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and don't say the bible or something like that
i mean solid proof undeniable proof

2007-01-17 09:50:56 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

20 answers

nope. no proof exists.

anyone that claims otherwise is a liar and a fraud.

2007-01-17 09:54:23 · answer #1 · answered by jen1981everett 4 · 4 4

It depends on what you see as undeniable. I'll give you proof, although, judging from your nickname, I'm not sure if you'll be convinced. Do you consider proof scientific knowledge that could not have been known in the past except by God? If not, dont waste your time reading. But if the answer is yes, then I will show you a scientific truth that is contained in the Qu'ran which we believe was revealed by God (I know you dont like the sound of this).

“The Byzantines have been defeated in the LOWEST PART OF THE EARTH. They will reverse their defeat with a victory in a few years’ time – God is in command, first and last.” 30:2-5

In the year 615 CE, the Roman army was defeated by the Persians. Regarding this event, God revealed in the Qur’an the verse mentioned above. The words of God proved to be true as the Persians were defeated at the battle of Issus, seven years later in 622 CE. If Muhammad PBUH wrote the Qur’an, he could not have known that the Romans would be victorious later. One could say he just guessed or that the Qur'an was altered after the Persians were defeated - as would be expected from non-Muslims. However, how was Muhammad PBUH able to know that the ‘lowest land’, at which the battle was fought, was literally that? The battle in 615 CE was fought on the shores of the Dead Sea, the lowest point below sea level on earth at 1,300 feet. You might say the Qur'an was altered later, but the oldest full copy of the Qur'an we have dates to 12 years after the Prophet's death, which is still a long time before people discovering this fact.

Did he explore the entire earth, or did he have hidden satellites that we do not know of? There is no way of refuting this proof, if you can, please tell me how. It is the abundance of such specifically worded truths (some are more explicit than others) - which are around 25 - that proves that the Qur'an came from God i.e. because it contains divine knowledge. The probability of these 25 truths being guesses is less than 1 in a 10 million chance (assuming Muhammad PBUH had a 50% chance of guessing something right or wrong).

Peace be with you.

2007-01-17 13:07:46 · answer #2 · answered by MizuBunshin 3 · 0 0

One time, Isaac Newton made a model of the solar system, and his atheist friend came to visit him, when he saw the model he said: "Very nice, did you make it?" Isaac said: "No, it appeared by itself, this morning when i woke up, it was there". His friend replied: "Come on, somebody had to made it."Isaac said: "No, it appeared by itself". then his friend said: "Do you think am i a fool?" Isaac answered: "Yes, you are a complete fool, this one, that is only a toy you do not believe that appeared by itself, but the real one, this whole Universe, you do".
The computer is a complicated machine, and there is a brain behind who design it. This Universe is a big complicated machine and there is a big brain behind who design it, otherwise how is that is working so perfectly?, who keep the Earth spinning at the same speed and floating for billions of years? Gravity? where gravity came from? if there is energy it has to be energetic, if someone throw a rock to you and you don not see him around, you will look for the perpetrator, the rock do not levitated by it self and speed toward you.
God exists, there are many proofs. If you cannot understand, what can be done?
As long you keep challenging, you can not understand and will not accept the existence of God, even if He were in from of you.
Nobody can force you to love someone if you do not want to.

2007-01-17 16:09:12 · answer #3 · answered by ? 7 · 0 0

God Himself offers "proof"; prophetic utterances in the Bible; fulfillment in history.

You refuse to accept what God has said in His Word.

God has even sworn an oath; He has sworn by Himself for there is none greater by which He might swear and oath.

You want some "deeper thinking" than what God has done and provided?

There is "subjective proof": To those who KNOW God , no proof is needed. To those who know Him not , no proof is possible.

You want "objective proof"; but just what sort of "objective proof"?

So, WHAT KIND of proof?

legal proof?
philosophical proof?
historical proof?
documentary evidence/proof?
empirical proof?
cosmological evidence/proof?
teleological evidence/proof?
ontological evidence/proof?
anecdotal evidence/proof?
scientific evidence/proof?
mathematical proof?

What about your brain. If you think that you have a brain, prove it. You can't see it, but you know that you have a brain. Same concept.

Four ways.

1. Look at a large model of the eye

2. Look at a large model of a cell

If you can look at these modelsand say this was all by accident; go to explanations #3 and 4.

