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Do you believe it's all a big conspiracy and that secret government agents go around the world planting "dinosaur" bones to mess with your heads?

2007-01-17 04:02:59 · 38 answers · asked by hk5000 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

38 answers

No, dinosaurs were very much a part of God's creation. Some dinosaurs (and pterosaurs) may have been created in the fifth era listed in Genesis, when the Bible says that God made “flying creatures” and “great sea creatures.” Perhaps other types of dinosaurs were created in the sixth epoch. The vast array of dinosaurs with their huge appetites would have been appropriate considering the abundant vegetation that evidently existed in their time.—Genesis 1:21 ( So God created great sea creatures and every living thing that moves, with which the waters abounded, according to their kind, and every winged bird according to its kind. And God saw that it was good." ) New KJV
When the dinosaurs had fulfilled their purpose, God ended their life. But the Bible is silent on how he did that or when. We can be sure that dinosaurs were created by Jehovah God for a purpose, even if we do not fully understand that purpose at this time. They were no mistake, no product of evolution. That they suddenly appear in the fossil record unconnected to any fossil ancestors, and also disappear without leaving connecting fossil links, is evidence against the view that such animals gradually evolved over millions of years of time. Thus, the fossil record does not support the evolution theory. Instead, it harmonizes with the Bible’s view of creative acts of God.
Some of the older translations of the Bible at times use the word “dragons” to translate the Hebrew tan·ni·nim′ (“sea creatures, ). (Ps. 74:13--" Thou didst divide the sea by thy strength: thou brakest the heads of the dragons in the waters. 148:7-- " Praise the LORD from the earth, ye dragons, and all deeps" Isa. 27:1-- "In that day Jehovah with his hard and great and strong sword will punish leviathan the swift serpent, and leviathan the crooked serpent; and he will slay the monster that is in the sea." Am. Standard Version
The term “dragon” (Greek, dra′kon) is found in the Christian Greek Scriptures. Dinosaurs were the giants of the animal kingdom, a remarkable testimony to God’s power of creation. Only our Creator knows why the dinosaurs disappeared from the earth.

2007-01-17 04:08:47 · answer #1 · answered by Micah 6 · 4 2

Christian View Of Dinosaurs

2016-11-07 00:01:35 · answer #2 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

I'm Christian, and I believe that there were dinosaurs. The only one I believe that was ever found whole and frozen was the mammoth. Which would be in the elephant family. As far as all the dinosaurs they say existed, I think that is speculation. I don't feel that they would have been violent. As animals did not eat meat prior to the flood. They could have been created to eat some of the vegetation on the earth.

I believe any animal that is extinct, died during the flood. Most fragments of bones have been found a long distance from Noah's location. It was not possible to preserve all species.

Dinosaurs do make a good story. I liked the Jurassic Park movies.

The Behemoth and Leviathan are the Hippo and Alligator which do resemble dinosaurs.

2007-01-17 04:22:08 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

The Christian view of dinosaurs is that they existed. There is no conspiracy. The difference between the Christian and evolution positions is that the evolutionists believe tht dinosaurs went extinct 65 million years ago. Christians believe their extinction to be much more recent.

First, I don't think that the earth is millions, let alone billions of years old. But let's say that I am wrong. If there were dinosaurs living 65 million and more years ago, do you really think that their fossils would be recognizeable today? I don't believe anything physical could remain for millions of years. It would break down chemically much sooner.

There are references to dragons in many cultures that have had no contact. What is the basis of these mythological creatures that sound very siimilar in appearance to dinosaurs? Just like the flood stories. What is the common source in diverse cultures with no contact?

It is all a matter of interpretation. If you need millions of years to believe your evolutionary view, then the dinosaurs must be millions of years old. How they managed to survive chemical breakdown for millions of years is truly a miracle.

For a plant or animal to fossilize, it must be completely covered very quickly, not over thousands or millions of years. It the layers that the fossile is imbedded in represent such a long period, why didn't the plant or animal decompose? It would have had to have been covered in a catastrophic event. Once again, a long period of sedementary deposition does not fit the evidence.

2007-01-17 04:20:50 · answer #4 · answered by iraqisax 6 · 1 1

No, and hardly any Christian does, in fact the "conspiracy" idea has been thrown out for decades.

I believe that Dinosaurs and man lived at the same time. Isaiah and Job speak about very large animals that sound like dinosaurs to me. There are also digs going on in Texas right now that have human remains right along with dinosaur remains. There are some Christians who believe in an earth age before man's earth age where the dinosaurs lived. That's not a theory I believe but it supports the fact that Christians DO believe dinosaurs exist.

2007-01-17 04:14:07 · answer #5 · answered by impossble_dream 6 · 1 0

I believe dinosaurs lived (and some still might, in the Congo) and I'm also a Christian. Interestingly enough, my grandfather didn't believe in dinosaurs but I'm fairly sure he believed in the Behemoth and Leviathan. The Behemoth sounds like a brachiosaur or similar large herbivore, and the Leviathan...well, I'm not sure what species fits that description but it could fit.

I remember reading a theory awhile back that certain dinosaurs might have even had a chemical defense system similar to the bombadier beetle. Two chemicals are mixed together and blown out a bodily opening. They quickly react and fire results. Yep, there's a scientific explanation for both the Leviathan and dragons, especially since most of our studies of dinosaurs involve just the bones and the rest we come to educated guesses about.

