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4 answers

Death is inevitable. The thief on the cross knew when his would occur, but we can not predict our own. After his death, the crucified criminal went to live in paradise with Jesus. Some of us will also live eternally in God's presence. But others will experience everlasting torment, forever separated from Him.
If we receive Jesus as our Savior, our penalty for sin is paid. We are adopted into God's family, and Heaven is our eternal home. If we reject Jesus, we remain alienated from the Lord and under condemnation for our sin. We are destined to experience eternal judgment. God won't accept any of man's excuses because there is no acceptable defense for unbelief. (Acts 4:12)
Become part of God's family today. Acknowledge your sinfulness, and express your faith in these words:
"God, I have sinned against You. (Romans 3:23) I've followed my own way and refused to give You the right to rule in my life. (Romans 3:10-12) I recognize I am separated from You and cannot rescue myself. I do believe that Jesus Christ is Your Son. I accept the truth of the Scriptures? that His death on the cross paid my sin-debt in full. (1 Corinthians 15:3-4) And I ask You to forgive me of my sins. (1 John 1:9) By faith, I receive You, Lord Jesus, as my personal Savior from this moment on."
If you just spoke those words to God, then, like the thief on the cross, you have received salvation? a gift of God's grace. The heavenly Father welcomes every person who comes to Him through His Son, regardless of background, age, or current situation. Through Jesus, the right to enter paradise is yours!

2007-01-17 05:21:02 · answer #1 · answered by Freedom 7 · 0 0

According to the Buddhist teachings about the "bardo" it is agreed that the mind is still aware of everything, it's said that "you" can travel for miles in an instant and hover around your loved ones, places you've been etc. and some might even try to reach out to their loved ones who aren't aware of their "presence". So yep, there's a certain "awareness", but most of it is based on a mind that is still clinging and attached to various things that causes them to see what they see.

For further info on the Buddhist "take" on this you can find books at Snow Lion pubs if you don't find them directly in your local bookstore in the Buddhist section. Sogyal Rinpoche's book on "The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying" is a good one.


2007-01-17 03:48:40 · answer #2 · answered by vinslave 7 · 0 0

When people die they are dead and they are never aware of anything never ever after. Forget about your little la la land of everlasting it just doesn't exist. BB

2007-01-17 03:41:29 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

I'll get back to your question after I'm dead. Cheers.

2007-01-17 14:57:59 · answer #4 · answered by DonPiano 4 · 0 0

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