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The stupid president (no offense to anyone) doesnt care, but what about the people in the country, what about the people all over the WORLD?

2007-01-17 02:04:07 · 19 answers · asked by maddy 3 in Environment

19 answers

Many people are very worried about global warming. Sadly that concern is something that we cannot act upon very effectively. Regardless of what we do or don't do, the temperature of the planet (globally) is going to continue to rise or fall as natural events take place within the earth itself, on its surface, and in the atmosphere. Humans have caused a lot of little changes but no-one has ever proven that we are even contributing a fraction of a percentage point of change in temperatures. Having seen a lot of hype about this topic, I tend to believe that global warming is not being compounded by human actions. The planet heats up and cools down cyclically (think about the periodic ice ages) and it does not appear that we are affecting great climactic changes by our use of fossil fuels, nor does it seem that the holes in the ozone layer are causing as much heating as was once anticipated. Unfortunately the planet is just a little warmer right now.

2007-01-17 05:38:15 · answer #1 · answered by ; - } 5 · 4 0

Even if people care, they don't care enough to radically change their lifestyles. Would you quit using electricity, stop using any sort of auto for transportation, all in the hope that somehow, by doing so, you might be slowing down global warming? The fact that you posted here suggests you won't stop using electricity, so one has to wonder, how much are you even worried? It's all in degrees. I think that the people resisting the treaty are doing so with the idea that we need a plan that won't crush the economy in the short term.

The other reason that people aren't as worried as you might expect, is that despite the media and despite even the climatologists, the fact remains that global warming is very poorly understood, and we quite simply do not know where our climate is going, whether or not anything we do will have any effect on it, or to what degree we even do have an effect on it.

It's hard to worry about something like that unless someone is able to tell you the answers to those questions. Unfortunately, since we are talking about temperatures over thousands of years, giving a proper context with accurate measurements, is not actually possible.

2007-01-17 02:12:45 · answer #2 · answered by btpage0630 5 · 0 0

Well because every other environmentalist is saying something that contradicts what was just said two minutes ago by someone else. Who knows why "global warming" is accuring. There has been more than enough evidence that in the past extreme and quick changes to the weather patterns have happened (Hello...Ice age...). It could be a naturally occuring thing. It could be because we are messing with the air. We can't fix something that we don't know what is causing it. Once we figure out what is causing it, then maybe we can put all our effort into fixing it. Right now we need to come to ONE conclusion on what is causing this.

As for the rest of the world, they have no reason to be concerned with it since America is the place most causing it. Us with our cars and factories and gross dirty air. If anything, America is causing the air pollution. So why should anyone else care?

2007-01-17 02:17:25 · answer #3 · answered by afichick 3 · 0 0


Because everytime they get enough people worried about something to do something about it... The information changes and what we were doing to counterbalance the effects make some other problem somewhere else...

It's like Eggs... Now all of a sudden... The yolk is good for you again. They are all full of crap and manipulate the population into false concern to push the market values of the items that need to either sell, or hold depending on supply and demand.

Basically... Human beings are not willing to give up their luxuries and their decadent wants turned needs... When people realize that EVERYTHING we do is over the top and unnecessary then maybe the earth will begin to heal herself...

Until then... The Doomsday clock is ticking! It moved just a bit this morning!

2007-01-17 02:13:08 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Because energy and oil companies keep campaigning AGAINST global warming by buying off scientists to dispute it. And on the other side of the coin, the only people that are REALLY championing it are washed-up actors and ex-politicians. The only way the world is going to wake up is if we have a TRUE, REAL global summit with every country taking place.. And you won't see that for another 20 years because the Kyoto protocols happened so recently.

2007-01-17 02:10:06 · answer #5 · answered by Jersey Giant 4 · 0 1

The Earth has had ice a long time, they had been cooling durations, among them had been warming durations. This has been happening for all of Earths four billion years. The Earth goes by way of a pole shift correct now. A pole shift is while the magnetic poles switch polarities. During pole shifts the magnetosphere is weaker and extra of the Sun’s rays strike the Earth, this factors further heating of the Earths floor, and makes worldwide warming extra said. These are common cycles of the Earth. We puny dull individuals can not more give up and even curb a common cycle of the Earth, than the person within the moon. This ninth grade technology, and one could believe that scientists and politicians could be larger expert, however it kind of feels that this no longer so, and might do not forget ninth grade technology elegance.

2016-09-07 21:56:48 · answer #6 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

What about all of the significant, long term, naturally occuring climate changes that have occurred throughout history?


From the same link:

"The heating or cooling of the Earth's surface can cause changes in greenhouse gas concentrations. For example, when global temperatures become warmer, carbon dioxide is released from the oceans. When changes in the Earth's orbit trigger a warm (or interglacial) period, increasing concentrations of carbon dioxide may amplify the warming by enhancing the greenhouse effect. When temperatures become cooler, CO2 enters the ocean and contributes to additional cooling. During at least the last 420,000 years, CO2 levels have tended to track the glacial cycles (IPCC, 2001). That is, during warm interglacial periods, CO2 levels have been high and during cool glacial periods, CO2 levels have been low."

Also, people need to start recognizing the difference in terminology between global warming and HUMAN INDUCED global warming. The earth is definitely warming up. whether we caused this, whether it is permanent, and how warm it will get, is still up for debate.

2007-01-17 02:08:47 · answer #7 · answered by Gerfried 2 · 2 0

I am terribly frightened of global worms.

If the Earth gets worms, we could all suffer.

As an aside, what would constitute being worried ENOUGH?

When people can't spell, and ask questions with impossible qualifiers how can they expect to be taken seriously?

2007-01-17 02:16:39 · answer #8 · answered by mmd 5 · 0 0

Actually, he does care. The head of the EPA is a man of science, and understands the situation quite well. Don't believe me? Check out http://www.epa.gov. The problem is that global warming isn't proven, it's a theory. If we take measures to prevent something that might happen, the cost of living would rise dramatically. When everything's expensive, and people can't make ends meet, do you think they will say "Boy, it's great that our planet isn't experiencing global warming" I doubt it. They'll want the president's head for ruining their lives.

2007-01-17 02:09:08 · answer #9 · answered by Pfo 7 · 0 1

Because we live in a world of false hope and we no that there is little we as individuals can do. The government gives us false hope with there promises that never come about.We are so accustom to this false hope the governments gives us, we just sit here knowing full well the government will smile and say we are working on it but if they can not profit from it, it gets put on the back burner.

There is no profit to be made in spending dollar's on such a big problem that "oh well" we will deal with it later.

2007-01-17 02:17:31 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

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