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Can't get girl i like. Constantly trying to look good or "Sexy" and failing. Constantly trying to get into parties, rarely invited. Not doing well in school. Social life is "ok" but family is slowly falling apart. There isnt a bright side. Grandad died on january 2006, dog died in march 2006. Since then my life has dropped into a hole of nothing. Dont want a NORMAL LIFE. Cant focus in school, can focus out of school. Im in HIGHER EDUCATION and if i dont find a solution, it could be the end of my life. I feel a loser being so egocentric, adds to the pain. Im not emo, or do i agree with bodily harm but my future looks grim..

Whats my final options? Drop out of school, get a job, live alone... my exsistance is worthless?

2007-01-17 09:58:18 · 20 answers · asked by oran_0281 1 in Health Mental Health

20 answers

I am sorry that you are feeling to bad.

I think that you need to seek some help and tell someone that you trust how you really feel. YOU Can and will feel better with getting help.

Personally I would suggest that you don't worry as much about social status and such. Focus in your education.. THAT is what is going to get you far in life, all the rest will fall into place.

Please get some help, you don't have to suffer by yourself. Their are so many good people that will be willing to help you.

2007-01-17 12:50:25 · answer #1 · answered by Heather 5 · 0 0

You are 16 years old, don't worry about girls or looking sexy, or parties.
Work on school work, join some clubs, meet and make some new friends. You need some new friends and changes in your life to make you feel better and begin the new you. The rest of the things will follow, don't try, just be yourself. Work on developing friendships, forget about the boy - girl thing. My son was friends for 3 years with his 1st girl friend before they became bf-gf.

Your existence is not worthless, go to school and talk with the psychologist, it sounds like you may be depressed. Talking about the way you feel with a real living person will probably help a lot. You have got time to pull your grades out of the basement and get into a decent college.

2007-01-17 10:12:10 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You're depressed. Talk to a professional.

Talk to the girl you like; if she doesn't like you, find a different one. Looking good doesn't matter to the good ones, as long as you're not outright ugly. Chances are you're not outright ugly. Find some different parties, maybe throw one yourself. Talk to family. Even if there's no bright side, there's bound to be at least a speck of brightness. That was a year ago, that was almost a year ago. You have many more years to go; it's bound to bounce back out of any black hole it falls into. What's wrong with a normal life? Talk to a teacher. If others call you egocentric, you can feel bad about it. Most of your life is in the future; it's not too late to get your life in order until you're an old guy.

Or commit suicide, if you don't want your life to ever get back in order, and you want to hurt your family and friends. You don't want to do that, do you? You're certainly worth something to somebody--please don't take that something away.

And remember that "don't give up, always look on the bright side, you can do anything you want" stuff they teach to kids? There's some truth to that: if you focus on your goals, you'll probably achieve at least one of them sooner or later. If you set no goals, you will achieve none, so set some!

2007-01-17 10:10:36 · answer #3 · answered by Steven F 2 · 1 0

We all have tough times. I was in a car accident where my sister died, my boyfriend commited suicide and I found him, I lost my job and gained weight. I also suffer from depression. Am I using all of that for a reason to quit life, no. I even stayed sober through it all.

You are trying so hard to be someone else when God purposely made you different so that you would stand out. I think being eccentric is a great quality, it means you aren't conforming to other people's expectations. You need to figure out what it is you want in life and then go for it no matter how long it takes you to get there. I went back to college at the age of 35 and now I have three different degrees.

I would do whatever it is you can to make yourself happy and education is really important and I think you should stick with that for now. What you are feeling right now is something we all feel. We all worry about our lives, if we are making the right choices, why aren't we meeting the right person. What I think that answer is, is that we don't get everything we want in life at the same time. We get things in spurts. Just remember that you are sixteen and that there's alot of chemicals in your brain that are developing and changing at this age and that you just have to ride it through.

2007-01-17 10:10:43 · answer #4 · answered by Serinity4u2find 6 · 0 0

High school sux you gotta fit into a certain click or else your a nobody. I just graduated last year and I know how you feel! You feel your a nobody and your life is worthless. I got a job and didn't feel that way anymore... You make friends, have fun if you pick the right place and earn money! Once you graduate and go to college. It's not like that at all!! No one makes fun of you and they accept you for who you are. FINALLY!! You don't have to wear certain clothes and you can be you. stick in there things are gonna get so much better it will be crazy!

2007-01-17 10:14:33 · answer #5 · answered by redteggy 2 · 0 0

There are always better options. You obviously need to seek professional help because you are in a bad place right now psychologically. It sounds like a combination of feeling unaccepted, multiple deaths in the family and other family issues have affected your mood and outlook on life. You are just beginning your life so don't give up because even if it sounds ridiculous, you still haven't approached some of the best years of your life...

2007-01-17 11:43:26 · answer #6 · answered by Cute But Evil 5 · 0 0

Please see the guidance counselor at school. You need to talk to someone. You have had a lot of things happening lately and it is like the straw that broke the camels back. But things can and will get better. You made a first move in coming to us. Stay in school sweety you are very bright, You life has worth! Please remember that even thou you may not think that way now.I would never ever tell you how you should or should not think these are your thoughts but talking to the guidance counselor will help and if he/she can't help I am sure this person can refer you to someone who can help. Best of wishes and good luck.

2007-01-17 10:39:54 · answer #7 · answered by Pamela V 7 · 0 0

We all hit rough patches. And you have every right to feel down, but just look at it this way.

There is life after highschool. Remember that.

I'm not suprised one bit that you can't focus in school. You've had a hell of a lot happen in your life in a short period of time.
Have you been bottling all this up inside of you?

Im going to give you a phone number, its the "Kids Help Phone"
(Trust me, I've called it numerous times and end up bawling my eyes out about how much school blows and how stressed I am about going into university.)
They're very understanding! They listen listen listen and then they talk. They give you simple answers, they're not there to critisize you, they're there to listen and give support.


The number is - 1-800-668-6868
It's toll free, and I promise they won't get mad or call the police.

You're not worthless, I think you need to talk to someone. Let it all out, tell someone how crappy you feel, how much you wish it was all over with. They'll listen, and you'll feel a lot better. Rant as much as you wish, I encourage it! Just go for it. Let it out.

It's completley secret too. They won't ask your name unless you'd like to give it to them. They won't ask your phone number, or where you live. Like I said, they're there to listen!!

Give it a thought ok?

2007-01-17 10:11:50 · answer #8 · answered by Kipper to the CUP! 6 · 0 0

No. Get help. Go to your school's office and talk to someone who will listen; they can possibly get you a therapist through the school, mine did. It's not wrong to be egocentric at 16. It's a crucial time of self-identification and assessment of your life as a whole.
I'm 17, so I'd know.

2007-01-17 10:12:15 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Death is not the answer. I recommend that you stay in school study and focus on learning and obtaining an eduaction, so you can make something of your life. And as for your love life, most people cannot get the person they like. Always stay positive. It will get you through the worst of times.

2007-01-17 10:20:47 · answer #10 · answered by Dr. Nick 6 · 1 0

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