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Christians always seem to have this logic that non-believers = devil or devil helpers. They also seem to be more violent than these "devil helpers".

In the first crusade, Christians killed tens of thousands of people they called "infidels". The Children's Crusade (1212) caused the deaths of nearly 50,000 children. Preachers sentenced to death and executed thousands during the Inquisition (1233-1834) for heresy and witchcraft. The 17th Century Thirty Years War (Catholics v. protestants) wiped out tens of millions in Europe. In the Taiping Rebellion in China in the 1850's a Christian cult started a war that resulted in the slaughter of twenty million people. In the Holocaust six million Jews were murdered along with 5 million others.

With all this killing "in the name of God", does this mean that "devil helping" = peace?

2007-01-17 07:54:24 · 25 answers · asked by acgsk 5 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

25 answers

It makes you wonder if the Devil was the good guy all along, doesn't it?

EDIT: Shayna, what the flying fvck does that have to do with anything?

2007-01-17 07:57:46 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 3 6

Intellegent question. Except keep in mind that the holocaust was at the hand of Hitler who definitely was not Christian by any stretch of the imagination. However, you can certainly see that theres been alot of horrible acts committed in the name of God;
but whats new under the sun? Its not just Christians - turn on the tv and see who's children are blowing themselves and others up in the name of religion. If you're not sure, call Baghdad. All peoples of all religions fight - sometimes over God, sometimes because they are being oppressed because of their beliefs - but its not just Christians. I can't believe you did all that research of statistics and this never dawned on you? Lets get to the devil helping = peace idea. Biblical writings tell of the antichrist coming before the true Christ appears. The Book of Daniel tells of antichrist coming pretending to be Jesus. Even disguised as Jesus. He will come in not as an evildoer - but as the loving, peaceful christ- "prosperly and peacefully" - no more homeless, a chicken in every pot, the greatest religious revival you will ever see. Love and peace and tolerance. So if its peace you're looking for, the doctrine of satan should be just about right for you.
Unfortunately, its peace that will come to deceive the masses.
And, the manuscripts are quite clear that this antichrist will not love non-believers any more than he does Christians or any other religion. If you think he's gonna make you his 'bro, I've got a bridge i can sell to you cheap. He'll use you and promise you the world, but he's not gonna exist long enough to give you what he promises, even if he was really gonna do it - which he's not.
Get it down where you can understand it: Satan does not like you. You can do satanic services in your basement all damn year, and get a satanic tattoo - you can call him your friend. You can work in his service when he comes - he'll tear you up from the inside out spiritually and when you look to Christ to help you, he'll stand there and spit on you. Get the picture?? If you looked at all the writings in the manuscripts and saw satan's m.o.
you would see that he doesn't care one bit about you. He wants to be worshipped - he wants to be the Christ, instead of the actual one. Thats been the fight from the beginning. Its not gonna happen - he already lost, but God is only using him in this earth age to deceive those masses who are stupid enough to go whoring after him. And just like a whore, when he's done with you, he'll throw you out. Wake up.

2007-01-17 08:37:04 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Good point... I'm not sure how they can claim we are working for the devil. The logic that is used to claim this is, well, illogical. The whole "If you're not for my religion, then you're against my God" thing has been worn so thin, there's only threads left... not anything worth patching up anymore. Sometimes though, I have to admit, it is funny when they start assuming things. So far I have been told I summon up demons to attack Christians (I had no idea I had this kind of power... I should run for President), I deceive people into believing my own religion (yet, no one seems to know exactly what my beliefs are.... not sure how I'm deceiving them then) and... this is my favorite.... I dance with devils in order to gain favors. I swear some of these people are still living in the Dark Ages.

2007-01-17 08:03:04 · answer #3 · answered by Kithy 6 · 0 1

Most of the time, a person's religious beliefs have absolutely nothing to do with the truth, but I think it is a safe bet that God exists and values what he created. Why he created the devil is beyond me, but it is also a safe bet that nothing we do or believe is going to significantly alter God, he is pretty much above that (pun intended). The fact that humanity isn't very humane is not reflection on God, my tiny little mind cannot claim to understand God, but again, its a safe bet God doesn't think along the lines of human concepts of right and wrong. It is simple, you either serve God, or you don't. It your not serving God, guess who you are serving.

2007-01-17 08:26:27 · answer #4 · answered by blogbaba 6 · 0 0

It's incredible in my mind how stupid and ignorant some people on these question forums can be.
There is a great difference between having a faith in a religion, and zealotism. Are you too blind to see that?
Yes, idiots of ANY belief or religion can cause hate and kill. And that's just what those zealots did, don't judge people of an entire religion off the acts of the unintelligent.

2007-01-17 08:04:11 · answer #5 · answered by Airborne Retired 2 · 3 0

Killing in the name of God was the Devil decieving men into thinking that killing people would get them saved when Jesus already paid the price.

Non-believers are just people like us believers that have rejected Christ's gift of salvation and choosed to be complacent, the Devil has got them right where he wants them.

he just tries to make Christians look bad, haven't you noticed?

"For the enemy seeks to kill, steal, and destroy."

The Crusaders were a wonderful example of hypocrisy and men corrupting religion.


2007-01-17 08:01:49 · answer #6 · answered by Doug 5 · 2 0

The Holocaust was not in the name of God, it was in the name of Hitler.
I am a Christian but am not responsable for what Catholics did hundreds of years ago.
Do you know that many thousands of Christians are being killed and mistreated because of their faith as well?
God says in the Bible that yes, if you are not for Him, you're against Him.
But God loves and cares about you. Satan hates you and want all bad for you.....
Get your head out of history textbooks for a minute and look at a gospel in the Bible... I challenge you, see for yourself.

2007-01-17 08:18:58 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Why do you not give figures for people killed by non-Christians? Hong Xiuquan most likely used his "vision from God" as an excuse to conquer and your comparison of Nazism to Christianity is laughable.

2007-01-17 08:14:42 · answer #8 · answered by paulsamuel33 4 · 0 0

You are a thinker who gets the dates. I will not go as far as saying the devil is helping peace. But too many people die due to corrupted religion

2007-01-17 08:02:16 · answer #9 · answered by janshouse justice for all 2 · 1 0

they more then likely killed the Jews because the Jews killed Jesus. so it sounds like revenge, this is not in the name of the god. it,s the temptation from the devil,this was mans idea, not god,s idea. cult are nothing but satanic nothing more,

2007-01-17 08:04:21 · answer #10 · answered by i,m here if you need to talk. 6 · 1 0

But that's all in the past and those weren't REAL Christians. You can't judge them based on what people did in the past.

I can't believe no one beat me to that canned answer of theirs.


2007-01-17 08:06:47 · answer #11 · answered by thelittlemerriemaid 4 · 1 0

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