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Ok so im 15 and hes 16, please help i'm really confused!!?
ok so me and my bf are both emancipated from our parents and we live together. we really love each other and he really wants me to have his baby and soon. i want kids but not when im 15. we both have jobs and money from my gramparents for the exrta rent(only when we need it). we have sex and all that stuff and he really really wants a baby. i wanna give him a child but not rite now. i am having mixed feelings on this situation and dont know what to do. we both are like honer students and i think having a child now whould mess all of my schooling up and his also. i cant change his mind either, hes like fixed on having a baby!!! and i dont know what to do about it so what SHOLD i do!!

i have time and money and im emotionaly stable for a baby

2007-01-17 13:27:17 · 30 answers · asked by chiquita 1 in Pregnancy & Parenting Parenting

to luekas: why would i need 2 make something like this up and why would i waste points if i really wasnt concerned?

2007-01-17 13:39:20 · update #1

sry dudes about the misspelling of honor, im dyslexic!!

2007-01-17 13:59:48 · update #2

30 answers

Put it like this! You're only 15 and that's too young. What if you became pregnant and he decided he didn't want to be with you anymore and couldn't handle a child? You'd be screwed. What if you had the baby and he realized that he is 16 years old and has a lot to live for in his life and can't do it with a baby and bails? You have to think about the possibilities and the what ifs. You both are really young and have yet to experince fun and that comes at 21 even though you will experience the "real world" then. I admire your ambitions and morals about not wanting one just yet and being an honor roll student. It's amazing for you to think that at 15 and why would you want to throw it away by having a baby? A baby is a special thing and you need to think about it. He does to. A baby require a lot of responsibility, needs, and emotion. Would you and him be willing to drop everything you have going for both of you to handle a baby? I advise you sit and talk to him. Tell him how you feel and that you have plans before becomming a mother. Tell him you want to finish high school and go to college. Get more money, more financial stable and better your relationship with each other before you have another innocent life at risk. After all you are 15 and you have a lot more time to think about having a baby. Besides, its a big step in everyone's life. Good luck!

2007-01-17 13:50:51 · answer #1 · answered by ~M*a*N*d*Y~ 3 · 0 0

At 15 I honestly doubt you could possibly be emotionally and financially stable enough to have a child. You really need to take some time and grow up and mature before even thinking of having a child. You are 15, there is so much you have yet to experience and your life is practially only beginning. What about college? It would be incredibly selfish to bring a child into the world when you are at such a young age. If he is this insistant, you should probably look at whether or not you should stay together.

Just read in your other post that you are secretly taking birth control pills. Sounds like there is a lot lacking from your relationship, starting with trust, that needs to be addressed too.

2007-01-17 21:44:03 · answer #2 · answered by It'sJustMe 4 · 0 0

You should definitely NOT have a baby right now. I am afraid that you are going to have to disappoint him on this right now. Do not feel pressured into having a child this young.... even though I know that you love the guy. You are so young and you are right... having a baby at 15 will definitely interfere with your schooling. It's one thing for him to want a baby and it's another thing for him to see it through to the end. I would wait until you are both a little older and married. Tell him that you love him and you want to make him happy and you also want to have a child with him... but not yet. And that you hope that he'll understand and support your decision. Tell him that you both came from difficult situations growing up and you want nothing more than to provide a stable family for your child. You want to finish school, have the means to completely support yourself, and you want to be married (and be married for at least a few years before bring a child into the situation). If he doesn't understand you might lose him... and I know that would be hard, but trust me... you'll get over it. He could say he wants a baby... and then you have one and three years from now he decides to break up with you...see's the kid once or twice a month and you're stuck raising it all the time. You might say that this would never happen... but you NEVER know.

Listen to your gut. Get on the Depo-shot.

2007-01-17 21:38:02 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

With all you have said, the most important words you wrote are " I want kids but not when I am 15". You don't want kids right now and no matter how much your boyfriend does want them right now, this is about you and what you want. He needs to respect that. No child should be brought into this world unless they have both parents wanting them and being committed to raising them from conception right through life. Aside from being so incredibly young to be emancipated, living an adult life and having a relationship, the fact you are financially doing ok and doing well at school shows you are mature - mature enough to know that you need to finish school, go to college and live a little before you bring a child into this world. You have plenty of time for children - both of you, so slow down and wait a while.

