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41 answers

By far. Unlike the Biblical tale, there is solid evidence: direct observation, the fossil record, genetic markers, varves, dating techniques, and more.

The Bible just says: "Here's how it was. Trust me." This from a book that also features talking animals and mass murder being hailed as a good thing.

2007-01-17 11:40:58 · answer #1 · answered by Scott M 7 · 4 7

No it certainly is NOT!, just look at the universe and see have you ever looked at the universe and noted how orderly the planets move around their own suns and galaxies there is no disorder, or kaos, among them, but day by day week by week year by year these heavenly bodies keep to such an orderly fashion, that it, can be calculated, as to where exactky they will be, at a certain time, so, that mankind has, been, able to go out into space and by the laws of the universearive at the place where they wanted to go, and observe certain facets of the universe. I'm sorry but I have to disagree with you, because, I cannot agree that what, you say, about the Bible, is not only, untrue, but also very unfair because there is no way, that anything else than what the Bible says can be more accurate or logical! And certainly the theories of men are not above tha facts of God' existence, and his word the Bible, theBible prophecies all have been 100% accurate, and everything contained in the Bible, has com to pass,and still is coming to pass to this day,and beyond! The Bible , besides exposing not evolution theory, and the fossil record, confirms, not evolution as some have charged,but it confirms the Genesis account, which says that God created every living thing according to it's kind. (Genesis1:12,25) Not only that but the Bible answers many many questions that mankind keeps asking even today those questions are asked over and over again and even here on YA! Questions like why do humans die and get sick?What is our purpose or why are we here?What happens when we die?why does God permit wickedness? What kind of place is hell? how can we identify the true religion? Who is leading this system of things? And, What must we do to receive everlasting life, it has many answers even ones that scientists cannot explain like. they do not understand why we grow old and die. and when you look into the world with all it's woes,you may ask did God intend the world to be like this? These questions and many many more are all answered in the Bible, but evolution does not answer any of them! Yet there are some who say that evolution is more lgical, but would that not be themore logical to them because they like the idea because this idea would mean for them not to be answerable to God? But does it really?Well (2Thessalonians1:8) says otherwise,it says there that God will take vengence on those who do not know him and those that do not obey him, now you might feel that this is unfair. But is it really? God has soundes a warning to the whole world, he is not bringing about somethjing unfair on humans. No he made sure that the warning has been sounded long before the time runs out he has sent his followers to sound this warning, and although the warning has been sounded and still is being sounded, people scoff and laugh at it many don't even believe that the fulfillmen t of this warning or the last day will be in their lifetime!They even think that not knowing God will exuse them from acountability to God, so they refuse to heed it by not even listening and refusing to even hear it because the wish to not believe.And therefore they are setting themselves up, tofare badly and for not being able to get excused! It truly is just like in the days of Noah people laughed and scoffed at Noah and his family wen they sounded the warning that God comissioned Noah and his family to sound, right untill the last minute just before Jehovah sealed the door on the Ark and the flood came and swept them all away the Bible says that the end days of our time will be just the same as in Noah's day and it truly is there are many scoffing and laughing ridiculing, and believing that it will not come and even not in their lifetime! But it has, to, come, in someones lifetime! so how do they know it's not in theirs?(Zephaniah1:14)It surely is time now, to submit to God ,and make sure it is the true God Jehovah, and not the God of this system of things who is misleading the whole inhabited earth (2Corrinthians4:4)(Zephaniah1:14)

2007-01-17 12:09:16 · answer #2 · answered by I speak Truth 6 · 0 0

Evolution is constantly being disproven. First they say we are evolved form fish, then that didn't work, so they switched to monkeys, they couldn't quite make that work, so now they just say we are decended from caveman and they try not to go back to the very beginning. If they do go back to the very beginning, they fail to be able to explain the first second of their evolution.
They try and attempt to do this by theorizing a "Big Bang"
However they cannot explain how this "Big Bang" came about since there was absolutely "Nothing" to begin with.
Now scientists have said "OOPS" carbon dating is not as accurate as once thought. Explaining evolution in a logical, convincing manner is sort of like trying to convince someone that OJ Simpson was innocent. No matter how well you defend your belief, everyone knows it's just smoke and mirrors.
Creationism is a fact and science will never be able to disprove it.
God Bless You....Peace.

