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i want to find out about a british painter george allen.i have try loads of sites.with no luck.so what i want to know is.dose any body know of a british site,that has list of british painters that gose back at least 250 years and his free.or some were i could send
the name of the painter.and they would look it up.i have done this for a america painter with no problem.in america.but i can not
find any were in the uk.that dose the same service.or i have sent
off the name and got no reply.or they want me to join or send money.and some of these are public.it not like the painter is not
know he is suposse to be a friend with john ruskin.and well know
so please help.its driving me around the bend.

2007-01-17 05:05:37 · 6 answers · asked by peter o 5 in Arts & Humanities Visual Arts Painting

6 answers

The George Allen that was a friend of Ruskin's was primarily known as a publisher, not a painter. Perhaps this is why you haven't found much?

Although he studied with Ruskin he is best known for Unwin & Allen, the publishing house.

Try these links for starters!

2007-01-17 06:28:08 · answer #1 · answered by Nobody 5 · 1 0

George Allen, british artist 1916-1988.
Try artnet for other details. Cannot see a connection with John Ruskin, although they are both British artists

2007-01-17 13:27:45 · answer #2 · answered by kenjinuk 5 · 0 0

Here's the link for you, my friend. Hope it helps !


And here's a list of British painters.


2007-01-17 13:17:05 · answer #3 · answered by dontdoweekends 5 · 1 0

learn about the painter

2007-01-17 13:28:21 · answer #4 · answered by rjhamuk 2 · 0 2


The Photograph That Haunts George Allen
thenation.com Found 140 days ago
Click here to return to the browser-optimized version of this page. Barnstorming around Virginia in the re-election campaign that Republican Senator George Allen hopes will provide the impetus for his 2008 run for the presidency, he has suddenly been forced on the defensive. But George Allen's relationship ... #

Allen's Racist Ties Exposed
politicalwire.com Found 140 days ago
Apparently a fondness for confederate flags and insulting remarks are the least of Sen. George Allen's (R-VA) problems as he considers making a presidential bid in 2008. Ten years ago, while governor of Virginia, The Nation reports Allen "personally initiated an association with the Council of Conservative Citizens, the successor organization to the segregationist White Citizens Council and among the largest white supremacist groups. ... #

amygdalagf.blogspot.com Found 139 days ago
GEORGE ALLEN, WHITER THAN WHITE . It just keeps getting better and better. Macaca-boy poses with the head of the Council of Conservative Citizens (CCC) . [...] Only a decade ago, as governor of Virginia, Allen personally initiated an association with the Council of Conservative Citizens (CCC), the successor organization to the segregationist White Citizens Council and among the largest white supremacist groups. ... #

"Beyond Macaca"
penguinsontheequator.blogspot.com Found 140 days ago
Max Blumenthal, who is apparently on the lousy conservative bigots beat at The Nation, has a must-read with more damaging details from George Allen's past. #

Beyond Macaca
atrios.blogspot.com Found 140 days ago
I'm shocked to discover that the racist George Felix Allen likes to hang out with racists. #

Art of the Smear
theagitator.com Found 139 days ago
People for the American Way has put out a loathesome press release attempting to smear the Institute for Justice's Clint Bolick. The smear fails, miserably, becasue anyone vaguely familiar with Bolick or his career knows that the guy is one of the most genuine, compassionate, opend-minded people you'll meet. ... #

George Allen Should Just Put On A Hood And Burn A Cross And Get It Over With
oliverwillis.com Found 140 days ago
Even more proof that George Felix Allen Jr. is just another Republican racist . Only a decade ago, as governor of Virginia, Allen personally initiated an association with the Council of Conservative Citizens, the successor organization to the segregationist White Citizens Council and among the largest white supremacist groups. ... #

More Dirt on Sen. Allen
discourse.net Found 140 days ago
Gov. Dean called Sen. George Allen unfit for public service . Here's more evidence that he is . And I think modern Virginia has gotten to a point where overt racism is a real political disadvantage. #
A Spork in the Drawer
sporkinthedrawer.blogspot.com Found 139 days ago
So Sen. George "Macaca" Allen (R-KKK) made nice with a racist organization: Only a decade ago, as governor of Virginia, Allen personally initiated an association with the Council of Conservative Citizens, the successor organization to the segregationist White Citizens Council and among the largest white supremacist groups. ... #
Grand Wizards..!
patrickjfitzgerald.blogspot.com Found 139 days ago
and I am not talking about Harry Potter. Holy macaca! George, when did you stop being a racist? I predict that the commonwealth of Virginia will be going blue in November's senate race. #
A Democracy In Its Last Throes?
liberalgirlnextdoor.blogspot.com Found 139 days ago
Just a quick perusal of the news today gives me an uneasy feeling about the state of our democracy and the sad state of our leadership. Bill Frist (may have) lied on his medical license renewal application , George Allen not only spews racist comments but apparently sought membership in a White Supremacist organization and Richard Armitage admits that he outed Valerie Plame . ... #
Plain Dealer Plain Duped
donkeyod.blogspot.com Found 139 days ago
Beyond Macaca: The Photograph That Haunts George Allen #
May Hurt?
knobboy.blogspot.com Found 139 days ago
AP (08.29.06): "One Republican senator [Conrad Burns (R - MT)] described his house painter as a 'little Guatemalan man.' Another [George Allen, Jr. (R - VA)] called an Indian man a 'macaca,' a type of monkey. ... #
He's running for president. He's a mainstream Republican. And he's a racist.
dovbear.blogspot.com Found 139 days ago
That would be one George Allen of Virginia of course. (Cue troll comment about Robert Byrd, who is not running for president, in 3...2...1...) The evidence accumulating against him: 1 - He publicly mocked S. ... #

Virginia Virtucon (Virtual Conservative)
virtuconindustries.blogspot.com Found 139 days ago
As everyone knows, a flux capacitor is what makes time travel possible. Well, it seems that Democrats must be in possession of a time machine given their recent criticisms of George Allen . How else to explain that "macaca" has long been widely considered a racial slur -- that is since August 16, 2006 when a Wikipedia page was created for it five days after the incident with George Allen . ... #
Dead Horse, Beaten
parabasis.typepad.com Found 139 days ago
So Senator Allen not only calls someone a racially derogatory term, hangs a noose in his office and loves the confederacy even though he's not from the south. ... #

Miblog Weighs a Ton
miblogweighsaton.blogspot.com Found 139 days ago
George Allen. He's a Republican Senator from Virginia, often mentioned as a potential nominee for President. He's currently in a re-election bid against James Webb . You've probably seen him on the Daily Show, calling Webb campaign worker S. ... #

Easter Lemming Liberal News
elemming2.blogspot.com Found 140 days ago

Things You Should Know
tokatakiya.blogspot.com Found 140 days ago
Lowell at Raising Kaine has a story about an article in The Nation which recounts George Allens connections to a white supremacist group . #

Senator "Macaca": Full of Caca
thetruffle.blogspot.com Found 140 days ago
The more I read about Senator George Allen, the scummier he seems. His "macaca" crack, now immortalized for all on YouTube, wasn't just an isolated foot-in-mouth episode. And, to be sure, we've all had our foot-in-mouth episodes. ... #

2007-01-17 13:21:20 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2


2007-01-20 10:01:49 · answer #6 · answered by Dimitris C. Milionis - Athens GR 3 · 0 0

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