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First off let me say I am a Christian, as in, I believe in God and that Jesus was the son of God sent here to save us from sin. My question is, because that the Old Testament is full of contradictions and stories of a God that doesn't show love, compassion or mercy, how can people believe this book is fact when it completely goes against everything that God is supposed to stand for? There are just too many contradictions to ignore!

2007-01-17 04:44:12 · 48 answers · asked by ? 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Candy Girl, theses are not 'so-called' contradictions. God gave me a brain and it would be an insult to him if i didn't use it.

2007-01-17 04:53:43 · update #1

Stinkypants, God didn't write the book, men did.

2007-01-17 05:00:04 · update #2

Christian belief is that God is all knowing so explain to me why there was any need to test Abraham? What purpose would the test serve if God already knew what was in Abraham’s heart and that he would be willing to make the sacrifice? What about the great flood, would there be any need to wipe out all of humanity if God knew that the world would repopulate with more of the same? What about the innocent children that were killed in the flood? Doesn’t the bible teach it is wrong to kill, to harm a child?

2007-01-17 05:13:28 · update #3

I did not accusing God of not showing love and compassion. I am saying I see it lacking in many of the stories in the bible. The bible was written by men, not God.

2007-01-17 05:17:09 · update #4

48 answers

I commend you for speaking up and questioning. There are too many christians who accept everything and do not question. God gave us a brain, and we should contemplate things like these. First off, the APOCRAPHA is the original hebrew text (containing the old testament and other missing books like "Tobit" 1 & 2 Maccabees, etc). The Bible wasn't compiled until after 300 AD, there was plenty of time for "man" to take out the name of god (Jehovah)and replace it with "god"or "lord", not to mention, take out any contraversial books that would make people ponder God.

Yes, the Old Testament is just that: an old testament showing the GOD as we knew Him as angry, vengeful and very jealous God. Then came the NEW TESTAMENT, Jesus is the only immortal that volunteered to sacrifice himself for mankind so that there would not be another "Noah's Flood".

Yes, there are many disputable things in the Old Testament (like incest with Lot and his daughters, Rahab killing the enemy with a tent stake-murder, Abrahams's multiple wives and concubines when in Genesis it says Adam and Eve (one man and one woman), the failure to mention Lillith in the King James Bible but is all over the Apocrapha (Adams first wife, his equal made after he comlained to God that all the animals had mates and not him inchapter 1).

These are but a few. What you have to do is research this for yourself...study Enoch I,II,III, the Apocrapha(The new Jerusalem Bible), The dead Sea Scrolls, etc. Remember, when things are taken out, they appear to be disorganized and contradicting. It's God's purpose that mankind go after Him like King David did, he made many mistakes, but God favored him above many. Religion today, has many secrets, if some of The Dead Sea Scrolls were to be made public, then Christianity as we know it would collapse. Remember, Jesus was HOMELESS, DID NOT HAVE A DEGREE in Religion, He was contraversial and above all: HE QUESTIONED THE PHARISEES SINCE HE WAS A YOUNG CHILD and could be found debating in the synnagogues with the Pharisees..........Read about the Watchers/Grigori, Enoch, and other books, you will be at peace after that. :-)

2007-01-17 07:04:37 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

First, let me express dismay that so many people have judged you harshly. Jesus said, "Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way as you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." (Mat 7:1-2) He then went on to talk about sawdust, planks and eyes.

Actually, that might be why you have such difficulty with the O.T. You might be judging it through the eyes of someone unable to see clearly because of a plank of wood obstructing your vision. I wonder if that could simply be the massive passage of time between you and then? None of us can place ourselves in history but the O.T. is an awesome history book because it "tells it like it is". Had it been doctored to put God's people in a good light, all the "bad" bits would have been edited out, or changed; no incest with Lot and his daughters; no polygamy; no murders; no revenge attacks; no complaints against God; no disobedience against God; no hypocrisy; no idolatry and so on. The Bible never says any of those things were acceptable to God! It records the facts and we are meant to be shocked, and to think long and hard about ways in which WE do similar things. God has always upheld the principle, "Whatever a man is sowing, that he will also reap", yet he still comes down in grace to save us! The love, compassion and mercy of God in the O.T. is all over the place! How could you miss it? Is there a plank in your eye?

Accounts like the Flood, Abraham preparing to sacrifice his son, Sarah and Hagar, the temple sacrifices (for sin and cleansing), the deportation to Babylon etc are historic events designed to teach us all spiritual lessons - they are allegories based on facts. Jesus specialised in parables - stories that could have been true because they were so life-like, but they were still stories. Yet people stumbled over them because they were designed to test what's in our hearts. The whole Bible does that. Don't let your heart be hardened. God's words are so powerful, he just has to speak and a universe comes into existence. Jesus is the Word of God. The Holy Spirit guides believers into all truth. May you be so guided.

