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Получена информация о возможных терактах в метро
Федеральным оперативным штабом от иностранных партнеров "получена информация, которая в настоящее время проверяется, о возможном совершении диверсионно-террористического акта на наземном транспорте и в метрополитене", сообщили ИТАР-ТАСС в Национальном антитеррористическом комитете.

"Руководителем Федерального оперативного штаба(ФОШ) Николаем Патрушевым даны указания оперативным штабам в субъектах федерации, а также членам ФОШ по приведению антитеррористических сил и средств в состояние повышенной готовности, активизации оперативно-розыскной деятельности и осуществлению комплекса предупредительно-профилактических мер"."16 января данный вопрос рассмотрен на заседании ФОШ, в ходе которого заслушаны отчеты представителей силовых ведомств и оперативных штабов о мерах, принимаемых с целью предотвращения угрозы совершения диверсионно-террористического акта", -сообщили в НАК.

В этой связи ФОШ "рекомендует руководителям предприятий, заняты

2007-01-17 01:43:40 · 3 answers · asked by syl 2 in Society & Culture Languages

3 answers

There was information received about possible acts of terrorism in the underground .
The federal operative council from there foreign partners receives the information which now is checked, about possible fulfillment of the terrorist attacks on ground transport and in underground , the National anti-terrorist committee have informed IT AR-TASS.

" The head of the Federal operative council (ФОШ) Nikolay Patrushev gives instructions to operative services in regions of federation, and also to members of ФОШ on the point of preparation of anti-terrorist forces in condition of the raised readiness, activation of operatively-search activity and realization of a complex is precautionary-prevention... Measures ". " On January, 16th the given question is considered at session of ФОШ during which reports of representatives of power departments and operative staffs heard of the measures accepted with the purpose of prevention of threat of fulfilment of the subversive and terrorist certificate ",-have informed in НАК.

In this connection ФОШ " recommends heads of the enterprises,

2007-01-19 01:48:30 · answer #1 · answered by Natalie P 3 · 1 0

The information on possible acts of terrorism in the underground is received.
The federal operative staff from foreign partners " receives the information which now is checked, about possible fulfilment of the subversive and terrorist certificate on ground transport and in underground ", have informed ITAR-TASS in National antiterrorist committee.

" The head of the Federal operative staff (ФОШ) Nikolay Patrushev gives instructions to operative staffs in subjects of federation, and also to members ФОШ on reduction of antiterrorist forces and means a condition of the raised readiness, activization of operatively-search activity and realization of a complex is precautionary-профилактичес... Measures ". " On January, 16th the given question is considered at session ФОШ during which reports of representatives of power departments and operative staffs are heard of the measures accepted with the purpose of prevention of threat of fulfilment of the subversive and terrorist certificate ",-have informed in НАК.

In this connection ФОШ " recommends heads of the enterprises, are borrowed

2007-01-17 09:53:40 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Sorry! No can do. :-)

2007-01-17 09:52:52 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

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