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im 14 and feel really depressed.i dont know what to do.i dont want to ring a helpline so dont suggest that plz.i scared myself by thinking about killing myself the other day.i used to self harm and i am starting to do it again.i cant talk to my mum and dad about it because i dont even know why im depressed.i want it to go away as im doin some pretty important revision and tests in school at the moment.please help.i dont think its stress xxbecxxlxx

2007-01-17 07:12:27 · 44 answers · asked by beccy 2 in Health Mental Health

44 answers

Looks like you are a smart girl. you know its ok to talk to your teachers or counsellors. you can even discuss this with your close friends. Killing yourself is not the answer, smart people don't think that, they find a way out of ugly situations. Also remember there are some other people worse off then you.

2007-01-17 08:21:51 · answer #1 · answered by Iqbal 4 · 1 0

Usually there is no reason why a person id depressed - it just happens sometimes. It's to do with levels of certain chemicals in the brain that are needed to feel happy not being high enough.

My best advice for coping with depression is just to do more things that make you happy. Singing, dancing, eating cereal, watching movies, running, looking at cats, playing with yourself or whatever. If you do things that make you happy even for a while then your brain chemistry will begin to rebalance itself into a happier level.
Another thing is to look forward to something, anything. This makes the future seem better. I remember 3 years ago I was thinking about killing myself but decided I must see the new series of Doctor Who first (sad I know but I loved the original show in the 80's) so in a way the Doctor saved my life. If you have something good ahead then you can go on more easily.

I myself suffered from depression for may years since when I was in 6th form until my early 20s and I have a lot of scars from self-harm all over me. I found when I really did want to stop this it was easier than I thought it would be. But don't worry too much about self-harm, this will sort itself out soon enough, just concentrate on being happier.

So to recap what I have just told you:
- Depression does not usually have a specific cause.
- Try to do things that maken you happy.
- Look forward to things that you might enjoy.

I hope you feel better soon. Have a great life.

2007-01-17 07:32:10 · answer #2 · answered by monkeymanelvis 7 · 1 0

try adding more fruits and veggies to your diet. If you can go to the gym or just try working out at home.
i had the same problem when i was fourteen so i totally know what your going thru. Always try to rationlize everything even if you dont want too. Spend time with your friends and go shopping. even if you dont feel like it you'll feel better once you get around others. it took me a long time to get over it but now i'm an adult and i still feel bad sometimes but i try things like watching my faveriote movie or eating something i really like ( but dont overdue the eating it can become a problem too if your not careful) i dont do it more than 2ce a week.
it could be putting to much weight on these tests you mentioned. sometimes you dont always know when your stressed. you just said that doing these tests is more important then getting help and i do see your point but i also see you put the tests before your own well being.
relax and try to have some fun
you'll get thru it. Remeber you have a long life to go. it's not even close to over. just think about the next big step for oyu. Going to highschool. then graduating. it may seem far off to you now but it's not that far wawy then you can vacation in mexico and lay on the beach in the hot sun and really relax.

2007-01-17 07:22:47 · answer #3 · answered by piratesofmaddness 2 · 1 0

OK did anyone do hormone work up on you?
Is there anyone anywhere you can go to?
You may just need that helpline, hon.
I used to feel that way, but not act on it.
This is a big concern.
But please believe me, there IS a way out of this.
PS very often, these thoughts come as a way to try to avoid the things we are scared of, like tests, etc.
You may need help from a therapist who knows all about phobias, and anxiety, and how to get through these things without backing down!
Never back down!
I don't care how bad it gets. Take a nap, let your body reset itself, and get up and get going!
And if you can't, then you need some meds at first. Maybe forever. So what?
The sun ALWAYS rises.
You will live through your tests. Yes, you will. You'll be OK. No matter what.
And if that's not it, I'm sorry. But I know that's when the demon haunted my mother and me. Only when scared and backed into a corner.
Come out fighting!

2007-01-17 07:18:13 · answer #4 · answered by starryeyed 6 · 0 0

Cutters are all intelligent. You have had a period of severe depression and the imbalanced chemicals allowed the lower brain to illegally interfere with live thought. Someday you will have emotional experiences strong enough to over ride the logic patch that is now in use by the upper brain to keep the world flat. It is a thought process that enjoys the self harm. After the self harm is over there will still be some depression to battle but we all struggle with that and there are many ideas of what to do for depression.