2007-01-17 04:27:52 · answer #6 · answered by Mad Tinkerer 2 · 0 0

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There are 3 heaven and earth ages, same heaven and earth but different ages.
(II Pet.3:5-7) For this they willingly are ignorant of, that by the word of God the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of the water and in the water: (6) Whereby the world that then was, being overflowed with water, perished: (7) But the heavens and the earth, which are now, by the same word are kept in store, reserved unto fire against the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men.
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(Gen.1:1) In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
To that earth age the world that then was, belongs all fossils and remains. Scientific estimates or guesses; universe or heavens 20 billion years old, earth 4.6 billion years old, moon 200 to 300 million years younger than earth, dinosaur extinction 65 million years ago, Ice Age 2.5 million years ago.
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(Gen.1:2) And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep.
The first word “was” (hayah) in Hebrew, was not distinguished by the Revisers, that is the verb “to be” from “to become”. The same Hebrew word “hayah” is translated “became” in Gen.2:7.
WITHOUT FORM H8414 tohu (to'-hoo) From an unused root meaning to lie waste; a desolation (of surface), that is, desert; figuratively a worthless thing; adverbially in vain: - confusion, empty place, without form, nothing, (thing of) nought, vain, vanity, waste, wilderness.
VOID H922 bohu (bo'-hoo) From an unused root (meaning to be empty); a vacuity, that is, (superficially) an undistinguishable ruin: - emptiness, void.
Earth was not created that way but became desolate and empty due to Satan’s rebellion. A global overflowing of water, but not Noah’s deluge. Darkness was upon the (face) of the deep, in other words the whole earth.
Into this we can read; dinosaur extinction, destruction of Atlantis, breakup of Gondwana Land, and the Ice Age.
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(Gen.1:2) And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.
(Gen.1:3) And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.
About 63 A.D. Peter writes, the heavens and the earth which are now. The heaven and earth age we are in now, today.
PERDITION G684 apoleia (ap-o'-li-a) From a presumed derivative of G622; ruin or loss (physical, spiritual or eternal): - damnable (-nation), destruction, die, perdition, X perish, pernicious ways, waste.
Some will perish eternally and not see the third heaven and earth age.
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2007-01-17 04:12:31 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

No. Dinosaurs were created thousands of years ago. My opinion, and not from the scriptures, is that the Dinosaurs were created to keep the vegetation and other animals from overpopulating. The bible talks about how God created the great sea monsters. Gen. 1:21.They died out long before God created man. They were too big and dangerous to be around humans. Each creative day was at least 6,000 years long and the animals were created on the fifth day. We are still in the 7th day. The bible does not say the seventh day has ended. So far the seventh day has lasted over 6,000 years. No reason to think the other six days were shorter.

2007-01-17 04:12:13 · answer #8 · answered by Pinkribbon 4 · 1 1

What Happened To The Dinosaurs?
Author: John Whitmore
Although the monstrous creature was obviously a vegetarian, its size was overwhelming. Its hips could withstand the enormous force of each pounding step and its midsection was a mass of muscle. Its gigantic tail extended far behind him, not unlike a giant cedar tree swaying behind his body. Its bones were like steel girders with ribs like iron bars to support his enormous weight. This is the greatest creature to roam the swamps and rivers of the earth.
This article is one of many found within Mr. Malone's excellent book, Search for the Truth.
Is this a scene from the blockbuster movie, Jurassic Park? It could be, but it isn't. This description, which perfectly fits an Apatosaurus, is a paraphrased description taken from one of the oldest books of the Bible, Job 40:15-24. If dinosaurs have been extinct for 65 million years, how could a writer of the Bible have accurately described the appearance, food, and habitat of this creature?
The vast majority of books on dinosaurs are written from an evolutionary perspective which assumes that the dinosaurs died out 65 million years ago. The leading model for the demise of the dinosaur involves a large asteroid hitting the earth. Yet the most obvious alternative explanation is almost always ignored. Almost all fossils are the remains of creatures buried by water-borne sediment which has subsequently turned to rock. If this is due to the flood of worldwide extent, as the water flowed over all the land surfaces, animals would have been drowned and been buried by massive amounts of rapidly accumulating sediment. It is not all surprising to find a general lack of burial mixing between these very different kinds of animals due to local or ecological grouping.
Genesis 7:2 states that Noah saved two of every representative "kind" of land animal on the ark. Noah would have taken young specimens, not huge, older creatures. Dinosaurs would have emerged from the ark to inhabit an entirely different world. Instead of a warm, mild climate worldwide, they would have found a harsh climate which soon settled into an ice age. If climatic hardships did not cause the dinosaur's extinction, man's tendency to destroy probably did.
In the early 1900's on the Doheny expedition into the Grand Canyon, Indian cave drawings were found which closely resembled a duck-billed dinosaur. Legends from ancient China to ancient England have recorded descriptions of dinosaur-like creatures. The Kuku Yalanji aboriginal people have paintings which look exactly like plesiosaurs. These and other intriguing evidences seem to indicate that perhaps that age of the dinosaurs ended more recently than is commonly taught. Christians do not need to feel foolish about standing on Scripture in their understanding of the world around us. There is ample evidence to support the Biblical record. Evolution serves as the foundation basis for the religions of humanism and atheism. These world views are popular because man, instead of God, decides on rules and moral standards. Creation serves as the foundational basis for Christianity which acknowledges that all things were created by God, that we live in a fallen universe, and that it will be restored to perfection in the future.

2007-01-17 04:16:41 · answer #9 · answered by Freedom 7 · 1 1

Bible confirms the existence of Dinosaurs. In fact dinosaurs were the animals that lived and became extinct because of the flood during the time of Noah.
Read the story of Noah in the Bible for details.

2007-01-17 09:07:54 · answer #10 · answered by afortunado 2 · 0 0

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