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Everyone has their own opinion about tithes but I was wondering if anyone could help me find scriptures in the bible that I could read myself so I can decide for myself what to do and how to do tithes. Thanks

2007-01-17 07:55:36 · 7 answers · asked by rideabanjopicker 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

7 answers

Here's what Jesus said about tything:

Luk 11:42 But woe unto you, Pharisees! for ye tithe mint and rue and all manner of herbs, and pass over judgment and the love of God: these ought ye to have done, and not to leave the other undone.

So he tells them they are right to tythe.

Here's why I believe tythes (as opposed to offerings) should go to the local church:

Mal 3:10, Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse

2007-01-17 08:18:00 · answer #1 · answered by Rossonero NorCal SFECU 7 · 0 0

Try Malachi 3:8-18. It talks about both spiritual and temporal blessings that come from tithing.

For some background on the tithe, you can read about the first recorded instance of a tithe being paid by Abraham to Melchezidek in Genesis 14:20. In Genesis 28:22 Jacob gives a vow. In Numbers 18:21-28 more direction of how the tithe was to be paid is given.

Other references you could read are: Leviticus 27:30-34; Deuteronomy 12:5-18 and 14:22-27; 2 Chronicles 31:5-12; Nehemiah 10:38, 12:44, and 13:12.

Hope it helps!!

2007-01-17 08:11:38 · answer #2 · answered by sleepyfrog76 2 · 0 0

I noticed that the respondants so far seem to be giving you Old Testament scriptures for the most part. There is a problem with this, since most of these scriptures are addressed directly to the nation of Israel. Check out the two links below for another perspective. The first article is a general summary, and the second article gives specific scriptures.

2007-01-17 08:30:23 · answer #3 · answered by Randy G 7 · 0 0

yes yes I do have scriptures about tithes... go to Luke 11":42 Jesus is talking to the Pharisees telling what the need to do. Now go to deuteronomio 26:12, go to Leviticus 27: 30.. Im still looking for more where it is talked about it being 10% of what you make.

2007-01-17 08:17:32 · answer #4 · answered by Elisa L 1 · 0 0

Malachi 3:7-12. Some may say that is from the old testament. Think about it, would God of allowed it to be placed at the end of the OT and then do away with it?
Luke 6 :38
When one gives toward the work of the ministry it is proven you can do way much more on the 90% than you can with 100%

2007-01-17 08:06:24 · answer #5 · answered by white dove 5 · 0 0

You are correct, there are many "opinions" about the siubject of tithing around and to be frank about it, few are actually studying the Bible thoroughly for answers. Let me expound about the matter, if you will.

In the Old Testament, there is what they called ceremonial laws. Follow me for a minute on this. The Old Testament vs. transitions to the New Testament that does not mean discounting or denying the Old Testament, because you can not. However, in the Old Testament, it was part of the ceremonial law to make sacrafices.

In the Old Testament, believers had to go to a priest and the Priest was between God and the believer, and it was necessary to make sacrafices back then. Be that it as may, when Jesus Christ came along, He was to be the living sacrafice. Once Christ became the Sacrafice, we no longer needed a Priest because Jesus Christ became our High Priest and we need to go to no other person to deal with God accept Jesus Christ.

Where am I going? Back to the Old Testament, the tithe was apart of the ceremonial law. If we were to continue to practice tithing based up the ceremonial laws of the Old Testament then we would have to make sacrafices again and also go through priest in order to deal with God. And by doing so, one would be denying the Jesus Christ came and denying him as the Son of God.

In addition, if we are to follow tithing which was of the Old Testament then we must also continue to follow the rest or the entire ceremonial law in which required violators of the teachings of the laws would result in stoning and others. Again, Christ became the sacrafice for us and sacraficing will not take away our sins. Tithing is apart of the ceremonial laws of the Old.

