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it seems like almost every person who asks a hunting or gun related question gets harrassed for "killing innocent animals." why do people care so much? its not like telling someone they shouldn't hunt is actually gona make them suddenly stop hunting. i don't go to your vegitarian questions and say your going to die of diseases caused by difeciencys in your diet. the truth is, animals that are hunted are much better off than those that are raised in a cage, awaiting their death. hunting also prevents overpopulation, which would cause many more animals to die slowly or starvation or disease. if you don't believe that, ask any biologist who studys ecosystems.
people who just dont like guns: what are you planning to protect your family with when someone breaks into your house, or osama invades our country?
people are just simply ment to eat meat, look at your teeth.

please stop harrassing people with your ignorance.

2007-01-17 09:33:00 · 22 answers · asked by createdtodestry 2 in Sports Outdoor Recreation Hunting

i also want to point out that i am not a "red neck." theres nothing wrong with them, i live in ohio, so i know a few, but just because i own guns and occasionally hunt(i do alot of plinking), it doesn't make me one. if anything you could call me an anarchist, or as some people say a punk.

there are alot of good comments so far, but i have yet to see a good defencive comment. i was hoping someone could actually tell me why they believe killing is wrong. so far i still have no idea why hunting is evil, other than "its mean."

as far as more people dying from lost fights against intruders when they do have a gun, i think i will take my chances. call me insane, but i would perfer to have a gun when defending myself. i don't know about other people, but i would not hesatate to pull the trigger to save my life, or my family.
thanks to the supporters who actully read the whole question, and voiced(or typed) your opinions.

2007-01-17 11:29:45 · update #1

22 answers

The fact is that, most of the people who hate hunting do so because it's messy, and you have to look the animal in the eye as it dies. Then comes the field dressing part. Most folks are too squeamish to do it. It's so much easier to just grab that shrinkwrapped tray of ground beef at the store than it is to take responsibility as a human who must, sometimes, kill for food, and do what you need to do.
Less than 100 years ago, every woman who had a kitchen knew how to gut, clean, and dress any kill their spouse brought home, no squeamishness needed. It is a fact of life that we, as humans, MUST kill what we eat, whether it's a plant or an animal. Most of those who are against hunting are really just too scared and freaked-out to admit they depend on some nameless butcher to do the job they should be doing, at least once in their life, even ritually, so they'll know from experience where our food comes from.
Also, most white folks think of hunting as "sport" and proudly have themselves photographed with their kills. This is, to us Native Americans, highly insulting on a spiritual level. When our people take a live animal down, prayers are offered up to it's spirit in thanks for giving it's life for our sustinance, and the idea of not using EVERY part of that animal, like just for trophy hunting, is one of the worst sins imaginable to us Indians.
So, the reason most folks (white folks, mostly) are against hunting is because they've lost the spiritual aspects of it, and screwed it up for the rest of us.

And, to Jimbo7893, below, I'm as Gay as they come, and I find your use of the word insulting, to say the least. I hunt, am Gay, and am NOT in agreement with PETA.
Learn to express yourself properly, lest you insult any other large segments of society!

2007-01-17 09:46:55 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 5 0

I am not a hunter but do not criticize others that do as long as they eat what they kill. I am an avid gun owner and will protect my self and family & friends if it means killing an animal with 4 legs or 2 (if you get my drift) I would hunt to feed my family if need be. I have fought a war (Viet Nam) and got tired of killing things. I enjoy seeing animals in the wild and observe them with powerful spotting scopes and in the wild areas i carry a M29 S&W with a 4'' barrel (i am no fool) with 240gr corbon loads (i like to have an edge). So i hope there are some out there who share my love of animals while being no fool about taking a firearm out there.

