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Who made my peaceful religion look like a crazy place?? Was it the wannabe terrorists of 9/11? Or is the media who is trying to portray ALL Muslims as "jihadists"...OR is it the people like some of the users on Yahoo Answers who ask questions demeaning Islam on purpose using FALSE FACTS?? **note: BEFORE YOU ANSWER THIS QUESTION WATCH THIS VIDEO ABOUT WHAT ISLAM REALLY TEACHES...talks about Osama Bin Laden and other "Muslims" the media think a Muslim looks like**

2007-01-17 13:28:41 · 22 answers · asked by Al-Imaratiyya 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality


2007-01-17 13:32:21 · update #1

Peter B...maybe I will protest in the streets...MWHAHAHAHAHAHA....Good Answer goes to Robert S: so true!
Worst Answer goes to Ken P: ppl like you are fools hahaha

2007-01-17 13:36:57 · update #2

Hmmm i see most if not all didnt watch the video link which shows that the media focases on all the stuff going on in Iraq and other places where Islam is being hijacked....verrry interesting...even if u show them proof they will STILL be blind...Once again the Qu'ran was right! LoL

2007-01-17 13:40:42 · update #3

Starfish girl, not cool to add your own interpretations of the HOLY Qu'ran just to make yourself look right (even tho ur wrong!) also how many times do i have to say this: THE WARS OF THE PROPHET OF ISLAM AND THE IDOL-WORSHIPPERS HAPPENED A LOOONG TIME AGO!!!!! WE DONT STILL GO AROUND THIS DAY PREACHING TO KILL NON-MUSLIMS...helllooo??? its 2006 NOT 496...duh!
And Macaber Girl, I agree with you and I have proof from the Qu'ran that what your saying is how we are told to act to others: Surah al-Kaffiruun...Chapter of the Non-Muslims---read and see how what it sez!

2007-01-17 13:48:08 · update #4

22 answers

I know all about real Islam...maybe you should take off your blinders.

2007-01-17 13:31:12 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

Yup, the media. Its rediculous, people in my school don't trust few outside of their religion, which is Catholic (my town is prodominately Catholic, I'd say about 90%). Only the left-wing people and others who aren't of the Catholic faith accept others beliefs (I'm an atheist born Jewish, I don't have any problems but I have noticed since the war in Iraq people have been a bit more critical toward me of my born religion). The media took the war in Iraq and showed who the enemy was. All Muslims, everyone in Al Queda was a Muslim, everyone in Iraq's army under Sadam, Muslim, all the Hezbolah and the Lebonese in the North of Iraq, Muslim too! They rarely show the Muslims who are just trying to survive in their country, avoiding being killed by their own people or the "liberators" from America. Muslims got dealt a REALLY bad hand in this war, and they can't do anything about it. It's not cool how a few bad apples can spoil the bunch.

2007-01-17 13:45:48 · answer #2 · answered by Jonny G 3 · 1 0

i dont know what you guys want......the majority of muslims are not terrorists obviously. be rational how many muslims are in the world? if all the muslims, or even a good portion of them were terrorists the world would be in chaos. the only reason you feel that they represent islam is because you see that on the media and its so gullible of you to believe everything the media tells you without looking at it in a different perception. look at palestine for example, you see them as terrorists when in fact they are so poor they fight with rocks against guns. you need to learn to look at both sides before you choose a side. its not my job to do anything because i am not in any way connected to those terrorists. people say their actions are louder than my words of course i know that but there is nothing i can do about it. if i cant convince anyone here, what will standing outside on the street protesting do? before you tell me i'm not preventing terrorism, tell me what i could possibly do that would change anything? and what are you even doing about it? its not only the terrorists who hijacked islam, its the media and the people who hate islam based on what the media shows them.

the video was actually a response to that guys video. the point was to contradict what he was saying by showing those pictures. but actually that was exactly what he was trying to say
actual video:

2007-01-17 13:50:09 · answer #3 · answered by E.T.01 5 · 0 0

It's kind of a chain reaction. The terrorists (and any of the Muslims that go around killing eachother for that matter) are fanatics and zealots with little understanding of their own religion, who go around bombing innocent people even though I'm pretty sure that's condemned in their religion (didn't take the time to watch the vid, sorry). The terrorists are causing the media to portray Islam badly. The media's portrayal of Islam is causing users on Yahoo! answers to talk badly about Islam.

I hate the terrorists, no matter what religion they are. And as long as you respect my beliefs, I respect your beliefs, you as a person, and your religion.

