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25 answers

I am glad they have gravity in schools or the kids would be falling off the playground

2007-01-17 12:25:04 · answer #1 · answered by Peace 7 · 2 0

Well, gravity is a physical law, geometry is a mathematical language, and the evolutionary theory isn't wrong just because it has the word "theory" in the name. Why do Creationists believe that? I'm a licensed teacher, and I can tell you this much: if I walked into a science/biology classroom and saw that evolution wasn't being discussed at all, I'd be irate.

Teaching ABOUT something isn't the same as teaching IT. Science classrooms teach about evolution as a theory to explain the development of complex life. That's all. The scientific theory (from which evolution has been derived) goes something like this: something is happening / maybe this is why / let's investigate and see if that's true / conclusions / repeat. All the evidence that anthropologists, historians, archaeologists and biologists have unconvered point towards evolution. If it doesn't, there's an agenda.

Of course it's not perfect. The evolutionary theory isn't going to be perfect, as there are always those X factors that may not be immediately explained in research. The people who want to "expose" evolution as an atheist, Communist, leftist conspiracy to get God out of the public school system are merely reactionary and ignorant of the truth about evolution.

So, gravity, geometry and evolution should all be in the public schools. So should philosophy, music and art. The more we know about the world, the better our chances of survival. If we're the fittest, that is.


2007-01-17 12:39:51 · answer #2 · answered by Curio 2 · 0 0

I have no problem with teaching science to students. An emphasis on evolution, however, should be avoided to allow for religious beliefs. Give the students reference materials for extra credit. All the hub-bub from the students being offended by the teachings of evolution are usually just delay tactics. Derailing the class and getting attention is the name of the game.
The real problem with the public school system, is the social scene that has put education on the back burner.


2007-01-17 12:56:05 · answer #3 · answered by illuminostic_1 3 · 0 0

Each in and of themselves are true, factual things. But their theories within may not be and shouldnt be taught as fact nor the only option. Gravity is a fact and it is law, but the theory used to be that we were pushed to earth by atmospheric pressure, now we are taught we are held to the earth by force. The hummingbird and bumblebee are said to "defy the laws of gravity" they don't, we just dont understand gravity as much as we think

As far as evolution goes, there is no doubt that things change over time and no one refutes it, But man having been an ape at one point and birds having been lizards at one point, is theory and has no hard evidence. These things shouldnt be taught as factual. Time lines shouldnt be taught as factual either since scientists change the time lines pretty often.

I dont mind public schools teaching that things change over time. But when it comes down to micro evolution which doesnt have proof it should be taught as "some believe that......" and also give options like "also some believe that there is a Creator" and "Some believe that beings on other planets brought life to Earth..." and so on.

2007-01-17 12:32:17 · answer #4 · answered by impossble_dream 6 · 0 0

Well our public school system is a failure most kid lack an education after they graduate. Gravity, and Geometry are two subject they fail at, they build theses kids up for a failure and they don't explain how gravity works so when they come crashing down they are like what the hell. I say close all the public schools and if you can not afford to pay your kids way through school don't have any.

2007-01-17 12:30:33 · answer #5 · answered by man of ape 6 · 0 0

Geometry is cool, gravity should only be presented as a phenomena that can be measured but so far not well understood, and evolution should be presented as it is, one of those old scientific theories that have been shown to be in error.

http://www.buzzardhut.net/Crunch/ TABLE OF CONTENTS

Introduction: Scientists Speak about Evolution Statements by Non-Creationist Scientists

