor.

I just asked this question myself a while ago lol...weird and now I'm preaching lol...thanks....

2007-01-17 14:07:08 · answer #6 · answered by Just Me 2 · 0 0

you said medication do not respond well maybe you haven't been given the correct one different meds help people in different ways and takes time to take affect you should go to your doctor and continue to find an med that works best for you. The thought of death shouldn't be an option we were all put here for a reason we may not know what it is but we are not meant to know your question tonight will touch the hearts of many even though we don't know you you said you feel as if god has abandoned you but later said your friend killed himself and you would like to be with him. maybe god had you ask this question tonight to communicate with others on your feelings please know your friend wouldn't want you to do this and would want you to live your life. I pray that you will think this through and god bless

2007-01-17 14:02:52 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I don't want to sound cold but can I speek frankly???

Just because you have health problems does not mean that you should be completely negative! So you have doubts about a God. This is no big deal. There are tons of people that do not believe in a God and they are not running around pissed off at the world.
It slounds to me like at least part of your problem is not a medical condition but the attitude you are choosing to have. If you are pissy or bitching all the time who really wants to be around someone like that?? I mean let's be realistic. If you have a choice between being around someone that is going to act miserable and pissy about everything or someone that tries to at least be semi possitive who would you rather be around???

I am not trying to negate your medical condition or mental issue (Bipolar) however you do need to recognize that your attitude plays a major roll in do people want to be around you!

I'm not even going to address the suicide idea because that is honestly the least of your concerns! Try living and dealing with life instead of running away from it!

If you think things can't get better then that is what you will attract!
What ever you focus on is what you attract to yourself!!!

2007-01-17 14:03:14 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

It is of course always an option. Nobody could prevent you from doing something like that. But it does have tragic consequences for loved ones and tends to cascade through families and friendships (as you're question even indicates).

I guess if I were in your position I would back up a bit and start asking some questions like:

What is so bad about my life right now that makes me consider this option?

Is there something I can do to change my situation?

What are the things that I have enjoyed in my life? Is it possible to rediscover them and magnify the happiness they bring?

There are a lot of questions like this that you should ask before you take your own life. Sometimes, when we are caught up in emotional pain, the situations seems overwhelming. But if you back up a bit and look at it, sometimes it isn't as terrible as we think.

You should find somebody you trust that you can talk to about thiese things.

2007-01-17 14:01:29 · answer #9 · answered by mullah robertson 4 · 0 0

Well, you know, I don't know what you're going through, but as a Christian, I can tell you that God will not abandon you. No matter what you think you've done to deserve that. Even if you just think He stopped caring. In the Bible, Deuteronomy 31:8 it says, "The LORD Himself goes before you and will be with you; He will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged." And if you feel as if you've sinned to the point where He won't forgive you. In 1 John 1:9 says "if we confess our sins to Him, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and cleanse us from all unrighteousness." Suicide is not the answer. If you were to kill yourself, could you guarantee that you would be with your friend? How do you know that you'll meet him in death? Times may look tough but remember that the Bible also says, "all things work for the good of them that love God." It might not be in the timetable that you like, but it's a matter of trusting that God is ultimately in control. And when you just leave it all in His hands and stop trying to solve your problems yourself, you'll find that things work out for the better. Patience and trust. That's what you need. Just pray, tell Him how you feel, tell Him you want Him to handle, tell Him that you need Him to take care of you. If you need any help feel free to send me a message.

2007-01-17 14:04:45 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The loss of a child is absolutely the worst thing in the world. My wife and I lost our 17 son in an auto accident. Sure life changed after that. Take it one day at a time. Get help. Talk to your friends. Life will get more tolerable and with time you will not be as sad. I am sure people love you and to commit suicide would be terrible to all the people you know and have known. Don't do it.

Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. Take care of yourself and talk about it.

2007-01-17 14:04:31 · answer #11 · answered by Larry L 2 · 0 0

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