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How can some religions have so many Gods? Why must they make you fear them.Are we so unimportant that if we don't do as they wish they will punish us? Would you damn your child to hell if he disobeyed you? Yes,I know this is more than one question.

2007-01-17 02:08:17 · 28 answers · asked by txpilot 3 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

28 answers

This is a difficult question to answer because it involves discussing some principles that the person you are witnessing to may or may not agree with. For example, does he or she agree with you that truth is knowable, that God would attempt to communicate with His people, or that only one religion may be right? Usually, I start by acknowledging the difficulty of coming to an easy answer. However, I tell them that I do have an answer; I am sure it is the right one, because it is an answer based on evidence. What kind of evidence? Prophecy and its fulfillment (see question # 34), Jesus and His miracles, the resurrection of Christ, etc. Then I ask that person if he or she knows of these things happening in other religions.(1) The answer is invariably, "No." Then I point out that they have only happened in Christianity. If any religion were true, Christianity fits the bill.

2007-01-17 02:14:47 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

First of all we were created and designed to do is to worship the One True God, we can not help but worship, your brain was created to think and unless it is brain dead it will think automatically because that is what it was created and designed to do. Even a damaged or impaired the brain still thinks it is still creative. Man even damaged and impaired spiritually through the fall still worships, if one does not worship the one true God he will worship something else, materialistic things, gods and goddess, nature, or self - but he or she will worship! Next you pose the question why should God destroy or damn those who dont worship him. God is the only being that is worthy of worship. Besides this God created you by his love, his holiness, his very intimate desire to have fellowship with you, He has provided a way for your reconciliation to Him through His Son Jesus Christ, who died, was buried and rose again for your justification, God demonstrated His own love for you when He did this. He demonstrated how important you are to Him in that activity. He showed you how much He cares for you, is concerned for you, wants you to be where He is and wants you to live with Him forever, and you in your insolence, uncaring, disobedient rebellious, nature spit in His face, say that His Son's death, burial and resurrection was for nothing, was no good, was a pathetic excuse, or what ever reason you deem "good enough" not ask for the forgiveness of your sins to be reconciled with God - what would you do to those who refused such an offer!

Christ took your Hell so that you may take His Heaven - can you find a better offer?

2007-01-17 02:25:00 · answer #2 · answered by ? 7 · 0 0

I think that people felt a need to worship God 'cause they couldn't explain the things around them in the early times like rising and falling of tides, changing of day and night, and other things.So this came from generation to generation and by the time people finally understood what the causes of these things were ,they had started to use religious and spiritual things for other purpouses such as making people (the followers ) do good deeds by telling them that if they did bad things , they would go to hell and all other bad things could happen to them.

And no I wouldn't damn my child if he disobeyed me.(not that I have one)

2007-01-17 02:25:27 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Humankind appears to have believed in the concept of a god since the very beginning. I guess man has this great need to attribute what he does not understand to a god. It just seems inherent in human behavior. Nobody can make you fear a god. How you react to anybodies concept of god is up to you. No, I wouldn't damn my child to hell. I don't believe in hell in the first place. Hopefully, science will explain the many things that we don't understand thus eliminating all the mythological gods in the world. Have a great day!

2007-01-17 02:23:49 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

We have a need to worship God because he creates each and every one of us; therefore, we are inescapably tied to him. He deliberately made us in a way that we must depend on him for everything. He did this out of love and not because he is cruel and power hungry, which he is not. Like a good Father, he desires to take care of us. If we let him love us and do as he desires, then we are obedient to him; if we reject his parenting, then we live in sin. God desires the very best for us and desires to give us his blessings, but most people are of the mind that they are better off on their own. This is why there is so much misery and suffering in the world---Satan has little to do with it. People make personal choices to disobey, to go their own way; therefore, they have no one to blame but themselves. Any punishment that we receive is our own doing from lack of obedience---in other words, disobedience is self-punishing because disobedience brings with it a broken fellowship with God and a loss of all his benefits. This fellowship can be restored through repentance, but be mindful that every sin has its consequence. People establish religions, not God. Christianity is not a religion, but a personal relationship with Christ. Religions with multiple gods are systems of beliefs with multiple fears and have no real plan of salvation. Where there is only one God, the true God, there is salvation, and this is Christianity.