2007-01-18 12:57:17 · answer #2 · answered by L J 4 · 2 0

I am not a hunter, But I am most definitely a meat and potatoes kind of guy, but they say as long as you eat what you kill and I agree with that, I am a very much into target shooting, with both my 270 and 223. I do have do agree though, I am not sure how much you can call it a sport, A sport is where both sides are somewhat evenly matched. In hunting, one person has a high powered rifle and a Deer who trys to get away, I think that's fair to say is one sided. I do know many people in mid Michigan and they have shown me in the late summer where they can have a herd of 100 deers eating there crops, so I can see where animal control is needed. I don't understand SOME thinking of (hey lets go out and kill something) but I can understand people not wanting the overcrowding of deer to kill there crops

2007-01-18 17:33:53 · answer #3 · answered by Jon J 4 · 0 1

Hunting is essentially killing. Killing spreads fear. Fear is not an idealistic energy. It is also violent. Fear and violence pervade our planet. This energy turns on people too. That is if you even know/believe in energy in the sense I am speaking of. But to be scientifically logical, in this day and age the information is out there as to what our body needs to live and be healthy. Meat is deemed a primitive source of food. We do not need to eat meat. For example soy is a complete protein. Tortillas and beans are a complete protein. Most people probably have defiencies, because most people care more about taste when they eat than what is healthy. Deficiencies are avoidable. Environmentally speaking, the sewage runoff from farms, specifically factory farms is polluting our waters.

However I do see your point of view on diseased and starving animals. Though I don't think people who hunt are practicing euthanasia when hunting.

Overpopulation is really stretching. WE have overpopulated the planet. And according to that logic, we should then kill the starving and diseased people.

Most people I know own guns to protect themselves whether they hunt or not.

All in all it sounds like you already have your mind made up (closed) by simply reducing it to "Look at your teeth." My iguanas have teeth like a shark, but are herbivores. Not only will they not eat meat, it would damage their kidneys and kill them if they did.

Think about it. THINK.

2007-01-17 21:37:07 · answer #4 · answered by shell 3 · 0 1

People are just ignorant and do not wish to view the world in a realistic way. They would rather have paid killers (McDonalds, KFC, Taco Bell, etc.) do the killing for them. For the veggies only crowd, how many use leather products, use products with animal testing, or other 'inhumane' stuff? People also feel that it is the police's job to protect them. This is simply burying your head in the sand. Police will hopefully arrest the person who kills you, but until a crime is commited they can't really do a whole lot. You seem to have the right awareness and your arguements are sound. Realize that your viewpoint is the right one and that like minds support you!

2007-01-17 18:05:15 · answer #5 · answered by Charles B 4 · 4 0

Unfortunatley our society has beome soft and far too removed from the real world.

People live in cities or towns and do not understand or know where the food they eat comes from.

I remember the child of a close friend who was horrified when, at the age of about 11, she saw a dairy cow for the first time in her life and made the connection that this is where milk comes from.

People take nature, and their food by extension, for granted.

They think food comes from the SuperMarket.

They think "Nature" is something they see in a Disney cartoon.

They think hunters are evil for going out and killing Bambi.

They think that deer and cows think and have feelings and should not be "murdered" by evil men who eat their flesh.

2007-01-17 18:32:18 · answer #6 · answered by DJ 7 · 1 0

You're completely right. All these anti-hunters who aren't vegetarian, see hunting as cruel and unfair to animals. Yet think it is morally superior to buy meat from the store. Store bought meat comes from animals that were raised on a farm woht minimal comforts and then brutally slaughterd when they were big enough. At least hunting gives the animal a chance to live a full, long life before being quickly killed.

2007-01-17 17:42:16 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 4 0

Well I don’t know about you but I am having a couple of big ole venison steaks that I have been marinating all day on the grill tonight. My family and I eat wild game more often than not and are healthier from doing so. Tomorrow nit it will be grouse, pheasant or fresh trout. I haven’t made up my mind yet what is on tomorrow night’s menu. But it will be tasty for sure.

You know vegetables are living organisms as well. So vegans are in a sense killing innocent living creatures as well. The only difference is a deer is much prettier and majestic than a carrot.

Just remember when these people start their judging and telling you need to live by their rules and ideals is:

1) It is only harassment if you are listening or paying attention to them.

2) They kill living organisms for sustenance just like meat eaters. In a sense "killing is killing" A deer or a Brussels sprout both were once alive before they hit the pan.

