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11 answers

chances are, if the lower enlistedperson does not serve under the person directly, no one cares.

2007-01-17 04:02:16 · answer #1 · answered by The Tin Man 4 · 0 0

Possible Consequences

a. Non-punitive administrative remedies.

(1) Formal or informal counseling.

(2) Transfer of one or both parties.

(3) Fitness report comments.

b. Nonjudicial punishment (often followed, in the case of officers, by processing for administrative separation).

c. Court-martial.

The responsibility for maintaining the customary and traditional standards of conduct lies with the senior. The line between acceptable conduct and fraternization will not be crossed unless the senior allows it to happen

As a practical matter as long as there is no command (eg one is an MP, other is a doctor) relationship between the parties and it is consensual with no quid pro quo then it may not even be reported. CO's have the ulitmate discretion. Command Officers that can excercise this discretion are usually O-5's and sometimes O-4's and above. Once you get to O-3 or so fraternization charges or rumors can be very detrimental to your upward mobility.

2007-01-17 10:57:09 · answer #2 · answered by oyubun 1 · 0 0

Fraternizing with enlisteds is an offense under Article 134 of the UCMJ (uniform code of military justice). This is not just a snobbery thing, the code is designed to prevent officers from using their power over enlisteds to gain favors...of any kind, sexual or not. [See source.]

When an officer (female or male) socializes with an enlisted, there is no telling what that relationship is based on. If it is based on the fear of sanctions imposed by the officer, then that is unhealthy. It's something like the boss at work hitting on her secretary...not good.

Punishment for fraternizing can be "Maximum punishment. Dismissal, forfeiture of all pay and allowances, and confinement for 2 years. " [See source.]

2007-01-17 11:07:34 · answer #3 · answered by oldprof 7 · 0 0

that will depend on the branch. hubby is navy so if its navy he will be captain masted for fraternizing. that is a big no no he will most likey lose rank that he cant get back.or possibly dishonorably discharged. plus restricted to the ship or command barracks and extra duty. this isnt taken lightly, the enlisted will also face a captains mast a lose of pay for both restriction to the ship or barracks and extra duty. the officer will face a harsher punishment because they see the officer as someone who has been in long enough to know better i know this because hubby is active duty and saw happen on his ship. the master chief was busted down to e-5 from e-8or 9 not sure which. that guy can never advance. thing hard about what you do, you can get in trouble. its best to not date people in your unit or any unit date civilians that are over 18 good luck. think before you act

2007-01-17 10:50:15 · answer #4 · answered by kleighs mommy 7 · 0 0

The repercussions can be as harsh as Court Martial for conduct unbecoming an officer, dereliction of duty, and disobeying a lawful order or regulation. This is covered under the regulations for fraternization.

2007-01-17 10:51:13 · answer #5 · answered by GIOSTORMUSN 5 · 0 0

cited for "conduct unbecoming of an Officer" and "fraternization". At the least a bed report in an officer's evaluation will result in his/her career coming to an end. In the worst case they could be expelled from the army.

2007-01-17 11:17:28 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Both of you could get an article 15 (if caught), thats a cut in rank, extra duty and both of you will have money taken away. Actually he will get it worse because he is higher ranking and therefore is looked at as the wiser of the two of you and will get a worse punishment, because he should have known better.

2007-01-17 10:46:51 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

normally both people get posted off the unit to separate places within 24 hours,
which is why its known in the clerk world as a 24 hr posting.

2007-01-19 19:40:44 · answer #8 · answered by ray d 4 · 0 0

Several, starting with a Court Martial, letter of reprimand, etc.

2007-01-17 10:44:52 · answer #9 · answered by jack w 6 · 1 0

Adultry in the military is illegal.

I don't think it's illegal for an officer and a private to be involved.(if it's not adultry).

What if some day an officer wanted to MARRY a private? They could be married if they pleased. No Worries. I don't think *rank* has anything to do with *love*. lol

Good Luck, Take Care and God Bless! :-)

2007-01-17 10:47:11 · answer #10 · answered by Daft One 6 · 0 5

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