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I have a serious question. I know many people want to wait for sex until marriage and many don't. Some believe that sex should be in a comitted relationship and some want it for fun.

I am not judging any of these people, I am not saying which idea is right or wrong. I just want to know why according to the bible is it wrong? What does the bible say about it? Are any reasons given or is it just wrong? (Not a question about why it's better to wait but why does the bible tell us to wait or what the bible says) I have already heard why people say its better to wait for someone you love. I just need to know the biblical reasons. I have never really heard why or any reasons behind it.

2007-01-17 11:26:13 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

16 answers

99% of the country would be going to Hell then.

2007-01-17 11:30:58 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 3

Well you have to remember in times that the bible was written when people married under the age of 20, so quite young. Sometimes as young as 13 years of age. So actually waiting for marriage was not a big deal. Plus it was easier because many times people didn't date around in those societies you had betrothed marriages that even the commoners had. Even Mary, Mother of Jesus was betrothed. So that's one reason it was written the bible. There's alot of old time-y laws and legalities written in the bible. And basically it was considered wrong for those reasons. However, times are different now and I think if the bible was written today it wouldn't have such laws. And really the bible doesn't discuss sex as much as a lot of conservative Christians would make you believe.

2007-01-17 19:34:53 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

from my standpoint, its commonsense. as a girl, i have a lot to lose. my self respect, my freedom if im pregnant, my health if i contract an std. but no matter what people says, most of all, i just feel bad if i sleep with someone and they dump me. if i get married first, then i dont feel so bad if they leave me later on because at least i did it the right way, i married before God and i really meant for the marriage to work out. if sex outside of marriage were meant to happen, people wouldnt be suffering from so many stds, unwanted pregnancies that they endure alone, and overall feelings of lowered self esteem. not that you cant have all those within a marrige, but its a lot less prevalent.

i am 22 and still waiting for the right person. doesnt mean i dont get tempted sometimes, but i make the choices that are best for me.

i think according to the Bible it's wrong because sex was made to be fostered by committment and love, as indicated by the sacred pact of marriage. if you think about it.... sex after marriage is better in so many ways than sex before marriage. it doesnt leave people guessing.

as to the person who said 99% of people are going to hell.. well thats not a good excuse. for the path to hell is broad but the path to heaven is narrow and few will find it. so essentially, yes he's right unless we truly commit ourselves to God, then something like that wouldn't happen in the first place.

2007-01-17 19:32:05 · answer #3 · answered by Justina 3 · 3 0

sex was created for a married man and woman. Without marriage, sex can cause many emotional , financial problems. the dad doesn't want to help the mother, etc. Marriage is a safer bet for starting a family.

GAL 5:19 The acts of the sinful nature are obvious: sexual immorality,
impurity and debauchery;

21 and envy; drunkenness, orgies, and the like. I warn you, as I did
before, that those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God.

EPH 5:3 But among you there must not be even a hint of sexual immorality,
or of any kind of impurity, or of greed, because these are improper for
God's holy people.

5 For of this you can be sure: No immoral, impure or greedy person--such a
man is an idolater--has any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and of

HEB 13:4 Marriage should be honored by all, and the marriage bed kept
pure, for God will judge the adulterer and all the sexually immoral.

2007-01-17 19:32:10 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

Really, the Bible doesn't explicitly deal with premarital sex other to say that if a guy pops a girl's cherry, then they should marry. In a tribal society where the average life expectancy was 40, there wasn't much time to fool around with casual sexual relationships, especially with very little available Birth Control.

My take? Have protected sex with the people you want to have sex with. I didn't when I was a young woman (because I was a Christian) and my "first time" was to a guy who date-raped me. I'll always regret that I wasn't able to have a meaningful "first time" with someone I actually cared about.

But that's just my opinion, and the opinion of a few other online Wiccan rape-survivors that I've talked to.

2007-01-17 19:33:59 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

ok. Let the GREAT AND POWERFUL *cough cough* uoy explain
The biblical canons (writers for god) were told by the pope
"Here is what your gonna do. I want men not to have sex before marriage, I want women to be on the bottom and taught not to like it but to do it only for procreation.Then I want Priests celibate and Homosexuality outlawed. Oh while your at it put something in their about killing witches. They drive me nuts"
So the edicts of "Courtly love" were adopted everyone from priest to prostitute suffered and gays were treated badly.
Now then. Views on Priestly marriage broke up the church and Protestant churches started. The church of England said. sex is okay. so...Puritans that believed purely in Courtly love got verrrrrry mad and when they could, as fast as they could, they moved to the new world. Then the Puritans set up a twisted new church called Evangelical Christians. Spooky Eh?
A time table.
1250 ad church controls sex.
1300ad church controls more sex
1400ad Church instills Courtly love
1500ad Puritans move to America
Then it all goes weird.
Hope this helps. I need a Valium.

2007-01-17 19:46:36 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

"This is what God wills, the sanctifying of you, that you abstain from fornication" -1 Thess. 4 3

"No fornicator or unclean person or greedy person- which means being and idolater- has any inheritence in the Kingdom of Christ and of God" -Eph. 5:5

This is how the dictionary sites the definition of the word 'fornication' http://encarta.msn.com/dictionary_1861613085/fornication.html

And everything that Justina said. Even if I didn't believe in the bible I would wait for marriage for those reasons (about self respect and all that).

2007-01-17 19:37:23 · answer #7 · answered by Μαcαbrε Mαidεη 2 · 0 0

ok. God created sex to be between a husband and wife and God has specifically created each man for a certain woman (unless you are called to be single) and as a married couple those are the people who are supposed to have sex with one another. Adultery is sex with someone you aren't married to and Proverbs 5, 6:20-35, and 7 speak against adultery. There are other reasons but i really don't feel like looking them up, if you want to know email me

2007-01-17 19:35:34 · answer #8 · answered by Mud 3 · 0 1

In Genesis chapter2 verse 24 we read: Therefore shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall cleave unto his wife and they shall be one flesh. How do they become one flesh? physically through their children, but they also become one in Spirit through the act of "cleaving"(sexual interaction .mentally,and shared goals and belief's). now if you are having sex outside of marriage you are joining and intermingling in spirit and desire with whoever you are sleeping with, and let me tell you there are some bad spirits getting passed around in our anything goes society.GOD never gave us anything or told us anything to hurt us, rather it is for our good that these restrictions are put in place. that we might enjoy the full blessings of a committed relationship. some people ask how much baggage are you bringing to a relationship. If you are sleeping around ,you're problably bringing a whole lot more than you realize. this subject gets real deep . but as i said it is for your good and the good of society as a whole if you save your self for that very special "soulmate".

2007-01-17 20:00:16 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Let's pretend we all just became the age of understanding and accountability to make this point.

God's law about keeping the "Temple" or our souls pure starts there and I feel temptation to violate that law is of Satan's temptations to destroy the pureness of being celibate until marriage.

Good news is, Jesus forgives!

2007-01-17 19:36:14 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

1 Cor. 6:13 - "The body is not meant for sexual immorality, but for the Lord, and the Lord for the body." Paul wrote this in regard to sex outside of marriage. He believed that sex was for marriage only and this was at least one reason.

2007-01-17 19:32:14 · answer #11 · answered by Weird Darryl 6 · 1 2

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