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I recently watched a movie on Global warming. It scared me very bad. I understand that some people dont belive in this (i didnt before i saw the movie). But i was looking for some more ideas on what my family can do to help prevent this. I asked a ? similar to this and got only 2 serious anwsers, the rest were just people being mean. I have researched it on the net and found some great ideas that save us money too. Just looking for some more, and wondering what your familys are doing. And hoping to get the word out to protect my sons future. Som eof the stuff i found was buying a low flow shower head, it can save you up to $150 a year, move heat down 2 degrees and air up 2 saves $100 per year. Just looking for more ideas. ANd trying to get the word out.

2007-01-17 06:12:39 · 13 answers · asked by coliepollie22 2 in Pregnancy & Parenting Other - Pregnancy & Parenting

13 answers

I have a 4 year old and im trying to teach her to protect the environment. More then just global warming there is a lot of things that we can do to protect the future for our children and the future of children to come. Just basic things can do a lot. We are recycling and i take my daughter and let her keep all the money we get from recycling. She loves seeing her piggy bank fill up and its doing something good for the environment. There are other small things...make sure your faucets don't leak. Keeping your doors and windows insualted so you don't have to use as much heat. If your heat is leaking out the door and window its a total waste. Don't stand holding open the refridgerator for an hour trying to figure out what you want...
Then there are some fun things you can do. Plant trees...plants..flowers... Carpool or use public transportation when you can ..this reduces the amount of cars, traffic and air pollution from cars. Try and use things that can be recycled. If everyone only uses recyclable/reusable items then large companies will be forced to comply or go out of business.
hope this helps

2007-01-17 06:25:17 · answer #1 · answered by kora_tori 3 · 0 0

There are lots of things we should do to take care of the earth and being low energy users is an excellent way to start. My husband and I always seal our windows and doors, insulate everything, use the low flow shower heads etc. Don't forget that an important thing to do to protect our earth is to keep it clean by not littering and using as many environmentally friendly products as possible when cleaning etc.

The big question about Global Warming in general is whether or not we are actually causing it. It has happened many times over the the long history of the earth and there truly are many different opinions from very credible scientists over our culpability!

Teach your boys to take care of the earth too! They'll enjoy knowing that they are helping keep things cleaner. Try not to get too scared about it since there are so many other things we can control more easily that are more immediately dangerous such as safe driving techniques, healthy diet and exercise etc.

A mother could worry herself to death!

2007-01-17 06:27:51 · answer #2 · answered by psycho-cook 4 · 0 0

I'm not trying to be mean, promise, but here is my opinion (for what it's worth). The earth has gone through various cycles and we are currently at the end of an ice age. When the ice caps melt, this ice age will be officially over. This is part of the earth's natural cycle and we just happen to be here for this particular ride. I don't believe that it's possible for us to change the course of the earth, nor do I think that we should. We don't know what the consequences to that would be.

Like all species, mankind is going to have to adapt to the earth rather than to try to force her to suit our particular needs. We will either adapt or die. I think that a mass migration is inevitable somewhere down the line. Could we delay it for a few years? Perhaps. Should we? I'm not so sure that is wise to even try.

That said, I think we should respect the earth. I'm all for recycling and environmental support. I drive a Prius and I'm open to an electric car if they become more user-friendly and practical. I own a large farm and farm organically. I raise heirloom vegetables, fruits and animals to save important genetic qualities in the above.

2007-01-17 06:19:48 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

1. I cloth diaper-saves money, saves the environment and saves money! Check out http://www.realdiaperassociation.org/ for reasons why.
2. I recycle and will compost when I move. I try to buy things only in recyclable materials. I also recycle paper bags at the grocery store, I want to buy some more canvas ones too.
3. I line dry clothing when it's warm. Saves tons of energy and keeps the house from getting hot!
4. I do things for my son's health-that's his future-I use natural remedies if he gets sick (really rare), I also feed him healthy meals-nutrition is the best disease prevention thing you can do!

2007-01-17 06:34:17 · answer #4 · answered by me 4 · 0 0

Solar energy.

There are cities that have programs through their departments of Water and Power who will reimburse you for purchasing solar panels for your home.

It will be a while before they begin selling hydrogen cars (cars run on water) in mass, so the electric cars are available, expensive... but if money wasn't the object, you would save in gas to pay for your car in the long run, anyway. Just plug them in overnight in your garage and the next day you just go.

Another is paying to plant a tree program. A dollar here and a dollar there makes an incredible impact on our environment and if a million people do it, you have a million trees for a measly dollar. Phone companies and department stores sometimes promote these kinds of things when you go to check out or pay your bill.

I could think of more, but that's it so far.

2007-01-17 06:19:20 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I understand what you mean. I'm scared to when I see that both of my kids are asthmatic. The air we breath is so bad and I'm scared for my kids. I try to recycle everything I can to live in a better world. I try to avoid every areas that people smoke, etc.
If everybody was doing that, the planet would stop getting warmer and we could save a lot of animals and start relaxing about whats going to happend to our kids and grand kids.

2007-01-17 06:28:41 · answer #6 · answered by nursymee 1 · 0 0

I'm trying to do the little things, like you are. I will also be sure to raise her with an awareness and respect for her world. I want to raise her to contribute to the future, not just consume the resources of the world. We already have her helping to sort the recycling, turning water off when brushing teeth, putting on her own sunscreen in the morning. It's about making them responsible for their own futures, as well.

2007-01-17 06:17:33 · answer #7 · answered by Jilli Bean 5 · 1 0

i am not trying to sound like an a## but i don't believe that anything will be done to prevent a disaster.Even if some families around the world did things to help there would be too many that didn't i think the damage has been done and if you believe in god then everything that happens is supposed to happen.Not that i am saying we should do nothing just saying don't get your hopes up just live life everyday and enjoy it because it can be takin away soon.

2007-01-17 06:44:28 · answer #8 · answered by samwise25 4 · 0 1

Compact floresent bulbs
Get an IN-LINE water heater (it only heats water when you need it, it doesn't sit in a tank)
Plant a decidous tree on the south side of your house

Check out more:

2007-01-17 06:18:13 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

change your lighbulbs to Compact fluorescent light bulbs
change your air filters
buy organic
use a cloth bag at the grocery store
unplug everything in your house you are not using

2007-01-17 06:18:36 · answer #10 · answered by Willow 5 · 1 0

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