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Isn't this contradictory?
If one life is sacred (and ironically, you seem to be willing to blow up clinics or kill doctors who perform abortions) then they must therefore, ALL be sacred.

2007-01-17 13:45:31 · 24 answers · asked by Yoda Greene 3 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

24 answers

and war...don't forget war...

but against suicide....

of course these are generalizations but they are common trends that I don't understand...

2007-01-17 13:49:43 · answer #1 · answered by Eleventy 6 · 1 5

Wow...lots of generalizations you got going on!
I am a Christian and yes I am pro life....I do NOT blow up clinics nor do I approve of any of that...
I do NOT approve of killing Dr.s
I also DO NOT believe in the death penalty...YET..a criminal that has went around killing people or molesting children, etc. is much different than an unborn child who's only sin was being conceived, something that child had no say or option in. YOU can see the difference, as most can. Using these two instances is really not the same. I DO believe that people need to be punished for crimes they commit and I am sure you do too. An unborn child has committed no crime, so they should have no punishment coming to them, especially not a brutal death, for even criminals who are put to death not torn apart, ripped limb from limb, etc. Even unwanted animals are put to death more humanely than that!
Let's stop with all the generalizations and maybe get to know others before you pass judgments?

BRAVO to Kenray! I totally agree with you! Prison and jail should be PUNISHMENT! Make these people WORK and make it hard on them!

2007-01-17 13:59:53 · answer #2 · answered by PennyPickles17 4 · 0 0

Why are you insisting that it's christians that do those horrible acts? Ever thought it was maybe a "prolife" evolutionist? But anyway, no...Taking a life that has not yet had the chance to live is unfair and uncalled for. A baby has made no choice, has taken no life, has not even seen the world around it...and you choose to kill it! But for the record...yes ALL life is sacred...no matter what or who it is! "For God made man in his own image..." Life is a precious gift, and it shouldn't be taken no matter what the problem is... But "If any human sheds blood, by humans let his blood be shed." Doctors that do abortions are guilty of taking a life, but that doesn't mean there is not forgiveness. I am guilty of taking a life, I killed Jesus on the cross, but there is forgivness. No one is above the law, and I am not going to commdem said people to hell. ALL life is sacred, and the Christian among me that are "acused" of taking a life, are as guilty of murder as are the doctors that did the abortions... There is not differents, all human life is sacred before God. So, your right, anyone who takes another's life is guilty of murder...Unless the Law demands payment of blood. (aka the death penialty) which is a whole different story that I will not get into...But your right, all life is sacred, your's mine, everyone's....Its just alot of people fail to reconize that the child within has as much right as the adult who is outside...
God bless you

2007-01-17 14:05:45 · answer #3 · answered by Kat 3 · 1 0

First off, the ones who kill abortion doctors are botched. In every religion you will have people who have a bad sense of the religion and/or take something to the extreme. For instance, 99.9+% of Muslims don't walk around tied to bombs.

Life being sacred can be misinterpreted. For "pro-life", that's referring to the birth/abortion of a baby, and the baby's life is sacred- he/she made no choice to deserve death and should be let to live. A baby has no responsibility.
As with the death penalty, that is different. This is a person who made an evil decision to unfairly take another life. For the responsibility of another person's unearned death, the murderer must die.

2007-01-17 13:53:47 · answer #4 · answered by PlaNet_G0rk 4 · 1 0

This is a good question and one I enjoy answering. I am pro-life The death penalty is meant to punish an evil person as opposed to an innocent person such as a fetus. However the problem is that innocent people do die in the death penalty. Guns when used properly protect people, it is a proven fact that places with looser gun laws have lower crime rates. So actually owning a gun will decrease the chances of someone getting killed. As for war, I have been perplexed about this one recently myself. I can understand how war is sometimes necessary but not civilian casualties and not preemptive war. So that is my take on it.

2016-05-24 02:00:20 · answer #5 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

Whoa, hoss. . .BIG generalization there. I am Christian, pro-life, and anti-death penalty. Yep, all three and at the same time.

The death penalty has no effect on the overall murder rate, and it just shows that society is no better than the condemned person who took someone else's life. And because I'm a Christian, I have no desire to blow up an abortion clinic or kill anyone.

A lot of people here seem to believe that the only kind of Christian is a slavering fanatic who will stop at nothing to achieve their agendas. What you fail to realize is that the terms "fanatic" and "Christian" aren't synonyms.

A true follower of the loving and compassionate Christ is not a murderous fanatic, and a fanatical "Christian" seldom follows the real example of the Lord Whose Name he claims.

2007-01-17 14:02:32 · answer #6 · answered by Wolfeblayde 7 · 0 0

Because life is so valuable that we cannot allow people who take it wantonly to do so. Capital punishment serves two purposes: first, it guarantees that the person being executed will not kill again, and secondly, it deters others from murder.

Liberals like to say that capital punishment does not deter murders. In point of fact, it only works when it is used. Just having it on the books, and extending appeals out until the prisoner dies of old age, is not effective. But is works for the Mafia. They seem to be able to keep their member silent.

Interestingly, Liberals, who hold candle-light vigils when a prisoner is about to be executed, are generally in favor of abortion. In an abortion, an innocent life is taken. In capital punishment, a guilty person forfeits his life for committing the crime.

2007-01-17 14:11:54 · answer #7 · answered by iraqisax 6 · 1 0

You're lumping all Christians into one basket. I, for one, am pro-life AND against the death penalty.

However, I'm also against the patsy treatment that prisoners get. If you've committed a crime, why should you get cable TV, free access to law books, a weight training facility, a pool hall, and great meals?

Prisoners, no matter what their crime, should be forced to work on a farm all day, clean their own laundry, repair their own air conditioning and pretty much be self-sufficient and free of most needs from the taxpaying public.

Do you think that will ever happen? No, some idiot will start a "rehab" program for the criminals so they can talk about their feelings!

2007-01-17 13:54:35 · answer #8 · answered by kenrayf 6 · 3 0

Hmmm..... not every single person that considers themselves a Christian has such beliefs.
But in the bible it states that killing another human being,no matter how far along in life they really are, is a sin.
Killing other people period is a sin, and this example you gave is an extreme. You will be punished for your sins. Whether you choose to repent, or not is your own decision. Everyone can have their sins forgiven if they ask. This doesn't mean by law, they wont be killed, but after their death on earth has commenced they will be allowed into the gates of heaven.
But like I said, your example is an extreme one, and you want to get people stirred up.

2007-01-17 13:52:29 · answer #9 · answered by Ashley 3 · 1 0

Abortion is murder because it murders an innocent life. Yet the Death Penalty is a punishment for a Guilty person. Harsh punishment for crimes helps deter future crime. Imagine if Pedophilia is punishiable by death. There would be alot less children being kidnapped, raped, and murdered.

But In all reality I'm debating back and forth on the Death Penalty.

2007-01-17 13:53:10 · answer #10 · answered by Darktania 5 · 2 0

Although I don't have a definite opinion on the death penalty,there is a difference between killing an unborn child because the mother doesn't want it and executing a criminal who was a convicted serial killer and rapist.

And not all pro-lifers blow up clinics or kill doctors,just like not all pro-choicers attack pro-lifers during peaceful protests.

2007-01-17 13:54:34 · answer #11 · answered by Serena 5 · 1 0

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