1 History of Evolutionary Theory How modern science got into this problem.

2 Big Bang and Stellar Evolution Why the Big Bang is a fizzle and stars cannot evolve out of gas.

3 Origin of the Earth Why the Earth did not evolve out of a molten state.

4 Age of the Earth Why the Earth is not millions of years old.

5 Problem of Time Why long ages cannot produce evolutionary change.

6 Inaccurate Dating Methods Why the non-historical dating techniques are unreliable.

7 Primitive Environment Why raw materials on earth cannot produce life.

8 DNA and Protein Why DNA and protein could not be produced by random chance.

9 Natural Selection Why natural selection only makes changes within species.

10 Mutations Why mutations cannot produce cross-species change.

11 Animal and Plant Species Why the species barrier cannot be broken.

12 Fossils and Strata Why the fossil/strata theory is a hoax.

13 Ancient Man Why there is no evidence humans have evolved from anything.

14 Effects of the Flood What actually happened after the Flood.

15 Similarities and Divergence Why similar structures are not an evidence of evolution.

16 Vestiges and Recapitulation No useless or unnecessary structures inherited from earlier life-forms.

17 Evolutionary Showcase The best examples of evolution have proven worthless.

18 Laws of Nature The laws of nature oppose Evolutionary theories.

19 Evolution, Morality, and Violence Evolutionary theory is ruining modern civilization.

20 Tectonics and Paleomagnetism The truth about Plate Tectonics and Paleomagnetism.

21 Archaeological Dating Egyptian, and other dates, Correlate Archaeological finds with the Bible.

22 Evolutionary Science Fiction Adult Fairy Tales only children could believe.

23 Scientists Speak Evolutionary Scientists say Evolution is Unscientific and Useless.

24 Utterly Impossible Things Evolution could never invent.

2007-01-17 12:28:07 · answer #6 · answered by Martin S 7 · 1 2

All these years, and they've never been able to reconcile that theory with other important aspects of science. Of course I'm referring to the theory of gravity, which still hasn't quite meshed coherently with quantum theory. I'm sure there must be something in some holy book that explains it. It's probably just been overlooked in Genesis.

As to geometry, I've always been suspicious of people who can casually say that an unmeasured trisection of an angle is impossible. Obviously these people lack faith. And anyone who admits that some numbers are inherently irrational, is just denying the basic tenets of free will. Numbers have a choice.

I don't even consider it appropriate to go on at length about the "e" word. According to my calculations and extrapolations based on Genesis, man came into existence in his present form at 6:52 P.M. on the 6th day.

2007-01-17 12:36:57 · answer #7 · answered by JAT 6 · 1 0

Regardless of what your religious beliefs are, the simple fact is that the classroom is a place for academic learning. Regardless of what your beliefs are, it's important that our children understand the currently accepted theories and know where they come from.

Most Christians don't agree with evolution. However, it's one of the backbones of modern biology and is based on a lot of well supported science. The Lord may come down from heaven next week and invalidate the entire theory, but until that happens, the SCIENTIFIC evidence supports evolution, so it's important for our children to understand it.

We may believe in the Bible, but we have to accept that scientific evidence paints a different picture. It doesn't make belief in Christ wrong, it just means that the evidence which has been discovered thus far doesn't necessarily support it. It's important that our children understand this distinction.

It's also unreasonable to teach our children "alternative" theories unless they, like evolution, have strong evidence to support them. The intelligent design fiasco is a perfect example of why we need to let teachers teach and not try to warp reality to fit the image we think it should base on our interpretations of the scripture. While intelligent design was convenient in that it supported Genesis, the simple fact was that it was based on bad science. We can't allow our children to be taught lies just because it's easier. The path to enlightenment is long and hard and only by stringent honestly to ourselves, can we ever hope to truly understand the world around us.

We have to teach our children to understand the process of evaluating evidence and theorizing based on that evidence. Even if it leads them to conclusions which we don't like. We need to trust them to decide for themselves how to interpret and understand the scriptures and how to live their lives based on that.

If we hide information from our children or deliberately feed them incorrect information to keep them believing in the Lord, then their beliefs will always be built on lies and misinformation. Only when our children know the marvelous realities of how the world works but still cast an eye to God, can they have true belief.

2007-01-17 12:32:30 · answer #8 · answered by crunchy_mush 2 · 1 0

how do you mean? All of these things are vital to a well rounded education. The only one that is controversial is evolution. Gravity and geometry are pretty standard. As far as evolution it needs to be taught as well. All scientific theories should be.

2007-01-17 12:23:48 · answer #9 · answered by Chrissy 7 · 3 1

Last time I looked the kids were evolving just fine. None of them were floating away so I think that the gravity was working and the boys all seemed to be very interested in the feminine geometry.

Love and blessings Don

2007-01-17 12:24:30 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

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