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27 answers

The universe before it dying perhaps? All things arise due to causes and conditions, and usually it's a certain set that have to come together to "create" something specific, but in the universal sense science hasn't gotten that far in understanding the nature of the universe yet, so all we can do is speculate and analyze according to what we know... logically.


2007-01-17 05:05:54 · answer #1 · answered by vinslave 7 · 0 0

It seems that the earth had been established in orbit around the sun and was a globe covered with water before the six “days,” or periods, of special creative works began. “There was darkness upon the surface of the watery deep.” (Genesis 1:2) At that early point, something—perhaps a mixture of water vapor, other gases, and volcanic dust—must have prevented sunlight from reaching the surface of the earth. The Bible describes the first creative period this way: “God proceeded to say, ‘Let there be light’; and gradually light came into existence,” or reached the surface of the earth.—Genesis 1:3, translation by J. W. Watts.

The expression “gradually . . . came” accurately reflects a form of the Hebrew verb involved, denoting a progressive action that takes time to complete. Anyone who reads the Hebrew language can find this form some 40 times in Genesis chapter 1, and it is a key to understanding the chapter. What God began in the figurative evening of a creative period, or age, became progressively clear, or apparent, after the morning of that “day.” Also, what was started in one period did not have to be fully completed when the next period began. To illustrate, light gradually began to appear on the first “day,” yet it was not until the fourth creative period that the sun, moon, and stars could have been discerned.—Genesis 1:14-19.

2007-01-17 05:01:54 · answer #2 · answered by Just So 6 · 0 1

Only God knows this, of course God is always there. He has got no time dimension. He has got no past or present or future. First of all we dont know completely what is in our universe. How can we know that existed before that. Smallest electron which we know is of size 10 power minus30. The edge of our universe is 4 billion light years away from us. We cant even imagine 1 light year. How can we imagine this. I didnt come across any theory on your question.

2007-01-17 05:24:14 · answer #3 · answered by meena 6 · 0 0

nothing. if time was created with this universe, and doesn't just exist, then there was no "before." there was no such thing as "before," or "after." if time DID exist before the creation of the universe then it is basically saying that god himself is bound by linear time making the "passing time" something bigger than him. it is interesting to note that the scriptures all point to a god who is, in fact, locked into time. he speaks, he thinks about the future, the past, etc. nowhere in the bible does it say anything about god existing outside this dimension... it says god knows what will happen in the future but never says he's already there... interesting...

2007-01-17 05:02:28 · answer #4 · answered by Shawn M 3 · 2 0

We know that when this creation is done, there will be a new heavens and a new earth.

It's only speculation, but there may have been a previous universe as well.

My observation has been that we are on a "need to know" basis, and obviously, we don't need to know what was here before as the Bible has absolutely nothing to say about a previous creation.

2007-01-17 04:57:49 · answer #5 · answered by s2scrm 5 · 1 1

properly nothingness is what hypothetically must have existed previously the massive bang ,besides the undeniable fact that no one quite is responsive to ,besides the undeniable fact that the first ingredient created in the course of the massive bang is reported to be hydrogen because of it truly is abundance, also no longer contradicting the works of scientists , we technically can't be one hundred% positive if the massive bang even existed because it truly is only a million of the extraordinarily universal theories about how the universe got here into life.(and that is strictly why human beings opt for to be counted on god,it makes ingredient a lot less demanding) also yeah , a earlier universe might want to have existed yet then why might want to it have collapsed ?its all quantum physics besides the undeniable fact that in case you opt for to confirm the answer i advise you become and cosmologist/quantum physicist and make a step ahead in the international of technology

2016-11-24 23:24:31 · answer #6 · answered by wilczynski 4 · 0 0

Energy and matter existed before formation (not creation) of this universe.

2007-01-17 07:16:14 · answer #7 · answered by NQS 5 · 0 0

only god... its so hard to imagine that... but if you know about god, we all know that he was, he is, and is forever...

god is never changing and always existent and has been before time.

thats an awesome question, cuase its so deep and hard for any of us as humans to imagine...

its kinda like thinking, how long does forever last?... we cant imagine an end to forever... even if there was a wall at the end of the universe, where would it go after that?

sorry for the whole subject change... but i love to think of things like that.

so to your answer, god existed before the universe and everything was made in him.

2007-01-17 14:25:10 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Since you used the word creation, I can tell you that nothing but God existed. Genesis chapter 1 tells us that God created everything out of nothing-- the light and the dark, the heavens and the earth. That's the fun of faith- you can believe that something was made out of complete nothingness. And you can feel good about it.

2007-01-17 05:00:52 · answer #9 · answered by Tyler's Mommy 4 · 0 1

There aren't "space" and "time," there's only "spacetime." Spacetime came into existence with the Big Bang, so there was no "before" the creation of the universe.

2007-01-17 05:19:26 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

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