2007-01-17 13:41:33 · answer #4 · answered by Μαcαbrε Mαidεη 2 · 1 0

The Muslim are the same people as they were before 1948 and lately before 1990. But two big changes take place at these times that made it necessary for some groups to demonize, Palestinian, Arabs and Muslims in that order.
The first need to demonize Palestinians and Arabs came in 1948 when the west wanted to unload their guilty conscience at the cost of Palestinians. The Zionist and their sympathizers are doing everything they can to demonize Palestinians, Arabs and Muslims. It is an irony that the Jews enjoyed more than a millennium of peace and tranquility I the Muslim lands ( See this: http://usa.mediamonitors.net/content/view/full/35741) whereas for centuries they were tormented in Europe.
The second phase came around 1990 when Muslims helped the west in defeating the Soviet in Afghanistan and unfortunately (in hind sight) getting rid of one of the balancing super powers. Thereafter what happened is what Eisenhower was warning against i.e. snow-balling of militarism in US if the administration falls into the hand of those who are inclined for world hegemony. That is what happened. Neocons took over the tools of power and created new Pearl Harbor to demonize Muslims which continue to this day http://www.newamericancentury.org/RebuildingAmericasDefenses.pdf .
Bin laden could be just another tool in the planning.
Islam has not changed but the main steam media is able to put demons in people heads against the Muslims to justify the unjustifiable.
Would they not need demonizing for this to continue:

Wednesday, January 17, 2007
VP Tells America To Expect 40 Years Of War

Washington D.C. - In what may qualify as the most depressing sound bite to ever come out the White House, **** Cheney is bracing the nation for a conflict that may span generations. "It (Iraq) is the kind of conflict that's going to drive our policy and our government for the next 20 or 30 or 40 years. We have to prevail and we have to have the stomach for the fight long term," he said on a Jan.14 FOX NEWS interview. One has to wonder if Cheney's view has anything to do with his $33 million "golden parachute" retirement plan from Halliburton — a company

2007-01-17 13:35:30 · answer #5 · answered by Ottawan-Canada 3 · 0 2

As a Christian, I feel the exact same way about my religion.

Who hijacked it, made it radical right wingers who must control not only the lives of everyone in their church, but of everyone in their country, and the world.

Living in the town where the North American Islamic Society is based, I understand your frustration, and the ignorance of those who think all people who are Muslim are terrorists.

I truly wish it was a law that we all must study every religion, and attend worship services with those of other faiths while we are in school, then maybe the ignorance and prejudice would cease.

2007-01-17 13:33:54 · answer #6 · answered by Robert S 3 · 1 1

everybody recalls the Crusades yet what with regards to the Spanish Inquisition? Hitler? the pogroms in Russia and Poland? those all qualify as terrorist movements. Any group can rationalize their movements to extra healthful their twist on the religion they belong to. while leaders initiate telling their followers that they are purely ones who can properly interpret the non secular coaching, that's once you start to work out extremists in action. regrettably, for us Muslims, Islam is the present faith interior the media's spotlight. many that're not Muslim have been duped by the media and non secular leaders biased against Islam. many everybody is afraid to think of that Islam is a faith of peace, afraid to renowned that oftentimes "crazies" get on top of issues. I choose extra Muslims might come out against the terrorists and make a public show of it so something of the international might know all of us are not terrorists.

2016-10-07 07:57:36 · answer #7 · answered by regula 4 · 0 0

Hey your avatar is an affront to Islam. Put a burka on it!

The silence of the Muslim majority as innocent people are slaughtered in it's name leaves a distinct impression. And not favorable. You are silent while people have their heads hacked off on TV, but take to the streets by the hundreds of thousands over a stupid satiric cartoon. Shame is upon Islam. Shame.

2007-01-17 13:35:04 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

Unfortunately the 9/11 guys were rather more than wannabes...

It's not so much the hijacking more that there aren't as many Muslim leaders out there condeming violence as there should be, a stronger line and wonders would be worked.

2007-01-17 13:32:27 · answer #9 · answered by fourmorebeers 6 · 2 0

Who would want to 'hijack' your religion? Your own people are killing each other. Can you imagine Methodists shooting up the Baptists? Or a Presbyterian strapping on explosives and sending his daughter into a Catholic mass to blow up some Catholics? Get off your high horse. Are these FALSE FACTS?---The only 'jihadists' are those morons who think ALLAH (patooey) wants them to kill innocent men/women/children (and many students at the university in Baghdad the other day). All they've accomplished is to p.o. a lot of people and make themselves DEAD and FOOLISH LOOKING. They ACCOMPLISH nothing.

2007-01-17 13:36:19 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

There are good and bad people in every religion. At Yahoo Answer they only like to talk about the bad people doing things that has nothing to do with Islam.

2007-01-17 13:32:25 · answer #11 · answered by A fan 4 · 2 1

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