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I am going to be 18 soon and lots of things are going to change, and i have had derpression and social phobia for 5 years i want to be able to change this and help myself, i hate feeling sucide the only way out

I have seen many thearpist,been on many medication, help book, hynotherpy but nothing seems to work

i was told spirtual retreats help with this kind of thing to help with derpression and my ongoing questions whats the point? why i am here? whats my purpose ? is there a god etc

do you know of any spirtual retreats?
do you know what could help me?

2007-01-17 08:28:46 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Health Mental Health

19 answers

Hey babe, I totally understand, I'm turning 18 in 8 months (I'm guessing you're a few months older than me) and I know what you're going through!

I've tried a lot of things to deal with my depression, and been in many different religious groups trying to help myself through it. At the end of it all, the answer i've come to is... I'm here for me. The world is full of horrible things, awful people, pain and hurt, but it is also full of beautiful things - people who truly want to help other people, lily's coming into flower, new-born animals in the springtime.

The ultimate person in charge of your destiny is you. A lot of religions exist, and they teach a lot of different things, but they all have one thing in common - they give their followers hope. Everyone wants answers to the most difficult questions in life, everyone feels lost sometimes, and confused. Religion gives people a path - if you have questions, there are books to give you answers, if you don't know what to do, here's a book to give you guidance, if you're afraid, here's a book to give you comfort, to tell you how to live you life, to tell you all the answers, to teach you everything you need to know. It makes life a lot simpler, it makes people feel as though they have a purpose, which is brilliant, and amazing, and some people need it. But you know what I think? I think that you're probably like me, and although it feels like you do, you don't. I still read the Bible - I read a lot of religious books, and I have them on everything from Satanism to Paganism to Wicca to Christianity to Buddhism to Scientology etc etc. They all have something valuble to tell you, something that can help you, and there's no shame in looking at them and reading them, because they're beautiful books that have inspired many people. But to me, that's all they are - books - stories. However, just look at Harry Potter - it might just be a story, but people love it, they watch it and it entertains them and it helps them. People turn on the TV when they're lonely etc etc. It's the same with religious books, to me. We can learn from many different religions, but still be in charge of our own soul and destiny.

I found that once I started to take control of my own destiny and realise I was in charge of my own life, I started to be happier. I still volunteer and I try to help people, but I help those who are worthy of my help, not those who are going to throw it back in my face. I care about my family, but like every other teenage girl I argue with them. I feel normal. And I don't need a religion to tell me what to do.

I respect great leaders, like the Buddha, Jesus, Mohammed, the Pope. I respect the clergy. I would love to sit and talk to many great religious people, just to learn from them. Because we can learn from everyone!

If you do find a religion you really like, sure, convert, but always remember - you are free to leave, because even if you decide that your soul belongs to some higher power, on this earth, your body and mind are your own.

As to spiritual retreats... I have nothing against them. I know some people who have been on them, and have thoughrally enjoyed them! However, they can also be *very* expensive! My suggestion is, if you choose to go on one, choose one that is religiously impartial - if you go on one that is Christian, or Hindu or whatever, you might find yourself feeling even worse if you don't agree with their beliefs. Instead, try to find one that simply teaches communication with nature and the world around you, meditation and relaxation. If you don't want to splash the cash, try this at home. Sit in your garden, or a local park, and just watch the nature around you. Go to the beach, and look at the rocks, and the mass open water, and see the beauty in it. It sounds corny, sure, but really, it will help you. And because those places are quiet, you don't have to worry so much about your social phobia. Meditation is also often made fun of, 'cuz it's a bit 'cookey', I suppose, but it can really help you to relax your mind. You could try checking a book out of the local library (again, quiet) or even ordering one online, but there is a plethora of information on meditation and yoga avaliable online for free!

If you still have a therapist, keep going. Talking is important! If you have a close friend or two that you trust, talk to them, or even just go online and find a message board where you can talk to other people about how you are feeling, and learn how other people are coping with their social phobia and depression. Maybe look into local talk-therapy groups - people with a mutual problem come together and talk. It's a safe-place, and the people running it will be trained to help limit the anxiety you feel being in a group of people.

Good luck hon, message me if you need to talk! :)


2007-01-17 09:29:35 · answer #1 · answered by Pebbles 5 · 1 0

I suffer social phobia and anxiety and I've been on Paroxetine Hydrochloride for 7 years. I am a different person these days and hate the thought of coming off them, which my doctor would like me to try! But have you tried this particular drug?
As for spiritual retreats, I suggest you search on the web. I know there's one not too far from me but can't think what it's called and know nothing about it.
One thing I do know though is that you can find hope through Jesus Christ. Please try to find a church near you that is running an Alpha Course. It changed my life and I know that with Jesus by my side I can defeat the drug that I've relied on for so long and live a life without depression or anxiety. But I do'nt know if I could do it on my own. With Jesus though you are never on your own. Trust me, it works.

2007-01-17 16:47:04 · answer #2 · answered by Spottie 2 · 0 0

hiya darling,i've had to live with depression and anxiety for 4 and a half years since i was just turning 20,i look at your question and see the same things i used to think about.....your feeling lower than low and my heart goes out to you,but i think the first thing you need to know is that you will get out of this,i thought it would never end but now i've got a nice home,self employed,good family,friends and most importantly re-found my self and soul,it takes a lot ov hard work but you have got to try and keep thinking positive,drive them negitive thoughts out,you might read this and say you can never do this but trust me beleive in your self,i do believe that you have to look deep into your self and find who u are and what problems have led u to this point and accept what has happened.i found accepting the hardest thing ov all but you've got no other chioce and yes god will help you all you have to do is ask him,u might not see the sign because your not on all cillenders but trust me when you look back 4 or 5 years from now you'll know what i mean,may god be with you and best of luck in your journey

2007-01-17 16:50:12 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I know you should choose a retreat VERY carefully. Some people find the solitude and extended periods of time spent in contemplation very difficult to deal with. Also some of them are akin to brain washing which I don't think would help you.
Why don't you consider a health spa instead? Deep relaxation may be more what you need.