3) Protesting and not eating meat is serving no stewardship for the good of our planet. Sportsmen besides keeping animal populations in manageable numbers also restore habitat, Most states DRN projects to restore habitat and studies to help species are funded from license fees and sportsmen’s donations. For example in many places trout have all been but wiped off the map. Not from fishermen but pesticides used by farmers on the crops (most often vegetables). Funds from fishing licensed funded projects to start restoring those lost populations. Vegans are quick to protest KFC because it is inhumane in their mind to butcher chickens for food. But those same people would never protest the farmer with a river or stream funning through his land that uses pesticides slowly poisoning anything in the river to death. But on the other hand sportsmen do actually care this wildlife is here for all of us to enjoy whether we eat it of just enjoy it from afar. This is just one example of many I could provide to reveal the hypocrisy of many of the people who harass others for eating meat, hunting or fishing.

2007-01-17 18:24:04 · answer #8 · answered by Jay 5 · 1 1

Why do some people hate other forms of religions, other ethnic groups. etc etc etc.
Some are just ignorant to the facts and benefits that it provides the wild life.
Some are just lonely and wont to be apart of something weather it helps or not.
Some may have felt rejected, because the time spent hunting was not devoted to them, whether it was a father ,mother brother or spouse.
But the ones you describe, just wont the attention focused on them,
Stop but a moment and ask your self if all hunting was to stop right now and the wildlife population multiplied Exponentially so as the habit could not sustain the over population.
Now the wildlife is starving to death, do you thank these self serving saviors would pump I dime in to feeding the wildlife, or except paying new taxes to be implemented for that reason.
Look at the facts how much money have these people out in the past for the purchase of habitat or fund studies and research to better the existing habitat, to fund an army of officers to protect endangered species and insure all other species are protected when not in season.
They don’t at least not the majority for if they had you could see the benefits.
The money they generate where does it go, for the wildlife don’t see it?
They could of saved thousands if not millions of acres of natural habitat and set it aside but no it did not happen.
But look what the revenue generated by you the hunter did.
Department of Wildlife with funds generated by the hunter is buying new land in large amounts for habitat and improving old habitat and funding research to help and improve wildlife.
It funds an army of officers to protect endangered species and insure all other species are protected when not in season.
These funds from hunting are saving endangered species and returning them to where they belong.
There claim is wildlife existed 10 of thousands of years with out help and could do it again on it’s own with out help from them.
But they fail to relies that back then the ecosystem had not been polluted and encroached up on.
Back then the population of mankind was not the tens of billions with each one wanting their own car and not to mention a house and yard let alone the ones who wont live in the country setting.
Where did the pollution go, where does the land for their house and yard come from and where will it come from for tomorrows homes and yard.
Where will the lumber, brick come from the oil to their car let not for get that.
They live in a world with there eyes closed and greed in their heart.
It was with their help that created this situation, but we the hunter alone are blamed for a situation created by all.
But it does appear to me, that it will be with out their help that we the hunters will intervene.
It will be the funds generated by us the hunters that that is making a safe haven for tomorrows wildlife.
That alone is reason to be proud to be a hunter.

Guns and defend them selves.
They are like cattle they go where they are told and rally in herds by there herdsman.
The protest hunting, guns and war.
Why would they defend them selves or other, you must love something to defend it.
They are not free thinkers nor do they wish to be, they wont the herdsmen to thank for them, and they despise those who are free thinkers.
Have you not heard their theory, if gun were gone all evil of the world would go with it.
We would live in a paradise and graze on grass like cattle.
Their would be no Lions, Tigers and Bears.
Yes I know. Oh My!

2007-01-17 19:29:54 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

My reason for hateing hunting is when people kill for sport. Most people hate hunting for that reason. I do not hate people who kill for food because that is their way of life.
I am very aware of the diseased animals that are out there, generaly nature is suppose to thin the "herd" but due to human involvment this is not working all the time.
I am not ignorant because I hate hunting for sport
by the way ignorance also comes with assumtions so welcome yourself to the club.
As for the guns, I don't like them either, maybe its because I was raised in a relitively safe environment, maybe its because I am not american, mostly its because the people on the end of the guns are not always right.

2007-01-17 17:45:03 · answer #10 · answered by DisfunctionJunction 2 · 1 4

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