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I'm serious here. I want people who actually know and study about the crucifixion of christ to answer this. Because it's seems kind of pointless to me that jesus is like "I'm dying for your sins" and then people still go to hell. what was the point of him dying then?

Now to tell the truth, I'm not a christian, but i am curious and want to learn. I know that there was a man named jesus who lived till about 33 A.D. who was crucified. that has all been proven. i may believe something different then you as to why he was crucified, but i want to know the reasoning behind the christian belief as to why he was cruicifide.

i'm not trying to trash your beliefs and if i accidently come off that way, then let me apologize in advance.

2007-01-17 13:46:46 · 66 answers · asked by Shamus O'Larry 4 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

66 answers

yes he did died for our SINS.

but it doesn't mean that we don't have to do our own part to. the only way to heaven is if accept God as our savior. And that we don't have to do any offering and make confessions of our sins to another person but we can go BOLDLY to HIS THRONE and ask forgiveness.

2007-01-17 13:53:01 · answer #1 · answered by binibining pilipina 5 · 2 0

Jesus died for our sins so that we may have eternal life. But if a person does not believe this, then he will not have eternal life. I think you may be asking another question, what was it about putting Him to death, that made it dying for our sins, or why did He have to be crucified in order for this to happen? I would suggest you ask this question, if you want to know. Actually I would suggest for anyone to read the Bible for themselves if they want to know anything about it. It is a long story about there needing to be a sacrifice, and God becoming human to become a sacrifice, because there were no humans that were worthy of being sacrificed for our sins. It also has to do with the resurrection, to show people that it was possible to have eternal life. Like I say, I think you ought to ask this question, because I think there are some that could explain it better than I could. Also, read it for yourself, so you will know for sure. There are many study books that will help explain it too.

You will see different answers. Not all Christians believe the same. That is why you need to study it for yourself. Some Christians may not believe in hell as an eternal place,some may, some may believe once saved always saved, others may believe you only get one chance, etc. So that is why I say find out for yourself

2007-01-17 14:19:14 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

God died so that we might have life. In the old testament when people sinned they had to sacrifrice things like burnt offering and such, but when Jesus died it gave us the chance to ask for forgiveness and repent. Everytime we do something wrong we don't have to make a sacrifice but it dont mean to do the same sin and continuously asking for forgiviness because that is pointless. Jesus came to Earth as human so he knows how it feel to be tempted and feel pain like humans do. Jesus made a way for us. God gives everyone a choice of what they want to do. So either you might good choices or bad. bad choices come with consequences, which the bible clearly states that a life of destruction can lead your soul to Hell.

2007-01-17 13:59:06 · answer #3 · answered by jlmccln87 2 · 1 0

I have to assume that you are Christian. According to Christian religion everybody that is not baptized in Jesus' name goes to hell whatsoever. This means that those people who died before Jesus Christ just went to hell. To soften this remark the Christian religion at first put Christianity as a sequence of Judaism, so the Jews that were righteous before Jesus were also in heaven. Then, as the religion started spreading to other nations, the Catholic church improvised the Purgatory an in between space from Heaven and Hell, where (according to Catholic church) the souls of those who died before Jesus were resting until he descended and gave them the opportunity to enter heaven. Of course after Jesus things are clear, still a question remains unanswered: Since people go to Heaven or Hell on their death, this means the judgment on them has been made, which dead people are going to wake up and be judged in the Second Coming of Jesus?

2016-05-24 02:00:26 · answer #4 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

I'm afraid that I don't have any biblical sources, per se, to back this up, but I had a question like that when I was a kid.

My uncle was a priest, and I remember one Saturday night in the summer, when I was about 12, he was preparing for mass. I had wrestled with this very question for the past day, and I must have looked pretty rattled by the time he saw me shortly before the mass.

"What's the matter," he asked, and I kind of stammered out the question about Jesus and that, if God loved us so much, why would he pitch us into hell.