2007-01-17 02:21:27 · answer #5 · answered by Preacher 6 · 0 0

Worshiping a God creates some kind of order and purpose in life. It gives people a brighter perspective on a rather normal existance in humanity. And belief in a God that provides a glorious afterlife is appealing to some. It gives a connection to something other than simple death.

2007-01-17 02:32:48 · answer #6 · answered by Mr. Christopher 2 · 1 0

First of all there is only ONE God- the one that created the world, and the one that sent His Son into the world, not to condemn it but to save it. God is the only perfect holy one- earthly parents are imperfect so of course they could not condemn their child to hell, because without Christ they are going there. God placed in everyone a desire to worship. NO matter what we worship something. Whether it be God or something or someone else.

2007-01-17 04:32:53 · answer #7 · answered by AdoreHim 7 · 0 0

you asked many questions in one question :)

1. why do people feel a need to worship a god?
answer: accordring to chemistry of mind, we got supernatural and non-explainable experiences, like true dreams about future, or true dreams of past things..etc etc..also as a most concious species on earth ..we do think ..why we are created? or what is the purpose of our creation?? then loigically we feel a need to findout our creator..the god..so thats why people feel a need to worship god and find it..

2. How can some religions have so many Gods? i believe that like hinduism, they believe on many gods,,but thier god which was "the creator" is only one. and rest are gods but of lower status,so it dont makes more difference..basically they believes on one supereme god..

3. Why must they make you fear them.Are we so unimportant that if we don't do as they wish they will punish us?

answer: they make you to fear them..beacose they belive that humans should spent thier life in certain rules and in certain boundry..so that they become good humans and not hurt others and make best use (+ve use of their conciousness gifted by god) in welfare for others..

4. Would you damn your child to hell if he disobeyed you?

answer: i dont knwo if you are father of some child or not..if not then you will understand it properly when you do have kids..god is also like our father..so he punishes us..when we do some thing that damage us..e.g if there is a fire..and your kid is playing near it.. you know that fire is dangerous for kid.. so you will warn him..dont go near it..or dont try to take it in your hands...i believe you will justified in that warning...(thats exactly what god warn us..about that things which are injurious to us) suppose you kid burn his hand with fire...what you will do? obviously first you will be in anger beacose your kid has damanged himself and you love him and you care for him...when your kid hurts hisself you will also hurt..so you may slap him.. or give him some punishment so that he dont do it again..in fear of being punished again..
also i believes that..god never put any one in hell forever..he will do act of mercy with sinner..like a father do mercy on his kid...

i hope this will make you understand by using of logic.that why god warns us and why god punish us.

2007-01-17 02:52:36 · answer #8 · answered by Shak 3 · 0 0

We worship a God as He created us to do so. some people will worship music, money, stars as in people etc, it’s a natural “built in” desire!
in regards to yr other questions: Some religions believe that most situations i.e. rain, finances, sickness, famine, drought etc all have different god’s, that they have to pray to that particular god.
God doesn’t make you fear Him, it is the person who misinterpret or is taught this then feels fear, condemnation, guilt etc. We are very important to God! He gave His only Son to die for us all, He will never punish us…He loves us more than we will ever comprehend, and NO He would never choose hell for us, yr right we are His children, unfortunately we choose this for ourselves.

2007-01-17 02:32:13 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Complex question. Some religions need a lot of gods because 1 can't do it all. My God, The God of Abraham, Isaac & Jacob, Creator of the Universe and all that is was or will be- isn't about making you "fear" Him. Fear has many translations- one being revere- To be honest, I have no problem fearing One that can create all of this out of zip. God does not punish us. We punish ourselves by not allowing His love to flow through us. We are the one's who choose where to spend eternity. If you are lost and ask for directions and then don't follow them- who's fault is it that you stay lost? God=Love gods= confusion
I don't worship Daddy God because He demands it- I do it because I can not help myself. It pours out from the depths of my being. Loud, unrestrained and joyous. God does NOT demand us to be joyous- it's just one of the countless perks.
Good question. Thanks for asking. God bless.

2007-01-17 02:18:43 · answer #10 · answered by skayrkroh 3 · 0 0

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