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please anything will help

2007-01-17 02:42:08 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Health Diet & Fitness

12 answers

Seems reasonable.

The previous poster was correct: 3,500 calories is a pound. You need to create a 7,000 calorie deficit over the week - that 1,000 calories per day. Start with what you are eating and exercising now. Through a combination of eating less, and additional cardio, you are looking for 1,000 calories per day (ex. you are eating 2,250 calories and not working out - start off with 1,500 calorie diet (750 calorie deficit) and burning 250 calories to make your 1,000). DO NOT eat less than 1,200 calories in a day - you need fuel for functions like breathing, heart beating, digestion, brain activity, etc.

Start off small, and work your way up. Don't feel like you have to make EVERY little change all at once. Start off my replacing pop with water, or adding 30 minutes of walking, or adding a sensible breakfast. Then build on these little successes. You are more likely to stick with these little changes than if you try to do everything all at once.

Grocery shop with a list. Plan out a week of healthy meals (food pyramid link below if you forgot what you should be eating), and then go with a list. Shop the outside of the grocery store - think produce, meat, dairy (low fat on the last two). Don't even take the cart down the chip/pop/cookie aisles.

Most important: find some source of support for when times get rough. Good luck!

2007-01-17 03:10:37 · answer #1 · answered by Patti C 6 · 0 0

I think that is too much in too short of time. But..here's a few things that might help.

Cut down on salt intake, it makes you retain water.
Stop drinking any kind of carbonated drinks of any kind.
Of course cut out much of the sweets you might eat.
Eat more broiled or baked meats(no butter).
Read whatever boxed foods you might be eating and learn what a serving is...and have only one!
I lost 35 pounds by counting fats grams. No more than 35 total fats grams per day.
Don't eat anywhere that is NOT a table(a computer desk is not a table)
Drink and eat low fat dairy products.
If you really want to lose inches.....start walking. At least 20 minutes a day...at least 3 days a week.
And don't forget to drink lots of water

I hope this helps. Please....just don't try to starve yourself..it really can screw up your body.

Good luck!!

2007-01-17 02:54:41 · answer #2 · answered by TexasRose 6 · 0 0

As crazy as this sounds...eat more. Experts are saying that you should eat 5-6 small meals a day. If you don't eat you actually cause your metabolism to slow down. Be sure you are eating healthy. They say to fill half your plate with veggies, then the rest w/ a protein and a carb. Drink lots of water and exercise for at least 30 min every day. There is a book out called "You on a diet". It was written by 2 doctors one of which is Oprah's expert on weight loss. It is supposed to have a lot of valueable info to help with weight loss. You should be able to find it at Wal*Mart or even your local library. Best of luck to you!

2007-01-17 02:50:48 · answer #3 · answered by foxiegixxergurl2004 3 · 0 0

You should begin to count your calories. Try to aim for 1000 calories less than you are eating now, but make sure they are healthy. You should lose 1-2 lbs a week with that, plus exercise. Do cardio 4x a week and workout 3x a week. When you work out, do high reps and light weight. You will build muscle, which will cut down fat. Make sure you get your nutrients like protein. Just because you eat less, doesn't mean you should stop eating. Make sure you eat enough, plus exercise and working out. And drink WATER, no pop. It will take a few weeks to start seeing a good loss, that will actually stay off. If you do this, you will be fine...1-2lbs loss per week. That should do it. Just stick with it and don't get discouraged!!!


2007-01-17 02:58:37 · answer #4 · answered by dave k 3 · 0 0

that's approx. 180 days

You have about 30 day increments to lose ten pounds.

That's 720 hours to lose ten pounds

If you took on a daily basis at least half an hour of good cardio (even walking) that would only be 14 hours out of that 720 hours to exercise and lose the weight you want. Plan it out on a calendar. See it in how many hours you have to lose the weight and not months. doesn't 6 months sound unnatainable as opposed to
4 thousand
2 hundred
80 minutes

To lose 60 pounds. Am I right?

Good Luck!