So, my uncle looked up, then looked back at me.

"Don't worry about that," he said.

I guess I had this kind of stunned look on my face, so he said, very simply, "there's no such a thing as that kind of Hell!"

Later, I thought about it, and it seems to me that Hell isn't fire and brimstone, but rather the *absence* of God. And it's not eternal, because I believe that God is always there, and he always reaches for us. We just decide whether we'll take his "hand."

Good luck. Hope this helped.

2007-01-17 13:56:17 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

People will still go to Hell for the same reason a poor person might continue to starve if someone told them they had inherited a lot of money and they didn't believe the report and go and claim their inheritance.

If you don't believe that Jesus died to pay your sin debt then God doesn't credit His sacrifice to your account and when it comes time for judgment you have to pay all on your own.

Romans 4:3 For what does the Scripture say? "Abraham believed God, and it was counted to him as righteousness."

Ephesians 2:8 For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God,

2007-01-17 13:53:14 · answer #6 · answered by Martin S 7 · 2 0

I wasn't going to answer this question but considering I think I might have more to say than many of the one line answers, I will try.

Let us start with the premise that everyone is a sinner so then it is just for everyone to go to hell.

Now, along comes Jesus and says, "I will show you the way to my Father (i.e., heaven), come follow me." Please note that is a paraphrase and you aren't going to find it if you type my quote in an online Bible.

So, one must follow Jesus in order to get to heaven because that was the only way he stipulated it could happen. One must go through the Son to get to the Father. Otherwise, by default (because he or she has sinned and is not saved by faith), he or she goes to hell.

Why was Jesus crucifided? You already answered. To save us from sin.

2007-01-17 13:56:44 · answer #7 · answered by trueblue88 5 · 1 0

He died for our sins, yes, but a more complete answer is that he died for our sins so that those who want to be with God can take advantage of that death and be with God.

You can only be in God's presence if you have atoned for your sins with a blood sacrifice. In the Old Testament that sacrifice had to unblemished, and it was only a temporary sacrifice. Christ died on the Cross as a perfect Human Being who never sinned. Even with animal sacrifice it still did not guarantee us salvation because we relied on obedience to the Law. Our hearts were on earning salvation by what we do. But salvation comes through grace and Christ's death was the ultimate sacrifice and the end of the old Law because Christ's sacrifice was a Human Sacrifice.

The point is: Salvation is GIVEN, not earned. Christ's death reverted back to the requirements of a fellowship with God that Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob had before the law, and that was faith in God and doing what is right from the pureness of our hearts because we seek to be at peace with God and not simply in compliance with law.

2007-01-17 14:00:41 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Well first off Jesus died for our sins so that we would be able to go to heaven. The reason why people do go to hell is for the reason of not accepting Jesus as their personal Savior. Also for rejecting the voice of GOD.

2007-01-17 14:32:59 · answer #9 · answered by yo 1 · 0 0

Yes, you can still go to hell. The reasoning behind this is if you reject your Savior Jesus Christ and continue to sin, it is like spitting on Him for dying for you.
Jesus was crucified because the people in power (the Sanhedrin) feared loosing power over the people because of the prophesies about the Messiah coming true. They had him put to death because of fear. this was all fortold centuries before it even happened. It is written in the Bible should you wish to learn more. Thank you for your respect, it is refreshing.

2007-01-17 13:59:36 · answer #10 · answered by Wabbit 5 · 1 1

When one sins, one must be TRULY sorry and ASK for forgiveness. For those going to hell, those are the ones who have been offered the GIFT of salvation and have turned it down. THEY make the choice. Christ Jesus paid the price FOR YOU. He paid the price...death...so you won't. Your body will cease to live but your soul/spirit will live on. It's up to YOU where you will spend it. If you don't like that, you'll have to tell God how screwed up He is. Numbers 6:24-26

2007-01-17 13:53:17 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

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