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I'm working on a research paper and looking for thoughts and feelings about God.

Why do you or don't you believe in God?
If you are a believer, do you believe wholeheartedly or do you occasionally have doubts?
Have you ever been "mad" at God? If so, why?
Why do you believe in God? Because you were told or taught?
Why don't you believe in God?

I appreciate any thoughts!

2007-01-17 01:00:29 · 30 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

30 answers

If you are a believer, do you believe wholeheartedly or do you occasionally have doubts?
No, i never doubt anything about God and never will.

Have you ever been "mad" at God? If so, why?
No, I've never been mad at God cause i always thank him for what i have(Family-normal life-roof over the head and stuff like that).

Why do you believe in God? Because you were told or taught?
I was told first, and over the time I'm learning more and more about him.

2007-01-17 01:06:15 · answer #1 · answered by Dirty 5 · 0 1

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The proof and evidence is all around you and everywhere, undeniable proof, and indisputable visible evidence. It is called creation and life. Unless your are blind, deaf, and senseless. You can see, smell, taste, hear, feel, and examine the evidence.
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We live on a planet teeming with life. Plant life with approximately 250,000 species, animal life with over a million species. Scientists are learning just how complex life is. So complex that it requires design. The evidence of design requires a designer. Scientists are also learning the conditions for life; just how perfect conditions here on planet Earth are to support all this life.
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The human brain, it absorbs forty megabytes per second of data while awake. That is two terabytes of data a day. At night, it sorts and stores that data through the creation of new chemical bonds and synaptic connectors.
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Sure, right, this all just happened and evolved. This sort of thinking takes considerable faith, exponentially more faith than believing in a creator.
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But all the above is only a logical reason. As you study God's Word it grows. No man could have written it. The prophecies written hundreds of years before the fact. The Spirit of God's Word. What I'm trying to say is the spiritual reasons which can only be understood as you mature in God's Word.

2007-01-17 09:05:18 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Usually we're raised in a specific religion or belief. We take for granted what our old folks teach us. Then when we grow old, we have our own experiences with life that either strengthen our childhood values or obliterate them. I haven't had a reason to not believe in God. But I have experienced the why's of some of his proverbs and parables. And it saddens me to see how people take things in a fanatic blind way rather than trying to put some reasoning and common sense into things. Is these fanatic ways what make people hate God or unfairly judge and even abuse others in his name.
Someone told me once that whatever beliefs lead you to hate and abuse others can't come from God, since he's all about love and true peace. The irony of those words is that they came from an atheist.
And I must define atheist for the intellect-impaired:
a -the-ist
a = doesn't like or do
the = theology or religion
ist = the one that practices whatever philosophy.

It is incorrect to label an atheist as satanist or non believer, since they are the ones that believe in God the most. Is just that they don't follow any religion. I respect them because they search what we all do, which is peace.

Buddha, Allah, Jesus Christ... They all share a common good will for humanity.

I hope this helps you a bit in your research study.

2007-01-17 09:30:25 · answer #3 · answered by M'lady 3 · 0 0

I believe in god because he is the answer to almost any problem you can have. I occasionally think about how there are many different gods and religions, who is right? no one can tell. So i just go with one. Ive never been mad at god, but i do look at god for answers, it shows you the right perspective. I really appreciate the small books with quotes from the bible that are associated with different problems. I was told and taught about god but now that i am an adult i believe in god because i choose to. One thing that i really dont understand is why some people think everything is from god. I believe god helps those who help themselves.

2007-01-17 09:11:09 · answer #4 · answered by Ammbless 2 · 0 1

I believe in a superior being that may or may not be God. I have no proof. No one can give me that proof either. I don't want someone to say "read the Bible" either. It's fiction. Prove to me it's not!

So, yes, I do have doubts. I have been mad, too. I wasn't necessarily taught but more told and religion was not a big part of my growing up years, it's just something that seems to be the right thing to do.

So, I guess I do believe in God but not the fairly tale that is organized religion.

2007-01-17 09:07:37 · answer #5 · answered by AKA FrogButt 7 · 2 0

I've always been a scientific sort. I'm a chemical engineer by trade and always look for the reasoning behind things. I've always believed that the first step is, to DEFINE God(or the spirit behing the name god). Meaning that if God is the answer to life; creation and all that is known- could not the name for my 'GOD' be called 'SCIENCE.' I don't believe that it is one guy living in the clouds but the idea or the spirit that there is an answer to everything. That is what is important. Weather your god has a name like mine or is nameless; the spirit that GOD is the reason we are here and is the explanation of why things happen.

2007-01-17 09:09:12 · answer #6 · answered by nor2006 3 · 1 0

I give you the Human Brain.

Studies, like that done by the University of Michigan, and features in the Discovery Channel program, The Amazing Life of the Human Brain, shows just how amazing the human brain is.

Every second while awake, we are absorbing 40MBs of data per second. That’s 144 gigabytes per hour and about 2 terabytes per day. That’s a lot of data even for the largest computer. When we sleep at night, and only at night or under nighttime conditions, all that data is sorted and stored through the creation of synaptic connectors and biochemical bounds. The brain has enough volume to allow for the creation of these storage connectors to last over 10,000 years.

Without the need of a creator, what evolutionary pressure could cause the need for this much volume that would take that long to fill? Clearly, man was either created by God to live that long, or if evolve, once lived that long, and has since de-evolved to what we are today. Which do you think it is?

Evolution does take place, in that animals have evolved and humans have de-evolved since the time of the creation. Many divergent species are related, such as the Meerkat/Hyena and the Lion/House cat. A house cat can breed with a lion, I wonder if the same is possible the Hyena and Meerkat?

This is why I believe in God. I use the brain he gave me, and designed for me, to determine something beyond imagining.

2007-01-17 09:20:17 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 3

I believe in God and I also have faith in Him.
I am in some kind of spiritual low now, but that is a part of being a human. I love my Lord.
Yes, I have..even when I did not believe in Him...is not that silly?
I was born into a Lutheran family, I got baptized and confirmed...the I walked away from that faith. God found me and I am happy I accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior, I asked Holy Spirit in y heart to guide me. That makes all the difference. So now I have a personal relationship with God and God talks to me through His Word, people and circumstances.

God bless. It is wonderful feeling to be under His care 24/7.

2007-01-17 09:09:19 · answer #8 · answered by SeeTheLight 7 · 1 0

I'll believe what I have evidence for. That evidence may be something cold and hard in my hand, it may be something I have seen with my own eyes, or it may be an argument which cumulatively gathers varieties of the other two types of evidence. I do not believe one can extrapolate evidence and form deductions that the evidence does not explicitly indicate.

There is no evidence that argues to me that the explanation for phenomena is God, and that no other explanation exists. Therefore there is no God.

I wasn't taught or brought up like this. I wasn't brought up to be particularly relgious, though an assumption that God existed was taken for granted. I just thought about it, and got educated. I know the bible very well and I also know Darwin's works very well. I have read more rebuttals of evolution than most anti-evolutionists would have patience for.

2007-01-17 09:05:31 · answer #9 · answered by Bad Liberal 7 · 2 1

I believe in God because I chose to.

Occasionally I have doubts to God's existence, but not by thinking it is illogical, but by thinking it is just too incredible to ponder or picture in my mind.

Yes I have been mad at God and swore and cursed at him, at a religious camp of all places, but I realized how stupid I was being. I could elaborate but I'm not in the mood.

I was raised by my mom most of my childhood and she isn't a Christian so I wasn't "taught" about God, I just started reading the Bible during my teenage years and then really looking closely at it when I started college.

2007-01-17 09:11:19 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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