2007-01-17 15:03:35 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The idea of species evolving seems more logical to me than a seven-day creation.

If there is a God the laws of physics was created by him. There is a logical, orderly way in which this universe functions. Science gives us an understanding of the way 'God' works.

It is certainly possible that humans evolved. And it is certainly more logical to me.

I'm not sure what creationists feel about ancient fossils/skeletons found that seems unlike our understanding of the human body/form today, though parallel.

2007-01-17 11:50:05 · answer #4 · answered by Thinking 'bout it 2 · 0 0

I wonder if there still some people how belives in the stupid Evolution theory which had been proved to be WRONG!!!!

It has been proved to be wrong in 4 fields:
1-it is Biologically wrong (based on Genetic Engineerig)
2-it is Mathematically wrong based on Discrete Math (binomial theories)
3-it is contardicts basic rules in biochemistry (molcual transformation basics)
4-it contradict the results of Modern physics in the context of the relativity relations between the Universe and the time sensed by humans (RLT theory :Relative Life Time )

2007-01-17 11:48:54 · answer #5 · answered by saab m 1 · 1 0

If someone told me I had to choose, I would say EVOLUTION. I think the idea of God creating the universe is ABSURD & I am offended to be in the same species as people who believe in this crap! BTW, I don't necessarily believe in evolution but I do believe in a scientifically provable creation of the universe. Here's a thought, what if the universe has always existed? It was never created... it's been there since before time... Humans are way to small and pathetic to ever understand just how immense everything is... that's why they created God to explains things they couldn't understand.

2007-01-17 11:59:52 · answer #6 · answered by God Fears Me 3 · 0 1

Depends on your point of view.

But to me, it seems much more logical that there was a hand guided by an intelligence that understands biology, physics and chemistry better than any of us ever have guiding what happened in creation then a bunch of random 1 in a 1000 chanches just happening to occur just right time after time to eventually end up with Man.

2007-01-17 11:44:03 · answer #7 · answered by Raising6Ducklings! 6 · 1 0

No, how would you explain the reasons we grow old and die? More so than this, why most of humanity seek a religious concept of their survival; other than a built in need to seek enlightenment on both spiritual and physical aspects of our surroundings? Now the dinosaurs could be a result of demonic interference such as Manicores or Pegasus... Or: Now God didn't have animals attacking one another till sin entered or after the flood itself.. Yet, Dinosaurs have been found to have the flesh of another dinosaurs... So go figure, at this point... (Shrug)

2007-01-17 11:54:33 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Oh sure, a big bang from nothingness creates everything is just so much more logical!

ChooseRea or whatever: As for evidence that we came from apes, sorry, doesn't exist. Theory only. Please look up the word "theory" in the dictionary. There is no evidence, hence the "theory of human evolution from apes".

2007-01-17 11:52:42 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Uh, no. Just thing logically. How can nothign explode? Would you explain that to me? How in the world can a rock become into a human? Evolution has been proven wrong long ago! I don't understand why people still believe in it. Maybe they just don't know the real things- how they are being lied too, or they're ignorant on purpose, because they don't what to accept the fact that someone is in charge.

2007-01-17 11:49:58 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

Well, there's as much logic in either. Mankind has a need to explain the unexplainable. Logically, based on the "knowledge" we have, yes evolution would be more logical. That doesn't make it correct, however. And as to the common statement, "something can't come from nothing" that's exactly what science intends to prove. The question is though, what did God come from? If He exists, He had to come from something because he couldn't come from nothing.

2007-01-17 11:44:09 · answer #11 · answered by Gray 6 · 1 2

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