2007-01-17 21:59:42 · answer #4 · answered by kfraserseeto 2 · 0 0

Well, it is ultimately your call, I think you may want to wait, because you are still so young. Babies are great I have two! but they are a lot of work, and they require a lot of attention, being only 15 and 16, although you seem very mature for your age, you still have a lot of growing up to do, and I don't mean that in a condesending way, I mean you really do have so much to experience in life, hey, I'm 25 and I am still growing up! I recomend waiting, and maybe sitting down and chatting with your bf about the situation. You need to both be on the same wave length, tell him you'd LOVE to be a mother to his children, but you really want to finish school first, so you can get an awsome job, and be the best parent you can be. I'm not saying that you need college to be a good parent, but its always nice to be able to have some schooling behind you. You are still young, I think you should enjoy it! hope you find the answer you are looking for! Good Luck to you both!

2007-01-17 21:39:16 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

That is the most rediculous thing I have ever heard! If you think you are emotionally ready to have a baby, then you don't know what it means to be a parent; which isn't surprising if neither of you really have parents anymore.

Your boyfriend does not really want a baby, he's lonely, looking for someone to love him, probably missing the "family" a 16 year old boy needs. He wants a baby for very selfish reasons.

Both of you need to concentrate on your school work. Go to university and get a degree, start your career. Honour students, that's great, lucky you; why waste that?

Trust me, your boyfriend wants a cuddly little baby that will love him. Babies are not about what they can give you, it's about what you can give them! How does your boyfriend feel about a cranky 2 year old that throws tantrums in the mall, throws his food all over the floor, keeps you up all night when you have to go to work in the morning?

2007-01-17 22:04:47 · answer #6 · answered by who-wants-to-know 6 · 0 0

Please don't have a baby right now. You're too young. You need to live your life and have fun before thinking of having kids. If you're an honor student then keep your mind on school and go to college. If you have kids right now you'll screw that up. I know so many people who had kids when they were young like you and now all of them regret it, they all think that they should of waited. I read the question that your boyfriend wrote and i really think he's a loser. He sounds to me like he'll turn out abusive or once you get pregnant he'll leave you. All of those names he called you and when he said that you need to do what you're told is no good. I know you think that you love him but he'll just get worse. If i were you I'd dump him because i think that you can do better then that piece of crap.
Good Luck. I wish you the best.

2007-01-18 20:52:37 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You SHOULD stop h aving sex and you SHOULD dump your boyfriend. You are WAAAAYYY to young for kids. You are way to young for sex, but I'm not going to harp on that. I don't care what silly little girl emotions you have to this boy, but they are not good. He is trying to trap and control you. By having a baby, you give up everything. and I do mena everything, your free time, your party time, your sleep, you eating, everything. You won't even fit in most of the cloths you are wearing now because your body will change so much.

You tell him no you do NOT want a baby this young, and if he DOES want a baby, he better be able to provide you with a ring, a fancy wedding and a nice house with lots of money so you can stay at home wiht your child. if he doesn't wanna be man enough, then you take your emancipated rear end out of that house and go live with grandma untill you are old enough to live out on your own. (i know your emanipated, but that doesn't mean crap, your mentally not ready for the real world) save your money and save yourself a heartbreak when he figures out he's not ready for a kid and your in labor....

2007-01-17 21:50:05 · answer #8 · answered by Pandora 6 · 0 1

hi there, i was a teen parent myself. I was a senoir in high school when I got pregnant for my oldest child and it was planned. I was already living on my own with my boyfriend too. I cant tell you its not an easy thing. I ended up failing one class and couldn't go to summer school to still graduate with my class because i had morning sickness so bad that I just could do it. I had to go back the next year for one class a morning just to get my diploma. I never got to go to my own gradutation or anything. I would not do it if I was you. If he really loves you he would understand this. You really need to think about your education because once you become a parent it is a lifetime thing and even after school you have to support that person and if you dont have an education under your belt how will you support this child? you really cant do it now a days on minimum paying jobs. hope this helps you out with your decision.

2007-01-17 21:37:42 · answer #9 · answered by Nikki 1 · 2 0

You are both too young to even be thinking about babies..you are still babies yourself. In fact, I think you are too young to even know what love is....

I would tell him your not ready, you want to finish school, maybe go to college and get a career before starting a family. You should also wait until you are married...see what he thinks about that....

I think if you were to have a baby now, it would be cruel. I"m sure you wouldn't be able to provide for the child the way the child deserves to be cared for...especially if you need to get money from your grandparents for rent....

At age 16, you can't possibly be emotionally stabel enough to care for a child...it's not all fun and games like it seems to be!

2007-01-17 22:09:08 · answer #10 · answered by Newmomofone 3 · 0 0

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