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6) Angels cannot disobey allah:
Sura 16:49-50 says of the angels that "...They ALL fear their Lord, high above them, and they do ALL THEY ARE COMMANDED."

Here we are told angels NEVER disobey allah.

But, not suprisingly, the quran then says in Sura 2:34 when talking of the angels being told to bow down to Adam that

"And behold, we said to the angels: `bow down to Adam`. And they bowed down, EXCEPT IBLIS. HE REFUSED AND WAS HAUGHTY".

So according to the quran ALL angels do as commanded, but not always

UPDATE: In fairness to Muslims I have offered to show any problems found with the articles on Islam. One has written and been discussing with me this error in particular about angels disobeying allah.

As he rightly points out there is another Sura (Surah 18:50) which says the same thing but also says Iblis was a Jinn. Surah 2:34 however says ALL the angels bowed EXCEPT Iblis.

If the Quran is indeed error free this passage makes no sense as for all angels to bow except Iblis implies he too is an angel, if not then the command did not apply to him and so the Quran is wrong to say all angels except Iblis bowed.

2007-01-17 03:03:07 · 15 answers · asked by Thomas A 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Also in the quran we find these interesting things.
The incredible changing man:
Did you know that allah created man, according to the quran from one thing.

A blood clot (Sura 96:1-2).

....and water (Suras 21:30, 24:45 and 25:54).

....and clay (Sura 15:26).

....and dust (Suras 3:59, 30:20 and 35:11).

....and nothing (Sura 19:67).

Believe it or not there really are these FIVE different accounts of what man was made from.

Still no contradiction in the quran?

The whole quran is reads like this, muslims claim they are educated in the quran yeat we find them not even knowing the vast deaths of erro with in there own book. As this book is full of error and could in no way come to from a prophet as it promotes a lies over truth and is just confusion upon confussion. So can you explain the confusion with in the quran and the pattern of errors. And how could God even be associated with it.

2007-01-17 03:09:45 · update #1

15 answers

Iblis is a jinn they are given free will.

Angels are not given free will

Angels are made of fire

jinn are made of fire

man is made of clay

true Islam is not misquoted Islam

“We created man froman extract of clay. Then We made him as a drop in a place of settlement, firmly fixed. Then We made the drop into an *(leech, suspended thing, blood clot), then We made the into a ** (chewed, lump)” (23:12-14)

We find that the external appearance of the embryo and its sacs during the transitory stage (alaqah) is This is due to the presence of relatively large amounts of blood present in the embryo during this stage.

In comparing a leech to the embryo at the transitory stage (alaqah) we find similarity between the two. Also, the embryo at this stage obtains nourishment from the blood of the mother, similar to the leech which feeds on the blood of others.

The second meaning of the word alaqah is “suspended thing”... The suspension of the embryo, during the alaqah stage, in the womb of
the mother.

“We created man froman extract of clay. Then We made him as a drop in a place of settlement, firmly fixed. Then We made the drop into an
(leech, suspended thing, blood clot), then We made the into a chewed, lump)” (23:12-14)

The blood in the embryo does not circulate until
the end of the third week.

Thus the embryo is like a clot of blood at this stage!

“He it is who created you from CLAY...” (6:2)

More recently, new lines of evidence have begun to complement the existing data. That is, for example active research into the possible
involvement of CLAYS in the origin of life. Their potential as catalysts has been long emphasized, while the alternation of different clay minerals in clay-stack has led to the intriguing suggestion that here is a possible template for the coding of information that by subsequent transfer to living cells provided the basis for the genetic code.

2007-01-17 04:45:27 · answer #1 · answered by Layla 6 · 1 0

Here is a copy & paste answer to this question:

1. Incidence of Iblis and Angels mentioned in the Qur’an
The story of Adam and Iblis is mentioned in the Qur’an in various places in which Allah (swt) says, "We said to the angels bow down to Adam: and they bowed down: not so Iblis".

This is mentioned in:

Surah Al Baqarah chapter 2 verse 43
Surah Al ‘Araf chapter 7 verse 17
Surah Al Hijr chapter 15 verses 28-31
Surah Al Isra chapter 17 verse 61
Surah Ta Ha chapter 20 verse 116
Surah Sad chapter 38 verses 71-74

But in Surah Al Kahf chapter 18 verse 50 the Qur’an says:

"Behold! We said to the angels, "Bow down to Adam." they bowed down except Iblis He was one of the Jinns."
[Al-Qur’an 18:50]

2. Arabic Rule Of Tagleeb
The English translation of the first part of the verse ‘We said to the angels bow down to Adam: they bowed down except Iblis’, gives us the impression that Iblis was an angel. The Qur’an was revealed in Arabic. In Arabic grammar there is a rule known as Tagleeb, according to which, if the majority is addressed, even the minority is included. If for example, I address a class containing 100 students of whom 99 are boys and one is a girl, and if I say in Arabic that the boys should stand up, it includes the girl as well. I need not mention her seperately.

Similarly in the Qur’an, when Allah addressed the angels, even Iblis was present, but it is not required that he be mentioned separately. Therefore according to that sentence Iblis may be an angel or may not be an angel, but we come to know from Surah Al Kahf chapter 18 verse 50 that Iblis was a Jinn. No where does the Qur’an say Iblis was an angel. Therefore there is no contradiction in the Qur’an.

3. Jinns have free will and can disobey Allah
Secondly, Jinns have a free will and may or may not obey Allah, but angels have no free will and always obey Allah. Therefore the question of an angel disobeying Allah does not arise. This further supplements that Iblis was a Jinn and not an angel.

