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We know who attacked America!. They were from Saudi Arabia and from an al-Qaida. The war on terror should be with those who committed the attacks on 9/11.

The war on terror should not be a 5 year failed war in Iraq trying to give a country a democracy who doesn't want it.

I get sick to my stomach every time I hear a Bush supporter say:
"It is better to have our troops fighting and dying in a false war in Iraq, than to have terrorists attacking here in America."

How is it supporting our troops by sending them in to be magnets for all haters of America only to be killed by cowardly roadside bombs or by un-uniformed enemies who blend in with civilians. That must be a nightmare for our young troops.

Think of how all these troops and that $490 billion American tax dollars Bush sent to Iraq could have done for our own security. It could have paid for better intellegence, better borders and better Homeland Security

2007-01-17 09:21:52 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Military

17 answers

I agree 100% with you. I can not wait until Bush is out office. I honestly do not understand how he was elected for a second term when he was never REALLY elected in the first place! I understand we needed to get Saddam out of office...he was a tyrant who caused hyndreds of thousands of people to suffer & die. After we got him out we should have walked away and let the country create its own new government.

2007-01-17 09:35:01 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 3 3

The reason for the war was to remove Saddam from power. Now you can make several arguments for why we wanted to remove him, but this was the goal no matter what excuse you choose. To say that Saddam did not have WMDs is a distortion of acknowledged fact. Saddam did have WMDs and he did use them against other people. What his capability was at the time of the invasion may indeed be questionable, but not the previous history. Further if Iraq was no longer pursuing these weapons then there was no reason for 12 years of obfuscation and obstructionism regarding inspections, but this occurred none the less. As to oil contentions. I don't think it can be denied that we would not be interested in Iraq if they did not have oil. Given the fact that our economy is driven by oil, it makes this commodity and it's free flow a vital national interest. However, I do not believe that oil was the over riding factor for Mr. Bush. I do not believe that Iraq posed a great threat to the United States before the war and there may not have been terrorists there, but saying Iraq had nothing to do with terrorists is again a distortion of actual fact. Saddam paid 25,000 dollars bounties to the families of suicide bombers. Now no matter what position you hold this cannot be denied as having supported terrorism. People seem to have selective memories on these matters, or they have an agenda which causes them to overlook them. I believe in the right to dissent against that which you don't agree, but I draw the line at using fallacies and half truths to make a case.

2016-05-24 01:12:35 · answer #2 · answered by Katherine 4 · 0 0

Terrorism comes from so many more sources than al-quaida. Its foolish for you to suggest that they are the only perpetraitors of such atrocities. Just as Bush said in the beginning, this is a war on terrorism and the terrorist ideology, NOT al-quaida. The US and other free nations have been attacked by many terrorist organizations not limited to that one, Hamas comes to mind.

Its not the war thats at fault for its percieved failure, but rather the cowardly PC way that it has been fought. If we could only untie our hand of this disgusting politically correct notion that we need to be compassionate and understanding to our enemies.. if we would let our young troops fight without fear of being prosecuted for doing what they need to do to protecting us and the free world.. if we'd send the right amount of troops over there from the beginning.. things wouldn't appear so horrible. Yes, I said 'appear' so horrible. If you'd do your research you would know that what is reported isn't what is.

Also, this war is very tame compared to other titanic struggles for humanity in the last hundred years.. don't you get sick of perpetuated notion that this war is some how more horrific than other just as important and pivital struggles, as this is.


In addition, protecting and preserving the oil supply for the civilized world; from people that would use it to black mail us and others, as well as to control prodution and price gauging.. is just as good of a cause as any to be there.


In addition (2), when you support and protect terrorists then you are in essense no better than they themselves.. making you a terrorist. Liberals generalized seem more preoccupied in the rights of the terrorists than the rights of our brave soldiers.

2007-01-17 09:53:05 · answer #3 · answered by artrickwo 3 · 0 2

Because of Iran....which is the country supplying many of the weapons (as well as people) that we are fighting against in Iraq. Afghanistan and Iraq are on both sides of Iran, and the thought was that it would help settle (not sure if settle is the right word, but it's all I can think of at this moment) Iran down since the leader there wants us all dead.

2007-01-17 10:44:14 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

I was in the military in Operations Intelligence and I can honestly tell you that plenty of terrorists were and are still headquartered in Iraq long before even Desert Storm took place.

Simply isolating ourselves will not solve the problem.

But you are partially right, we should have gone to Afghanistan first, then Syria, then Saudi Arabia, probably in that order.

2007-01-17 09:29:28 · answer #5 · answered by DannyK 6 · 4 1

The Middle East will never be peaceful without ending the Israeli occupation. This is the conclusion of the UN, EU, Backer-Hamilton report, and President Carter new book. No one could NOT change his mind unless he has no mind.
Occupying other people by force is losing policy in the past and now and has no future.

