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Are there any days you just have to take off from it, like when you do something so bad that you just feel you don't have the desire to talk to God about it or you are too ashamed to?

Like yesterday was a really bad day for me and by me, since I said and thought some really bad things, and at the end of the day when I usually pray, I just felt like I was too far away from God because of what I did to pray openly to Him.

Has anyone else had this experience and how did you deal with it?

2007-01-17 06:22:12 · 34 answers · asked by STILL standing 5 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

34 answers

Satan is a HUGE deveiver. He wants you to think what you've done or what you're thinking about makes you too bad to be with God.

Here's the TRUTH though. Jesus died for our sins. He actually DIED so that even though we sin, we can still be close to him. NOTHING you do is too bad for God. Just repent, and go on with hanging out with Him. Seriously, He LOVES it when you hang out with Him and pray to him. Whenever I feel bad about doing something and don't feel like I can be near God, I just start talking to Him about how I feel. Let Him know your feelings, talk to Him like you'd talk to a best friend, because He IS your best friend. He LOVES you dearly, NO MATTER WHAT YOU'VE DONE!!!

Also, remember this.

Therefore, this is NO CONDEMNATION (no judging guilty of wrong) for those who are in Christ Jesus, who live and walk not after the dictates of the flesh, but after the dictates of the Spirit.
Romans 8:1 amplified

So when condemnation ( to disapprove, to find one guilty, to declare unfit for use) comes against you, I encourage you to quote Romans 8:1 as a reminder. Remind Satan and yourself that you do not walk after the flesh but after the Spirit. Walking after the flesh is depending on yourself; walking after the Spirit is depending on God.

2007-01-17 06:37:48 · answer #1 · answered by Be Still and know He's God 5 · 1 1

Hey, it's okay. Most of us, whether we admit it or not, have "been there, done that." For me personally, I've come to realize that prayer isn't always a conversation - sometimes it is simply my soul crying out to God cuz my mind doesn't know how.

There are plenty of stories in the Bible about those who were to ashamed to talk to God who finally returned; if it would be helpful, read a little scripture. The Prodigal Son is always a good starting point, although seeing how some of the Old Testament prophets dealt with things make me feel like maybe I'm not the only one.

Take a deep breath, remember that no matter what, God LOVES you, and then pray. Say a simple "Our Father" if that's as far as you feel you can go. God is patient and welcoming; your prayer life will come back if you give it a chance.

2007-01-17 06:33:06 · answer #2 · answered by Church Music Girl 6 · 2 1

Yes! Unfortunately we all have these feelings and more often than not. All we can do is have faith that even though we sinned against God, no Sin is too great for God and we must realize that. We must also remember that the sin we committed has already been forgiven and have comfort in that. This will enable us to confess the sin to God. God already knows about the sin, we must acknowledge what we did or are doing as sin, except the forgiveness and move on with a clean slate ready to fight against the pushes and pulls of sin in our lives everyday. Put on the full armor of God and fight it with the power that God has already given you. You cannot be tempted beyond what you can bear.

Stay Strong!


2007-01-17 06:33:25 · answer #3 · answered by ? 2 · 2 1

I know it's hard to pray at times like those, but that's when you really need to pray the most. God loves you, and He's waiting for you to come talk to Him about the bad stuff, as well as the good.

He accepts you just as you are, and you can always ask Him for help and forgiveness. Don't let a bad day keep you from your prayer time with Him.

2007-01-17 06:29:16 · answer #4 · answered by Wolfeblayde 7 · 2 1

Oh yes.... most all of The Faith do at one time or another... many, like me, get in that mess quite frequently... just pray as best you can... aske for for givness for getting in that mess and for the things you did that got you so down... just keep-on-keep'n on... if you have trouble getting started just recite the 23rd Psalm first... or another verse that has some personal influence for you... then try to follow the templat of the Apostles pray from Matt. 6:9... Praise His name. aske for His Will to be done... Ask for his provision... tell him you have forgiven those who have wronged you...ask for forgivness in Jesus' name... keep it on the formal prayer by rote mode untill you can get loosened up a bit

If you can use a fromal Prayer approch when in the "downer" mood... it can lead you out and into the more personal communication you need to have with God... Prayer is the cure for not being able to pray.

2007-01-17 06:33:59 · answer #5 · answered by idahomike2 6 · 1 1

Well, since God created everything and knows everything you have nothing to worry about. The reason why God knows everything is because God created everything. God created time, from beginning to end. Time is a series of events, and hence God created all those events. God knows what those events will be (all knowing) because he created them. Hence what you did that was wrong was actually caused by God having created you doing that at the beginning of time when he created it.
You can not blame it on free-will, since God knows everything, God knows exactly what you will do before you do it. If God did not know what you were going to do then he would not be all knowing. Do not worry about it, God caused you to do what you did, since God created it.
Also God obviously works in strange ways. He makes us imperfect and supposedly gives us free-will and then expects us not to screw up. And if we do we need to ask for forgiveness. Kind of makes me think that he needs to apologize to us for his stupidity and hypocrisy on this.

2007-01-17 06:33:10 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I've had this experience more than I'd like to admit. However, I'm always reminded that God forgives our sin immediately (that's why Jesus died on the cross) but he still demands that we verbally admit our sins to Him. Just try and push through those moments and pray for forgiveness regardless of what you've done. It will definitely make you feel better and it won't fester in you to the point where you have to wonder. God never intended us to worry.

2007-01-17 06:28:18 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

Remember that you are human. You have frailties. Even the greatest of the saints have had what is known as dry periods, when they felt for any number of reasons that they could not communicate with their Maker. We feel that He is not listening to us (which is not the case, EVER) or we feel as you say too embarassed to talk to him or receive his inspiration. Its OK

How to remedy this? Just pick up where you left off. God is all knowing. He sees right into your heart. He knows if you are truly penitent and resolve to correct your errors, He will forgive you. NO MATTER WHAT YOU DO, GOD LOVES YOU! His infinite love makes this possible, so just talk to Him -- there is no better listener. Never be discouraged and most of all BE NOT AFRAID to appeal to His greatness.
Peace be with you!

2007-01-17 06:38:16 · answer #8 · answered by cliff g 1 · 1 1

I have felt ashamed enough of myself before that I was afraid to talk to God.
Usually that "shamefulness" is part of a process by which true repentence is attained. I know that when I do something that guilts me so much - I usually never desire to do it again.

I always find myself on speaking terms with God again - after of course I have decided to seek His help to change what was wrong.

2007-01-17 06:28:54 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

All the time but we should work on overcoming that feeling because it isn't God trying to make us feel ashamed.It is snot nosed satan.And if you study the effects of it you discover all that achieves is our hiding from God like Adam in the garden of Eden.God knows we're pigs and that is why Jesus came to do for us what we couldn't do for ourselves.Work towards letting absolutely nothing getting in the way of your relationship with God,You'll be glad for eternity that you didn't.Take care and may God bless you.

2007-01-17 06:35:25 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

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