2007-01-17 03:11:38 · answer #2 · answered by By Any Means Necessary 5 · 2 1

Point a million : A mom tells all her visitors that her daughters are very obedient little women. She has three daughters and one son. The youngsters input the room wherein the visitors are being entertained. The mom tells the youngsters to head do their homework. The women obey at the same time the boy refuses and says he’s going out to play. When Dad will get again from paintings Mum tells him that the women all obeyed however now not Johnny, he used to be a naughty fellow. Does that make Jhonny a woman??...Daddy already is aware of Jhonny’s a boy…. Iblees used to be a jinn. Due to his obedience to Allah he was within the enterprise of angels. When the order to bow earlier than Adam used to be given it used to be a unanaimous order directed in the direction of all reward. Iblees disobeyed. The angels, real to their great obeyed and did as they had been commanded. Point two : Lets pass bake a cake !!! Right now I ask my pal to inform me what she places in her detailed chocolate cake and he or she says chocolate. When I ask her once more she says flour. Then she says sugar .Then she says oh I use eggs as good !!!........... Would you inform her that shes a liar….With due admire Sir, you’ll detect that all of the components of guy are what are acknowledged within the quran…Modern technological know-how proves it !!!......As for "from not anything"…it’s a comparitive expression …Creating a utterly useful entity out of or else trivial materials like clay, blood, sperm …. The validity of the quran could also be headquartered from the truth that those matters…one being the miracle of the production of guy, are intended , by way of non believers to were made up by way of an illiterate shepherd…sure Sir, Prophet Mohammed used to be illiterate…How then did he, 1400 years in the past, divine the components of Man????..... Hope that solutions your questions.

2016-09-07 22:35:29 · answer #3 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0


Answer for the first example: God was addressing the majority who were angels. Satan was not angel, he was made out of fire and was a different being. BUT he had the status of an angel.

Answer to the second example: The first human was created from: clay, dust.

Humans in their mothers wombs were created by a drop of water which also forms into a blood clot later. Same thing.

Edit: I normally dont mention this but, the number of scientists who have attested to the accuracy of the Quran and who have acccepted Islam because of it, is a lot more than the number who have done the same for the Bible.

2007-01-17 03:19:02 · answer #4 · answered by Antares 6 · 0 2

Very good question and very good point about Iblis.

Because Allah isnt God but "A God" or "A Moon God" or "An Idol" dont be suprised that Jin or deamons surround or take abode with this God. However, the God of heaven's angels obey him but there have been fallen angels who disobeyed him. They were chucked out of heaven as sin is not tolerated.

2007-01-17 03:14:20 · answer #5 · answered by JDJ34 3 · 1 1

The koran is full of errors and this is one of the main reasons muslims get so hostile when the errors are exposed.
The koran even says the sun sets every night in a mud puddle. God knows better, and allah is not God.

2007-01-17 03:32:11 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Qur'an is an adviser who never deceives? HAAAA

The Quran teaches outright that Allah is capable of lying and deceiving people. In fact, one of the titles which the Quran ascribes to Allah is khayru al-makireen, that Allah is "the best deceiver/schemer/conniver" (cf. S. 3:54; 8:30).

Because you misled me (aghwaytanee), and I shall mislead (walaoghwiyannahum) them all. S. 15:39

Humans in their mothers wombs were created by a drop of water which also forms into a blood clot later???

What kind of biology do they teach where you live?
Since your parents never taught you the birds and the bees.
Humans come from a Fertilized egg not a blood clot.
blood clot chould kill you were a fertlilzed egg is where life starts.

2007-01-17 03:08:00 · answer #7 · answered by ALI 1 · 1 3

And know that this Qur'an is an adviser who never deceives, a leader who never misleads and a narrator who never speaks a lie. No one will sit beside this Qur'an but that when he rises he will achieve one addition or one diminution - addition in his guidance or elimination in his (spiritual) blindness. You should also know that no one will need anything after (guidance from) the Qur'an and no one will be free from want before (guidance from) the Qur'an. Therefore, seek cure from it for your ailments and seek its assistance in your distresses. It contains a cure for the biggest diseases, namely unbelief, hypocrisy, revolt and misguidance. Pray to Allah through it and turn to Allah with its love. Do not ask the people through it. There is nothing like it through which the people should turn to Allah, the Sublime.

Know that it is an interceder and its intercession will be accepted. It is a speaker who is testified. For whoever the Qur'an intercedes on the Day of Judgement, its intercession for him would be accepted. He about whom the Qur'an speaks ill on the Day of Judgement shall testify to it. On the Day of Judgement an announcer will announce, "Beware. every sower of a crop is in distress except the sowers of the Qur'an." Therefore, you should be among the sowers of the Qur'an and its followers. Make it your guide towards Allah. Seek its advice for yourselves, do not trust your views against it. and regard your desires in the matter of the Qur'an as deceitful.

2007-01-17 03:05:58 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

Hate and intollerance is the work of the devil.

Judge a prophet by his fruit. Look at what's going on in Islamic countries - is it good or is it evil? I see mutilation, injustice, horrors. The Islamic world seems like Hell on Earth to me. And the Islamic World is the fruit of Islam. Want to see the fruit of Islam? Look at the Taliban! Is that what you really want?

2007-01-17 03:08:43 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

What do u expect the answer would be? Of course believers would call it an ultimate truth and other would be mocking it... so better not to ask such questions. It seems u also posted it to show ur disbelief... but it won't make someone change his/her mind.

2007-01-17 03:11:15 · answer #10 · answered by ManhattanGirl 5 · 0 1

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