3. If the Earth was 5% closer or farther away from the sun we would burn up or we would freeze.

4 Read "The Biology Of Belief" Dr. Bruce Lipton.


2007-01-17 13:31:52 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

there is actual information of a God that exists or existed. That information is us. Now seem at it this style: we are right here, alive and respiration. some variety of life source had to of created our life rigidity. in spite of if God is a potential in area or another being, he does exist. human beings like % to declare it exchange into the vast bang that created each thing. yet how approximately this: What if the vast bang exchange into God? easy rely and dark rely colliding, might reason the creation of each thing. besides the undeniable fact that it is going previous our comprehension. life can not come from something that would not encompass life. If there exchange into no life, then there could be no life. Our physique is made out of potential and that's what God is made out of. it is how we are in his photograph. that must be how he's with all and sundry in any respect time. as quickly as we die, our soul (potential) can not die. It ought to the two bypass into yet another life (Reincarnation) or returned to the main significant source. potential ought to proceed to be shifting because of the fact lifeless products do not comprise potential.

2016-10-31 09:32:48 · answer #5 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

You wont get an answer either way... because NOBODY has undeniable proof that god/s do or do not exist. The question is inherently unprovable with our current level of understanding, science and technology.

2007-01-17 09:55:43 · answer #6 · answered by Kelly + Eternal Universal Energy 7 · 0 1

No, I can't give you solid proof. Everyone has their own choice to believe or not to believe. I don't understand why it always has to be a big debate. It's kinda like the wind, you don't see it, but you can feel it.

2007-01-17 10:17:54 · answer #7 · answered by ♥ Zoey ♥ 7 · 0 0

yes! I can you can feel and see god every where! In the beautiful sunrises that we have, the awesome days we get up and look out the windows and see beautiful snow every where! when you kids come home from school and hug you and say you are the best dad in the whole world! that beautiful day when you see you kids graduate from a university and sign a contract with a multi-million dollar company! That feeling you get when you realize that the Creator of heaven and earth loves you and knows YOUR name personally! the feeling you get when you here the words God sent His one and only son to earth to for one teach those who did not know god and bring them closer and then to suffer horrible blasphemy and torcher and to die the most unthinkable death remember, (Gods only son) just for us, Mear humans that he could wipe us out just as easy as think about it; for our sins so that we could be saved and know his love and the truth about our existence! he loves you more than you'll ever know! including if your saved and go to heaven and actually get to gaze upon his face! that must be the greatest thing of all! it would be worth an entire life of servitude just for that moment! even if it was only for a few moments and never again.

2007-01-17 10:05:42 · answer #8 · answered by a_word_of_praise 2 · 1 1

Dude.....What kinda question is that?

The ground you walk on, the air you breath, the fact that you wake up every morning, is God.
But not only that, but also that he has been merciful, and that he is waiting for you. He wants you to believe in the impossible, so that you can have the impossible.

Faith the size of a mustard seed can move mountains

2007-01-17 10:00:57 · answer #9 · answered by zay 1 · 1 1

Please read my words carefully:
If you see footmark in the sand, you'll say that someone passed from here...
If you see a piece of dog sh*t on the ground, you'll say that a dog passed from here...
So what about the enormous universe, the sky, stars, planets, earth and all the beauty in it, doesn't it lead to that someone made it?!!!

Some people say that everything is created by itself after the big-bang... I won't ask you about what caused the big-bang, but I'll ask you a simple question:
If you take all the letters of the alphabet, multiples of them, and you threw them randomly on the floor. Do you expect (by a chance of one in infinity) to get a poem like shakespear's??!!

Can't you see how organized our universe is, the planets, the eco-system on earth, look even in your own body... Can you control your heart-beat? Can you control your breath while you're sleeping? Who stopped your eye-lashes from growing after reaching a certain length? Who told the baby turtles to move towards the sea and not to the earth after they come out of their eggs? Who taught the bird how to make nests?

My friend, think with your heart and brain. If you're still lost, think about the following:

Do you know how to play safe?
Your point:
If there's no God and you do all what you want in life, then nothing will happen to you after life. But if there was God and you were mistaken, then you'll blame yourself FOREVER...

Believer's point:
If there's God and I followed His commands in life, then I'll be in Heaven after life FOREVER. But if there was no God and we're mistaken, then nothing bad will happen to us after life...

Now you know how to play-safe, in case you're not convinced?

2007-01-17 16:41:14 · answer #10 · answered by toon 5 · 0 0

Any "proof" for the Judeo-Christian deity would also be "proof" for a myriad of other deities.

2007-01-17 10:00:13 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

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