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What is the concept of right? Who invented it? Is it a truth, a fact, a perception? What is the point of it? Is it like Freud said just so we can satisfy our ID? I only ask this because I'm manic depressive and am going through a severe depressive phase. There are people everywhere telling me what to do, think and feel and I don't know what the most beneficial view is to take from these people? And I know that your own view is right but my perception of reality is different just now b/c I'm depressed so I can't rely on it. Or can I? Cos thats just what people say. Oh I don't know, everything is an endless circle of questions in my mind and I never reach any conclusion because my mind has slowed down so much and when I do grasp some sense of understanding from something it runs off again and I need to try and remember what I understood and how.

If your own judgement can't be fathomed or is wrong because you are ill, who becomes right?

2007-01-17 00:52:06 · 13 answers · asked by Nic 2 in Health Mental Health

Can I just say, by slagging me off and belittling me ur doing a lot to help me feel better the guy who said Alice in Wonderland thing. Try looking up compassion in the dictionary. Does it make u feel clever doing that? Child.

By the way I am on Lithium to the guy that asked but have recently come off my anti-depressant.

2007-01-17 01:16:18 · update #1

13 answers

In the end when it comes to thoughts there is no right or wrong.. there is only helpful and destructive... i think deep down you know which thought processes are harmful and which aren't... what you need to get a handle on is how you process the opinions and beliefs of others... mental illness makes people feel helpless, but it's clear you're not stupid, you're not heavily deluded and you're not so entrenched in depression that you can't try to look at it objectively... learn to trust yourself more... some people must say things that resonate with you while others simply confuse you and make you feel like you're failing

no doubt the majority of people who are telling you what to think or do haven't been through what you have.. they're only experts in a certain sense, if they're experts at all

I think you know when you're lying to yourself and when you're not... depression involves a lot of self deceit.. it sounds like the opinions of others are just making it harder for you to be honest with yourself... perhaps you need to practise telling people to f*** off more, like you did with that unhelpful answerer who should have just said nothing...

As i would say to anyone on here with mental health problems, if you aren't getting it already, try to get cognitive behavioural therapy... this is the best way to get to know yourself and the tricks that your mind plays on you to maintain your depression and it can also help with mania when you switch to that cycle.. i really can't recommend it enough...

2007-01-17 04:37:22 · answer #1 · answered by Foot Foot 4 · 0 0

Similar questions often run through my mind but I have no idea of the answers. I used to have a friend who i talked this through with and we would sit up for hours discussing what the answers could be, never reaching a conclusion,

I think the answer is that there is no actual Right and no actual Wrong it is just each persons perception.

2007-01-17 04:48:12 · answer #2 · answered by Unhinged.... 5 · 0 0

IM in the same gravy boat as you luv,Depression,im not sure when i havn't had it.i know how you feel when there's always somebody who's never been in your situation giving you there opionion on what you should do or say,only because they think you are not in a fit state to control your own life,it shows they care in some way but sometimes doing things yourself brings greater reward,others and there view of opinions are only a guideline not an order take them in but only act on them if you want to,its your life at the end of the day not theres,how i deal with it is i constantly argue there point of view against what i would do,and if its a good or bad idea,sometimes people can be really helpful,other times they wind me up,so have confidence in yourself to make dicisions and prove to the careing people that that its your life and at the end of the day you know whats right or wrong about your life,keep the faith sister

2007-01-17 03:03:42 · answer #3 · answered by prettypete 2 · 0 0

The mind boggles at the senselessness of this Question.
I really feel that your problem is more for a professional institution .
It reads a little like Alice in Wonderland , I heard somewhere that Lewis Caroll had been at the magic mushrooms when he wrote the book . Incidently i now have a headache .

2007-01-17 01:02:13 · answer #4 · answered by katrinasfather 3 · 0 0

my mum is a paranoidskitzophrenic and she still dont think there is anything wrong with her. no one can tell yuo what to do and my opinion is that there is no cure, medication wise.

because its a mental health prob by taking pills, you are thinking that they'll help you when really theres nothing in them that'll help you, its all in the mind and you dont actually know this but its you making yourself better, because your depending on pills, its you.

dont let anyone tell you what you should feel, that makes things worse because you feel patronised and want to rebel.

just take things slow, dont lock yourself away or you've completely dug a big hole that'll get you stuck with this illness. Take everyday at a time and why not make new friends with internet people that understand what its like to be in your shoes. it'll help you both by talking about it and you will be suprised in how much you've progressed

good luck

2007-01-17 01:06:20 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I try not to think in terms of right or wrong. Many parts of life such as the way you think or what you believe are purely a matter of opinion and we have to trust that. There is no right or wrong. If there were then there would either be no religion or just the one. There would be no such thing as debate. People can agree with each other but many confuse opinion (no matter how well considered) with facts.

2007-01-17 01:02:42 · answer #6 · answered by Pauly 2 · 0 0

I am so sorry you are having a rough period. I am not manic depressive myself, but I have battled depression most of my life. You need to go see your doctor and talk to him/her. You need your medication, or need it changed. People are telling you what to do because they care about you and are concerned about you, and hate to see you in misery. Right now the 'right' thing to do is take good care of yourself so that you can get past this rough phase. Only a good doctor and counselor can help you get past this and see the light at the end of this dark tunnel. Don't forget you have people who love you, even though it is sometimes hard to remember when everything around you seems so dark. I will be thinking of you!

2007-01-17 01:00:11 · answer #7 · answered by Bandmom 2 · 0 0

Most people have a fairly good grasp, I believe, of what's right and wrong. The truth is written on our hearts. However with what you are going through you may not be able to trust yourself and there should be allowance for that on the part of others.

2007-01-17 01:04:29 · answer #8 · answered by mesun1408 6 · 0 0

Several schools of thought on one.

1. Gut reactions are usually right (Frederick Nietchsz had a variation on this one, the first reaction is usually the correct one)

2. Only after deep and uninteruptted contemplation can the true answer be found. (Usually a western religious philosophy)

3. Stop thinking about it, immerse yourself in other activities and the right answer will reveal itself to you. (A very zen/jedi approach, other activities can be sleep or meditation)

Your judgement is your judgement, if you can look yourself in the mirror and accept the consequences of your actions then who the hell cares.

I like the meditation idea myself, are you medicated at present?

2007-01-17 01:01:49 · answer #9 · answered by boobboo77 2 · 0 0

The difference between right and wrong is in the bible if you read it you wont go wrong. sod a pscyologist some come out with crazy ideas and i am doing a psychology degree so i should know some are good though.

2007-01-17 03:23:58 · answer #10 · answered by denise g 2 · 0 0

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