2007-01-17 10:06:46 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Hi James,
Yes, you're right about who attacked us. It had nothing to do with Iraq. There is no way that "Operation Iraqi Freedom" can succeed, it's a fraud.

"Operation Iraqi Freedom", is unachievable by force and here's why. On this planet, the "Laws of Nature and of Nature's God", (terminology from the first sentence of the American Declaration of Independence), specifically, the Natural Law of Cause and Effect, show us that expressing "Force" automatically creates "Counter-Force". The greater the expression of force, the greater the counter-force becomes. Force guarantees polarization, division, opposition and conflict. Force never unifies.

Force is the "cause" and Counter-Force is the "effect", or offspring, of force. There's no counter-force without force. An effect is not a cause, thus the counter-force is never the cause, it's the effect.

The administration is using the visual effects of the force / counter-force scenario, that they've already set in motion, as an excuse to escalate violence against its counter-force. The Secretary of State stands before the American people and blathers about a major increase in troop deployment as being an "augmentation", literally denying the more descriptive use of the synonym "escalation".

No one associated with the American administration has the knowledge to convey America's founding principles of freedom to the Iraqis. I hear them saying in defense of the New plan of escalation, "If you have a better way, we'd like to hear it." Well, it may not be what corporate, mongers and sycophants want to here but there's definitely a better way. Let's review.

In spite of the plan's name, "Operation Iraqi Freedom", they've, 1- Failed to convey the principles of freedom to the Iraqi people, 2- the Iraqi people don't even know what they are, thus, could never abide by and convey them, and 3- they've failed to institute a government to secure The People's inherent, inalienable Human Rights. This plan is void of the principles of freedom and thus, a failure.

Sending troops to Iraq doesn't support them at all or protect freedom for America or Iraq or any other country in the coalition or otherwise. It escalates the violence and puts them all in harms way. It only contributes to a greater force thus, automatically creating a greater counter-force.

I think the American moron-ocracy believed that if they caused a war in Iraq that all America's enemies would go there to slug it out with superior American technology. They couldn't see past Hussein. Iraqi's be damned. There is no way that any enemy wanting to hurt America will go to Iraq to do it. If you want to win a war you must be smarter than your enemy.

Here's a plan that's guaranteed to work. It stands to reason that, The People's "freedom", in a "free country", is only possible by: 1- Conveying the founding principles of freedom to The People; 2- The People understanding, abiding by and expressing them, as common-knowledge, on a daily basis; and 3- Securing an environment safe for The People to abide by and express their inherent, inalienable Human Rights…As mandated by the American Declaration of Independence. America's founding principles.

They could use the $500 Billion dollars to enroll a national curriculum in America to teach American's to know, abide by and convey America's founding principles of freedom. We're mandated by the American Declaration of Independence to have the knowledge, "to which the Laws of Nature and Nature God entitle them…", to know and express "self-evident" truth, and to secure the inherent, inalienable Human Rights of The People, in an environment they can obey and express them in. This is American Freedom.

There is no freedom anywhere that The People are not encouraged to abide by and convey its principles. In a free country, freedom is practiced, protected and preserved only when its principles are common-knowledge, being expressed by its free people. In America, we're not even encouraged to know them.

No matter where it occurs, he who hates the hater, which the murderer is, simply uses a different style to achieve the same results.

Ruler's Law automatically occurs in the absence of obeying and conveying People's Law.

2007-01-17 10:12:40 · answer #7 · answered by Ray W 2 · 0 1

Goodness, still repeating that old canard?

GWBush, the Republicans, and the rest of the conservatives never said Iraq had anything to do with 9/11. This was said over and over and over and over and over again.

As for Iraq, you apparently have not bothered to check the facts about why we went there, which have been out in the public for 4½ years now.

Let us know if you ever want to discuss facts.

2007-01-17 09:36:16 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 2 3

It is payback to a one time ally of the USA. Payback is because of embarassment to daddy, and to increase oil prices.
Now that US troops have invaded Iraq, they must remain there until stability is obtained.

2007-01-17 09:29:16 · answer #9 · answered by sparbles 5 · 2 4

I get sick to my stomach whenever I hear a Lib question why we are in Iraq.......they were and are supporters of Terrorism. The only ones saying it is a failed war are Libs.....
It is in fact terrorizing ( hence the name Terrorists) and we have attacked those that perpetrated 911......It is the terrorists and they reside everywhere.we just need a starting point and Iraq was convienant as we needed to rid it of Saddam and his henchmen....now we can continue the fight, in what you call a False War...nothing false about it, it is a war of the worse proportions

2007-01-17 09:31:57 · answer #10 · answered by PoliticallyIncorrect 4 · 3 7

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