2007-01-17 08:28:23 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Definitely, without a doubt, talk to your parents about it. It does not matter if you know WHY you are depressed. Most of the time people DON'T know why. Sometimes there is NO REASON. Often it is a chemical imbalance in the brain...other times it's just chemistry. In any case, if you are honest with your folks, and just tell them how you feel, and suggest to them that you would like to see a doctor, you WILL get better. The first step is to talk to your folks. Then go see a doctor. THe doctor will suggest medication, which you definitely should take. I have several friends who because of depression, take medication EVERY DAY. There is NOTHING wrong with that. You take a pill everyday like you would a vitamin, and it HELPS! You feel better and you can live your life normally. Often, in conjunction with the medication, talking to someone (therapist) on a regular basis is very, very helpful. There is NOTHING wrong with you. This is very, very common. I know tons of people like this. You just have to take the right steps to help yourself. You can do it. I know you can.

2007-01-17 07:24:08 · answer #6 · answered by asim 2 · 1 0

Hi Sweetheart. You are not alone. Lots of people have answered giving very good advice. Please take it.
Sometimes life can seem so unbearably difficult, it seems like it is impossible to go on - but it only SEEMS that way.
I have been through what you are going through and I know that if I just try not to take too much notice of the harmful thoughts, that they ease off and even go away.
Sometimes those feelings come from a chemical imbalance in the brain and have little to do with circumstances. The symptoms are of desperation and wanting to end life because you can't cope. But it is only tricks that the brain is playing on you and can be treated through medication which redresses the chemical balance.
Do as others have also said and go to your doctor. He/she will not only help with medication, they can also put you in touch with someone you can talk to. It really helps and believe me, these awful feelings will pass and you'll be able to appreciate all the good in life again.
Bear with it and take action to change it.
Take care of yourself. You are loved and appreciated.
Big huggables!!

2007-01-17 07:31:52 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Hey there, just please don't do anything drastic! Remember that this is your only life, one shot is all you get. Don't ruin it. Now, saying that, depression is sooo common its not even funny. So many people, and a whole lot of them your age go through this daily. This is not to lessen the way you are currently feeling, just to make you realize your not alone. If your to the point of considering suicide, and your already hurting yourself, you must get your butt to a psychologist. Go to your school counselor if you feel comfortable and see how they you should go about it. I know once when I was about 16 I went to regular doctor for chest pains....They said I was fine, but gave me a psychologists card and told me I seemed sad. I never went, and was fine, but I never had thoughts like you have, and I never hurt myself in any physical way. So, you can try that route, just get a regular doctors appt and they can get u to the right place. But it does seem like some depression meds for a while will get you feeling good again. Don't take them for ever or depend on them, just for a while, try w/ out them, etc... Good luck, if you need to talk please do so.

2007-01-17 07:22:42 · answer #8 · answered by tw9165 4 · 0 0

You don't leave us much option when you say you don't want to talk to helplines or mom and dad. My suggestion then is to go to your school counselor or nurse. If school is becoming overwhelming for you they may be able to help in some way. If you are hurting yourself, you need help. Even if you don't want it. Hurting yourself is not a good thing or a good sign. Suicide is not a good thing either. Most people who seek suicide are actually seeking some type of peace or outlet of their frustration. Death by suicide does not solve that, it only creates more torment. What you need to do is talk to your parents! You need mental help that will help you get these feelings and actions under control before you do something that is serious.

2007-01-17 07:18:50 · answer #9 · answered by †♥mslamom♥† 3 · 0 0

Your mum and dad would be heartbroken if you harmed yourself. Please dont do that. Is there absolutely no one you can talk to. Without knowing where you live its hard to suggest. Its not so bad talking to people. Being a mum myself I cannot emphasise enough how much your mum would want to help you. Anyway try writing down all the things in you life that get you down past and present. If you see your gp he can prescribe medication that will help you through this. Someone close to me committed suicide when I was 5 yrs old and I will never get over it or understand why so if I can help I will

2007-01-17 07:23:41 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

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