2007-01-17 02:52:27 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I'm not sure about 6 months, but if you follow the diabetic diet, you should average about 1 or 1 1/2 pounds per week. It's what the American Diabetes Association recommends, since it's basically what the food pyramid requires. Get a good calorie counter, which includes the number of carbohydrates, fats, etc., and use it to determine what portions are. You get three small meals plus three snacks every day, and since you're eating smaller amounts every few hours, instead of 3 big meals, your blood sugar doesn't spike, plus your metabolism keeps burning calories regularly. The menu my dietician recommended was as follows:

Breakfast: 2 carbohydrate servings (15 carbs each, about one slice of bread or 3/4 cup of non-sugared cereal
1 Fruit (one piece or 1/2 cup of juice)
1 milk (8 oz. of either milk or yogurt--cheese and frozen yogurt don't count

Morning Snack: 1 fruit

Lunch: 3 oz. meat (about the size of a deck of cards)--cheese counts for this, but it's very fatty)
2 carbohydrates
2 vegetables (each is 1/2 cup cooked or 1 cup raw)
1 fat (6 grams--about 1 tablespoon of salad dressing or 1 pat of butter)

Afternoon snack: 1 fruit
1 milk

Supper: 4 oz of meat (about the size of the palm of your hand)
2 vegetables
2 carbohydrates
2 fats

Evening snack: 1 carbohydrate
1 milk

I stayed faithful to it for about 3-4 months, and lost 30 pounds, and since it's exactly what is recommended, you can stay on it for life and remain healthy.

2007-01-17 03:02:09 · answer #6 · answered by cross-stitch kelly 7 · 0 0

remember the first 10 is water weight 3500 callories is 1 pound, also get your correct bmi and then figure out how many colories you need to cut back on, regulate you intake, if it's too hard then get some hoodia to cut the cravings some, cutting back on coke-a-cola from 3-6 cans to none can loose you 10 pounds in one years time. Also every ten pounds figure out what you need calorie wise for the new set weight too.

My boyfriends lost a lot of weight from my cooking i introduce negative calories in to dinner such as carrots cellery leeks and certain fruits which are berries mangos etc, thse negative calorie foods take more energy to burn then what is in them.

Also you need to detox you body for 1 month begingin a diet i suggest colonx (it's expensive) mostly that will knock off 10-20lbs and clean your body from the stuff stuck on your colon and help you loose weight better too.

2007-01-17 02:48:54 · answer #7 · answered by Juleette 6 · 0 0

changing your weight-help plan to easily healthful ingredients is the terrific element you're able to do and could ensure you will decrease weight if combine with strolling popular especially. you could devour how lots you like in case you reside interior those 3 policies and nonetheless lose fat for sure and gradually. you may desire to lose 10lbs each and each month on huge-unfold. a million.devour purely steamed lean meats, eggs, healthful culmination ,vegetables, nuts, grains (Asian basmati or jasmine rice supplies a variety of of capability and can be chanced on at your interior reach oriental/asian industry or some great markets), & yogurt..2. drink purely water, juice, & milk..3. walk or perform a little actual exertion a million-3 hour daily. (btw, propose you besides mght to purchase an digital foodstuff steamer and a rice cooker ((the two Very low value)) .which, used mutually make it truly consumer-friendly to prepare very nutritional, healthful nutrients ,,upload purely slightly olive oil , diced garlic, pepper, sliced lemon and spices on the terrific option of steamed vegeatables, fish or chicken to characteristic extra style if choose as those are healthful too.)

2016-10-07 07:10:01 · answer #8 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

To lose one pound, you have to burn and/or take in fewer than 3,500 calories. 3,500 times 60 pounds = 210,000 calories.

6 months * an average of 30 days per month = 180 days

You have 180 days to burn 210,000 calories, which translates to 1,167 calories every day.

I suggest you take an approach to do both diet and exercise.
The exercise will burn some of the calories, and the diet will lessen the calories coming in.

If you do about an hour of brisk walking/jogging, you'll burn approximately 500 calories. You'll have to add to that, some strength training, to build muscle (which will burn fat too). I suggest something like Pilates. Do about a half hour of that, and you'll burn approximately another 200 calories per day. The combination (and you'll have to do it every day) will equal about 700 calories a day. The rest, 1167 minus 700 = 467 calories (let's round up to 500) less to take in. You'll need to decrease your calories. I suggest a program like weight watchers, which will teach you how to eat healthy for life.

Good luck, this is awfully ambitious- remember you'll need to adopt healthy habits for LIFE and health, not just for a short period of time.

2007-01-17 02:57:44 · answer #9 · answered by sweeturnhuney 2 · 0 0

1) stop soft drinks, that helps alot
2) cut fast food down to once a week
3) strict exercise and dieting,

60 lbs in 6 months is kinds fast, and quicly lost fast tends to come back faster, id be warry.

2007-01-17 02:50:56 · answer #10 · answered by DrewM 3 · 0 0

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