In the New Testament it says we are to present our bodies as a living sacrafice, Holy and Acceptable unto God. It is not necessary to tithe or give just ten percent of our possessions or money, God wants all of our personal resources to be used to serve Him in terms of spreading the Gospel and serving others including the poor. Its not about money. And tithing to a church does not pay for ones sins or remove them.

There are churching making people feel guilty and making them tithe and telling them that when they give, the money will come back ten fold and so on. Just like a slot machine deal or a game of crap. If you invest your money with God as they say, He will bless you with more. Truth of the matter, when we obey and follow his teachings and let our let so shine before men and teach others to do so, blessing will come. Not just in this life necessarily nor just monetarily returns, but your rewards in Heaven.

God is not interested in how much money one gives, that is easy. There are plenty of drug dealers that think so to ease there conscience and give lots of money to churches because they think it removes or erases there sins which wrong. Not just drug dealers or whoever, law abiding citizens, many of them believe the samething. But is that Biblical?

We are to certainly support our brothers and sisters around the world in serving and spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ and most importantly, get involved ourselves. I am sorry at this time, I do not have quotes from the Bible, but with this knowledge, you can search the word using an online bible search, just type it into a Google or Yahoo search engine. Also, consider using a software program called the Bible Exporer. It will help to find all of what I am speaking of.

Anyway, it is better that you search for the answers than just look up a few scriptures or verses here and there anyway. It is important for you to understand the relationship between what happened during the times of the ceremonial law time periods before Jesus Christ and understand the New Testament, the coming of Jesus Christ, the first time. This requires careful study. I hate to say this, but there are many Pastors, Ministers, Preachers, or Reverenes or whatever they call themselves that take verses out of Scriptures to benefit themselves. Not all of them, but many of them. Why I say that?

Because by now, if they are teaching about tithing correctly, many people that attend churches around the country would be clear on this subject. Please be careful with people taking verses out of context. It is important to study the context, that can not be overstressed. Anyone can make a good argument about tithing using verses out of context. but if they are looking at the context carefully, it can not be altered. Then again, many can not see what is being taught in the Bible, there eyes are blinded with the philosophy of man.

All the best in your endeavors towards the truth! (smile)

2007-01-17 13:42:11 · answer #6 · answered by Pall Stanley 1 · 1 0

God ask us to tithe.Lev.27:30 and all the tithe of the land,whether of the seed of the land,or of the fruit of the trees,is the Lord's..it is holy unto the Lord.
We are stewards of God's resources and since He is the one who gives every material blessings,we acknowledge His ownership.
God's purpose for tithing.is to support the poor and needy in God's family,to support teachers and preachers.
God's special promise:to those who give.(Luke 6:38)"give and it shall be given unto you;good measure,pressed down,and shaken together and running over,shall men give into your bosom.for with thesame measure that you give it shall be given back to you again.tithing is a privilege of those who choose to exercise their faith to give.Tithing and giving does not buy God's blessing but it does release His blessing upon our lives(.Malachi 3:10). The bible teaches us we are ti give willingly and cheerfully,from a spirit of generousity.(Exo.25:2,2 Cor.9:6,7) God does not measure our giving by the amount we give,He rewards us according to what is left after we give.Jesus said the tiny amount given by the widow was greater than all the others because it was all she had (Luke 21:1-4) Generous giving is a proof of our love,faith and maturity(2 Cor.8:24;9:6,8,13).A generous believer causes others to give thanks to God.The poor need to give because they need God's blessing to break the curse of poverty.The Macedonian Christians were in great poverty (2 Cor.8:2),yet they gave liberally.They had learned obedience in giving and they had learned that giving brings blessing and breaks the curse of poverty.To refuse to be a faithful steward by giving is an act of robbery and rebellion toward God(Mal.3:8-12).But to yield to His purpose in giving is to receive an "open Heaven" and abundant blessing and protection from want and famine...God Bless you!

2007-01-17 09:01:35 · answer #7 · answered by MACRENE PADASDAO 3 · 0 0

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