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1. PICKING UP THE ANIMALS. How did Noah get everything on Earth? Like penguins from the Artic Circle, alligators from North American and Kangeroos from Australia?

2. How did Noah care for thousands of animals with only his family members to help him? How did he keep the climates that each animal needs to survive in tact? Alligators and penguins need totaly different termperatures in which to live.

3. INSECTS. How did Noah know a male mosquito from a female mosquito?

4. ANTS. The bible says that Noah was told by god to pick one male and one female from each species. Well what about species like ants that don't mate like mamals do? Ants (and other insects) have 1 queen and thousands of male mating partners. One male and and one femeal ant would NOT be able to breed following the flood.

5. INCEST. Following the flood, how did the animals breed? One male and one female could have produced offspring but who would those offspring have mated with?

2007-01-17 02:42:29 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

25 answers

I sometimes wonder if Noah had a pair of termites on the ark.

2007-01-17 02:49:45 · answer #1 · answered by I'm Still Here 5 · 2 1

First. Animals like Gators , Water Birds, etc... that can live in the water for long amounts of time could have lived in the water for that time. Also Animals can adapt so that is another answer. Many or MOST of the animals could have been young or babys. To care for them would not have been as hard.

This is a posting from a artical from Creationworldview.org

would like to take some time and consider the physical and spiritual aspects of the Ark of Noah. Many people have said that it never existed, or that a ship of its description could never do the job which is described for it in Genesis Chapters 7 and 8.

What was the physical structure of the Ark like? Using the most conservative figure for a cubit of 17.5 inches, the Ark was 438 feet long, 73 feet wide and 44 feet high. It would then have a volume of about 1,400,000 cubic feet or a volume equal to 522 rail road box cars.

A larger vessel was not built until the Great Eastern, which laid the first trans-Atlantic cable in 1865. It would have displaced about 14,000 tons, drawing about 22.5 feet. Interestingly, the Bible says that the Flood of Noah covered all the mountains of the world to a depth of 22.5 feet, the exact amount needed for the Ark to float over the highest mountain which existed prior to the Flood.

The volume of the Ark would have allowed it to hold the equivalent of 125,000 sheep sized land dwelling animals (a size larger than the average). There are only about 20,000 kinds of animals that would have been needed to repopulate the earth.

The Ark had three decks, each with about 17 feet of clear height and there were rooms, literally nests, or resting places, for the animals. It was made of gopher wood, apparently a dense, hardwood; perhaps a species of oak. The Ark was made waterproof by the application of pitch to both the outside and inside, providing a place of security. Finally, it had a single window, literally an opening for daylight, running the length of the roof.

In essence the Ark was a large rectangular wooden box for putting things in. The word Ark used here is the same word used to describe the ark of bulrushes in which the baby Moses floated down the Nile. It was a vessel for floating. It is not the same word used to describe the Ark of the Covenant.

Modern marine architects have determined that the Ark of Noah was the single most stable floating object ever conceived. It was almost impossible to capsize since it could have survived being tilted 89 degrees and still right itself automatically. Its length to width ratio of 6 to 1 is used today for modern ship building because it is the only ratio which causes a ship to automatically turn into the waves for an easy ride, even without the use of sails or engines. After all, it had no need for navigation or speed, only survivability.

2007-01-17 11:14:12 · answer #2 · answered by aceman7777 2 · 0 0

First off, If you believe the Noah's Ark Story then you believe in God, and through him all things are possible...
God caused the animals to come to him...Also...i've seen penguins and polar bears, along with alligators in Zoo's that are not in the same climate as where they are native too...
There is a big possiblity that all the continents were connected at that point also...

Anyway, God said 7 of all clean animals male and female, and 2 of all unclean animals...so it's actually alot more then you think!

God could've caused the insects to live in the ark as he caused the animals to come to Noah....

This all has to do with if you believe that God is real and Omnipotent...

2007-01-17 10:53:57 · answer #3 · answered by L 3 · 2 0

All valid points. I have similar problems with the literal interpretation of the story from a modern context.

I personally think that the story is entirely valid, but the interpretation that has been applied is erroneous. For instance, we know that a massive flood did hit the region around that time frame, but it certainly wasn't a global flood. The story works if it's a regional event. And to Noah, the known "world" could very well have been the local area.

2007-01-17 10:48:32 · answer #4 · answered by Open Heart Searchery 7 · 0 0

1. I think it's generally accepted that the flood was not worldwide, but rather man's world. God had no reason to purge areas that were uninhabited by man. He also had no reason to purge any societies who had not gotten to the point of sinfulness that Noah's had.
2. see #1....not too many animals.
3. Insects aren't mentioned. My guess is they were on their own. Not that they have any trouble surviving this sort of thing. After ANY flood, the first REAL problem is the huge insect population.
4. Ditto.
5. Incest is an accepted breeding practice to produce superior genetic traits in animals. Although it WILL produce the worst of the genetic possibilities very quickly, it does the same for the best of the genetic possibilities. All a breeder would have to do is to continue breeding those who show the best qualities. This can eliminate many bad genetic traits very quickly if the breeder is careful.

I think beta-fish and I are in agreement.

2007-01-17 10:49:28 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 3

Noah followed the instructions of God because God had a plan and His plan worked.

It was God who saved the animals, Noah, his family and sent the floods to destroy the earth.

God is against incest and all sin of every form and therefore I dont believe incest came into it!

2007-01-17 10:59:27 · answer #6 · answered by JDJ34 3 · 0 0

This is a metaphor. If you study ancient history you will find that many civilizations have a flood story in their past, from the Samoans to Native Americans. The real question is, was there really a large flood? Science says that there was a possibility but have yet to come up with definitive proof. To believe that the Noah story should be taken literally does not make sense, however, something happened or it would not be recorded in so many diverse histories.

2007-01-17 10:53:09 · answer #7 · answered by diogenese_97 5 · 2 2

Moses left a lot of questions unanswered when he skipped over alot of information when writting the first, five books of the Bible, He never explained who cain was afraid of that would come after him after he killed his brother, but we know it was his parents and who were the Nephilim and was the anti-christ coming before the crusifition at the tower of bable or were the people being dispbeidiant when God dsaid to spread out and multiply the Earth and congregate in one spot??? Its best to remember: WITH GOD ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE.

2007-01-17 11:14:13 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Noah's story is a real calamity of its time that happened in a remote and isolated area of middle east when a barrier of land between two great water collapsed as one is higher than the other. The rest of the story is tell-tale as not to forget of their experience. But it was really a huge calamity! And remnants of the civilizations below the sea are visible.

2007-01-17 10:51:16 · answer #9 · answered by wacky_racer 5 · 1 1

Gen 7:15 Pairs of all creatures that have the breath of life in them CAME TO NOAH and entered the ark. 16 The animals going in were male and female of every living thing, as God had commanded Noah. Then the LORD shut him in.

They came to Noah, he didn't have to go out and pick them all up.

2007-01-17 10:48:29 · answer #10 · answered by impossble_dream 6 · 3 1

Thank you-I've been saying this for years-But you'll probably get some answers saying that GOD did something to the animals like make them small or some b.s...well at least it's good to know some rational people are still around in the overly religious world.

2007-01-17 10:48:00 · answer #11 · answered by Art 4 · 2 1

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