2007-01-17 07:51:58 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

the Bible was written by appx 40 authors over a period of about 1500 years. These authors all represent different cultures, have different perspectives, and wrote it for a different purpose...the overall concept is not a contradiction as a previous person stated you can't take out a part of a verse without reading the entire verse or chapter...but if you find that it's a contradiction then yes that should be enough for you ...as i also find it hard to believe everything that is in the bible considering it was written by man who we know have different values and beliefs that influenced their written but the major concept through old and new testament is cohesive also everyone is aware that once a story is told, the next time something is bound to change or be interpreted different that the previous story

2016-05-24 00:20:56 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You have to understand that the Old Testament is a collection of different kinds of writings - historical accounts, legal codes, poetry, "teaching stories," tradition, etc. When written, they were not intended to be read all in the same manner and as part of a whole. It would be like taking a handful of school books on different topics and trying to get them to agree on everything.

And it doesn't go against everything God stands for. In fact, it was the groundwork that lead to Jesus' coming. Jesus was a Jew and believed in the Torah and the other sacred texts. He even said that he didn't come to "break the law" but to "fulfill it."

Find a bible study class that is lead by someone who knows what he or she is doing and give the Old Testament a second chance. The New Testament isn't airtight, either, so maybe some classes in that part of the bible would be helpful to your understanding, too.

2007-01-17 04:56:58 · answer #4 · answered by Church Music Girl 6 · 2 1

It may not be possible to be a Christian if you don't believe in the Old Testament. I agree that the Old Testament, like all ancient books can be very difficult to comprehend but if you truly believe that the God of the Old Testament show no love or mercy, maybe you should be looking for another God.
Please note that there are contradictions in every book especially those written in ancient times; I used to have the same problem while reading my Quran and asked myself; how can a prophet who said to spread peace and love to all the world suddenly changes his tone and say to kill others? Through my studies on ancient writings, I have solved that problem.
Ancient Religious books would be less contradicting if we could understand the cultural and traditional flavors they were written in.

2007-01-17 05:06:58 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

I'm a Christian and I have missed all of these contradictions actually have read the Bible through and have not found one contradiction, could it be that the contradiction you have found could be your lack of understanding? Hey let me know if you can of one single contradiction. Feel free to e-mail me or message me. I fully believe the Bible to be the word of God. I do not attest the Bible is inerrant in that a printing error or typo could exist a story well could say a different detail that is not pertinent to the story as in color which might not be translated from language to language perfectly but if you feel that an out and out contradiction exist feel Free to contact me. Edit: Abraham's test...To say god is all knowing so no reason for the test is absurd on so many levels....First do you not understand that this is a prophesy of the coming of Christ? Why did Issac carry the wood? Abraham's only son who was to be sacrificed on this mountain where God would provide himself a lamb? The mount that Abraham called Jehovah Jirah which means the lord will provide because it is said the lord will provide himself a lamb....You did say you were a Chrisitan and you believed in Jesus Christ right?

2007-01-17 05:00:00 · answer #6 · answered by djmantx 7 · 3 2

Don't let these rabid fundamentalists foaming at the mouth scare you from searching for truth, cool sunrise (interesting name, makes me think of cantonese for some reason) theres nothing better than a sophisticated liberal christian who can show up the bible thumping fire and brimstone types for the idiots they are.

A lot of the bible (arguably all) is allegory or metaphor, intelligent people are forced to reconcile this due to the findings of modern science but a god of love and tolerance is certainly one worth believing in (if you want a god) so just ignore these other people.

If you want to know anything about religion feel free to contact me. Since I like you.

2007-01-17 06:46:21 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Every book I know has contradictions, yet I still read them. From Shakespear to Edgar Allan Poe, I wonder why I read that crap and why is it so important to English Literature.

One thing to mention is that the scripture says the bible is "God breathed" or inspired by Him. This leaves room for things to be misinterperted (My Opinion: God Doesn't make mistakes!). When one is in tune with the Holy Spirit, the contradictions explain themselves. Our human minds can not fathom them, but our spirit knows.

Christian believe in the love of God, but we also believe in the wrath of God. One can't believe in the goodness without believing in the total opposite of that. Old Testament is our history, just like in any text book. It shows the struggle and the violent way God had to deal with his people. New Testament is the forfillment of that our history.

I would read them again and ask God to reveal the truths in those that you have found and will find.

2007-01-17 05:34:51 · answer #8 · answered by one in ninety-nine 3 · 1 1

I used to say the same thing, just like you!
Until I started reading and studying the bible. It's been over 25 years now and I haven' found a single contradiction in the old or new test.
Now I'm going to say this and I don't intend to be mean. Satan knows Jesus is God's son and that he died on the cross for humans sins. This alone will not get you saved. You must follow Jesus' teachings. Be born again, "no one enters the kingdom of heaven unless they are born again."

The bible has many bizarre things in the old test. Times were different then. How do you decide what parts of the bible to believe and what parts not to believe?
But the bible teaches more about love and compassion that any other book in the world.
Read the new test. for yourself. Please.

2007-01-17 04:52:47 · answer #9 · answered by Jeanmarie 7 · 5 3

The old testament was a time when God used mediators. It certainly seems bloody compared to our "civilized" society today. The language of overcoming in the natural realm involved complete eradication of nations on the part of the Israelites as they entered the promised land. God's covenant people versus the uncircumcised gentiles of Canaan. Is God unfair to treat a people that follow Him? Then realize that Jesus is the author of both the old and new testaments, he is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Ask him the purpose of the "contradictions". You may find grace once again, in the old testament.

2007-01-17 05:01:25 · answer #10 · answered by Jay Z 6 · 1 2

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