Good luck!

2007-01-17 16:40:24 · answer #4 · answered by fidget 6 · 0 0

I have been there babe,don`t give in to it,it may not seem that way at the moment but you will pull through it,forget all the fancy names for your depression,that's for the shrinks to worry about.talk to people like yourself,only they know how you are feeling.Two depressives having a conversation,you would think that you would depress each other,but in my experience it has the opposite effect.You will give each other support.Forget the hypnosis,the spiritual retreats,by all means don`t give up on your chosen religion,possibly you can relate to someone in the religious group.Just communicating with people on this site helps you.Don`t be a stranger to us on the site we are ordinary people who may have gone through just what you are experiencing.Same as any where this site has its share of idiots,but the majority of us are good people who care about you.If things get rough and you need cheering up we are all here for you.

2007-01-17 16:57:28 · answer #5 · answered by steve223261 3 · 2 0

Hi dear,
You must join the largert non-profit community against depression and violence, and simply spreading love and peace...its call the Art of Living course..
its a breathing and stress-relief course spread over 150 countries and a 100 cities in the US !!! almost 90 universities in the US have adopted the course in their curriculum...
and its aimed on serving people, it will bring a meaning and direction to your life , when you spread so much joy to others as well !!
therapy never works, it can go on till you die...its just talk talk talk...but this course takes you deep inside and just releases all the stress in the whole system...
its totally about spirituality and not religion ...
i've myself been healed of sever panic attacks and fears ....and many physical illiness.....and i'm only 28 !
and everyone is stressed , everyone needs peace ...

2007-01-17 16:49:18 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You can go to National federation of healers, if in UK, go to this site & type ur postcode for your nearest centre:
They are very gentle & understanding, they'll give you hands on healing, (spiritual healing) which heals u on all levels,emotional,physical,mental etc. it takes time so be patient but go every week regurarly. Also healing depends on when you're ready 2 b healed so don't let time be in ur way. Just know it's a metter of time, be it one day,one month or longer.
Your purpose in being here is to love & enjoy yourself & life. it's finding love in your heart & finding therefore the God within, that part of you that is God incarnate. I'm sorry if this sounds like nonesense but is what I know.
Don't label urself as depressive or social phobic, we all go through phases & sometimes we let the old patterns stick 2 us, let go of all that, just be. You might be depressed but is not forever, you have ur whole life to fight this & u'll win with God's help. Pray & God will answer you. Don't worry hun, we all have these feelings, but we have to win over them.
Maybe read this book, it might be of help:


PS>they work on donations only .

2007-01-17 21:23:58 · answer #7 · answered by glgl 5 · 0 0

okay...yes, when you turn 18 a lot of things will change, but there are a bunch of things that will be fine, too. Like look at this way, you will be on your own, but never alone. you get to make your decisions...but ppl are always there to guide you. ALWAYS. and yes, I believe there is a god... that he is always there. Tell you what. Be open about everything and pray. Just try, have faith and try to listen for god. Just try it. If anything just go to a church every once and a while...I'm sure you'll find one you like. Everything will be fine. And yes, you do have a purpose on this earth. One is to love. Just keep yourself open to possibilities. Who knows...you could be the one who discovers the cure for aids or something. Just please. do not commit suicide. Think of that this way. once you've hit rock bottom the only way to go is up...right?! Right! I hope I helped

2007-01-17 16:48:09 · answer #8 · answered by Sally Doll 4 · 1 0

Massive amounts of Effexor or Prozac combined with Welbutrin worked well for me. I am an atheist so I would never go on one of those retreats as they would be meaningless and frustrating for me, being immersed in ignorance is always frustrating. You don't need a god to feel better. You probably have a clinical type of depression related to physiological deficiencies in your brain chemical function. Serious depression is usually only explained by medical problems as opposed to just feeling slightly bad and maybe bummed out because you arent sure why you were born and if there is a god and all that. You don't need those answers and those wuestins can never be answered anyways. Pressure your doctor to give you more medication and just live your life to suit yourself. Remember, its ok if there is no God, its ok for your life to be meaningless in the context of the universe. It is your life however and you should live the short time you have to the fullest as you cannot control what will happen to you after death or if there is any spiritual or god type stuff in reality at all. Good luck and don't buy into the Christian hype.

2007-01-17 16:38:26 · answer #9 · answered by kmankman4321 4 · 0 3

ever need someone to talk to...i'm ere for ya hunni no problem...coz i know what your going through, i've been there and feel like i'm still there, and always ask wot my purpose is why the hell am i here? and why am i feeling like this, am i suppose to be this way? ... you get my point... spiritual escapes? hmm well i tryed meditation and yoga once, was ok gets you away from everything for a while, give it a try...i write all my feelings down listen to music, analyse things to keep my ming busy keep focused...and talk to someone, maybe not another therapist but just someone who won't judge you just someone who'll listen? e-mail me anytime time and we can talk

good luck in everhtin u do

2007-01-18 06:30:55 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Go to a bookstore and purchase a Chakara book, Its full of yoga forms to help balance your Chakaras. Chakaras are represented by a part of your body, but show a different consciences. It should help balance out. Your depression is coming from a closed Chakara (I think) I'm not a gold mine of information go check the book out

2007-01-17 17:12:01 · answer #11 · answered by A nobody 3 · 0 0

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