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What do I do when my two year old is calling me a F**ker or an A**hole in the middle of a store? All eyes are on me, and I cant yell at him. Any suggestions????

2007-01-17 07:22:14 · 20 answers · asked by Ashleigh 1 in Pregnancy & Parenting Toddler & Preschooler

Oh I forgot to mention... I DONT EVEN SWEAR AROUD HIM!!!!

2007-01-17 10:16:21 · update #1

20 answers

Leave your basket right there and march his little butt right out the door. No one will think twice about it. No child should talk to a parent or anyone like that. give him a good dose of soap in the mouth when you get him home. After a good talking to, go back to the store. Teach him that he can't talk to you like that, especially in public.

2007-01-17 07:31:43 · answer #1 · answered by Aj 3 · 0 0

Watch your own mouth. Never use those words around your child. He learned this from you or family members and you should put a stop to it.
Try this from the babycenter:
Don't show your amusement. Don't laugh or react.
Give him alternatives. Tell him he can say pickle or spagetti. Kids love the funny sounds.
Set limits. Say matter-of factly those words are off limits.
Invoke consequences. Give 2 warnings and then a time-out.
Don't let swearing get results. Explain that these words hurt people's feelings and they are not allowed anywhere, especially in public.
Teach respect. Teach empathy by putting him in another's shoes.
You are the role model and whatever your child does or says reflects on you.
Check out the site below.

2007-01-17 07:49:44 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Why can't you yell at your child? If they are doing something wrong, they need to be corrected. You are the parent, and what you say should be final. Don't even try to rationalize with your child.

I see this scenario all the time. Some mother or father trying to rationalize and explain to a whiny child about why they have to leave the store, and why they can't have the latest greatest toy etc. Just take them by the arm, and lead them out. If they fuss, or throw a tantrum, scream and cry...who cares?

Ultimately, by not being firm with your child, or disciplining them when they misbehave, you are setting a bad precedent. If you think your child is bad now...wait until they are 14-15, and have 13 years of getting what they want. By that time...they won't even listen to you.

Take the steps now to avoid that.

2007-01-17 07:36:00 · answer #3 · answered by Wolfshadow 3 · 1 0

YOU are the parent..YOU brought him in this world...and I guarantee that you are the one who is probably cursing around him...children pick up anything that parents say...and its up to parents to be an example to their children....also you shouldve started disciplining him a loonnng time ago..even at the age of one where Im sure he was TRYING you on things....you need to teach him the difference between right and wrong...and who is the authority figure...and why not yell at him? You know what thats when he will look at you crazy and probably wonder why your doing that...and you tell him that Mommy is reacting the way he is and that you dont like it....but also if it were ME..I'd pop him on hil lil heinie and keep walking through the store!

2007-01-17 07:55:11 · answer #4 · answered by chrissy_poo516 2 · 1 0

At two, he is probably mimicing what he has heard someone else being called AND likes the reaction/attention he is getting.
SO, start by explaining that that language is not allowed. (you will have to not use it as well) and tell him that if he says them again, he will get punished in some way. (take something away, wash his mouth out, time out, no dessert, etc)
The hard part is to follow through, consistantly.
Bad language is everywhere today. You have to be very diligent in what you say in front of the little ones.

2007-01-17 07:37:44 · answer #5 · answered by russanator 2 · 1 0

Just ignore it. When he learns that those words don't work to get attention or any reaction from you, then he'll stop using them and hopefully, forget them. If you make a big deal about it, he learns that those are powerful words and its all the more fun to get a reaction out of you by using them more and more often!

You have to ask yourself, though, where did he learn these words in the first place? And now that you know he picks these things up and says them indiscriminately, you might want to control his environment a little more tightly, i.e., don't use those words yourself when he is within hearing distance, don't allow movies or music or TV that uses words like that to be playing when he is awake or within hearing distance, make sure other people who care for him in your absence are following the same guidelines, etc.

Hope this helps - good luck!

2007-01-17 07:33:39 · answer #6 · answered by Poopy 6 · 1 1

I agree with most here...but the most effective way to teach a child respect and that bad manners will not be tolerated is to tell the child before going out, that bad manners and words will not be tolerated and should they decide to ignore that, that you will leave immediately. And do so. Go home. Send them to their room. Tell them they cannot come out until they can apologize, sincerely, for their bad behavior. Be consistant. Do what you say your gonna do. DO NOT back down...or yes, you will be dodging a left hook when they are older! (I liked that Bonno!) And I still believe in the old adage "Spare the rod and spoil the child", which means spankings are a good deterent to bad behavior!

2007-01-17 07:41:02 · answer #7 · answered by Toots 6 · 1 1

When something happen like that you should go to the bathroom and you have to disaplen and have to spank him. If that happens at home too than you need to smack him right on the month. You have a rough situtation in your hand. If your child is around with someone who is picking up these words than your child shouldn't be around that person. Good luck

2007-01-20 02:50:10 · answer #8 · answered by daughterpictures 2 · 0 0

My little girl is 2 and she says naughty words too. Of course it is stuff that comes out of either my husbands or my mouth! She called her daddy an a**hole before, and goes around the house saying "Jesus Christ". It is horrible. Your son has heard either you or someone else around him say those words. I just have to remind myself and daddy not to say those words! And everytime my daughter says them I tell her they are naughty words and little Princesses don't use that kind of language. Kind of bites me in the butt, because when she hears me say them...she says the exact same thing to me. Your son doesn't know any better at that age.
But honestly, there isn't much you (and me!) can do except for trying to watch our own mouths!

I keep on reading what others have posted, and you can't whip your childs butt for saying naughty words, because at that age, they don't know better. You DONT wash his mouth out with soap, that is just gross and WRONG!! And if you are too embarrassed and he keeps on...walk right out of the store! Good luck

2007-01-17 08:23:08 · answer #9 · answered by sunnysideup 4 · 0 0

Children learn by repeating what they hear; if they hear cussing then they repeat it too. You and your husband, need to STOP cussing and then it will go away. It may take him some time but just keep at it. Once you both stop cussing then everytime he says a cuss word - punish him for it. Let him know it's not proper behavior to say those words. Give him new words to repeat.

2007-01-17 09:04:21 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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