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Most atheist beleive they are as right as any other religious beleivers. Why not live your life by being happy, don`t harm
anyone, do your best. If when you die there is any more...Great!
If not you haven`t wasted your life being afraid or fighting.

2007-01-16 22:58:12 · 17 answers · asked by JoJo 4 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

17 answers

“We all feel an urge for God as powerful as our instinct for sex and hunger, says a daring new school of psychiatric thought.” (Woman’s Home Companion for April, 1954, Subtitle)

There is something about what you are saying , simply because we all worship someone, something or some idea. Please note a commentary:

*** sh chap. 14 p. 332 par. 8 Modern Disbelief—Should the Search Continue? ***

'As the 19th century wore on, critics of religion became bolder in their attack. Not content with just pointing out the failings of the churches, they began to question the very foundation of religion. They raised questions such as: What is God? Why is there a need for God? How has belief in God affected human society? Men like Ludwig Feuerbach, Karl Marx, Sigmund Freud, and Friedrich Nietzsche offered their arguments in philosophical, psychological, and sociological terms. Theories such as ‘God is nothing more than the projection of man’s imagination,’ ‘Religion is the opium of the people,’ and ‘God is dead’ all sounded so new and exciting compared with the dull and unintelligible dogmas and traditions of the churches. It seemed that finally many people had found an articulate way of expressing the doubts and suspicions that had been lurking in the back of their minds. They quickly and willingly embraced these ideas as the new gospel truth.'

--So when our resident atheists say no God, they have to have something, to replace Him with. Thus, they love their philospophers or atheist group, or idea--something has to fill the vacume that they produced when they extracate God, that is how we were made, to have someone , to be in awe is imbued in us.

*** w56 4/15 p. 231 “They Are Without Excuse” ***
'Even atheists worship something, though it may be their own philosophical atheism. The urge to worship is so widespread that if there were no God it would be IMPOSSIBLY DIFFICULT(my caps)to imagine why people should spontaneously reach the conclusion that there is one.'

--As you say there is no real reason for such anger and antagonism because true scientific proof is given for God's existence. What it is as in most sports "the best defense is a great offense"--so when they go on the attack mode they feel in charge, even though the thing they are in charge of is empty..

*** w94 12/1 p. 7 The 20th-Century Denial of God ***

According to physics professor Henry Margenau, “if you take the top-notch scientists, you find very few atheists among them.”

--So we have the outcome similar to the one in the story, "The Emperor's New Cloths" rather than admit they had been duped by the 2 tailors, that the "invisible cloth" reallyh had no substance, they went along with the idea that if you did not see the cloth, you were not intelligent.
--Thus in the nothing substance of evolution, the same idea has been propagated, "no see(grasp the idea) no intelligence---thus the Emperor chose to be embarrased rather than admit he was duped. As each hour , day etc. passes the embarrasement for atheists grows ever greater but because of the defense mechanism initiated by them, they refuse humilty. We all need that quality.

--Good question!

2007-01-16 23:57:52 · answer #1 · answered by THA 5 · 0 0

The road of Atheism ends up in two cul-de-sacs. One is that of heroic (but pathetic) defiance of God. (How can you defy something that does not exist?) The other is insight into the apparent irrelevance of the divine. But it's a dead-end as shown in this quote from Brecht (the German playwright):

"Someone asked Herr Keuner if there is a God. Herr Keuner said: I advise you to think about how your behavior would change with regard to the answer to this question. If it would not change, then we can drop the question. If it would change, then I can help you at least insofar as I can tell you: You already decided: You need a God."

Brecht says we're never in a position to choose directly between theism and atheism, since the choice is located along the road of belief. And now I quote from Slavoj Zizek:

"Atheism (in the sense of deciding not to believe in God) is a miserable pathetic stance of those who long for God but cannot find him (or who 'rebel against God'). A true atheist does not choose atheism; for him, the question itself is irrelevant."

But the sense of eternity, which is in every yearning human heart, has been placed there by God, so in the final analysis there cannot be such a thing as a true atheist because God has 'spoken' - they're just refusing to listen. At least those who 'merely' argue against God have entered the debate!
Hang on in there, folks! You might hear a bit more!

Finally, don't set too much store by mere avoidance of doing harm and doing what you think is best. If you don't believe there is a God, you'll just pick and choose your own path of least resistance. God's pathways are a bit more demanding, and rightly so because we're all a fairly motley bunch! So keep your ears open for what God might be saying to you. He's into communication of the "still, small voice" type, mainly.

2007-01-17 03:58:48 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

some treat it as a religion. i think there should be an atheists church, and hymns, and a bible too:

"in the beginning there was a rather loud noise,
and it got very hot as well,
and things brightened up a bit,
and after some time it appeared to become fairly stable
although certain individuals may argue that point seeing that
the universe is still expanding and all..."

but trying to drag myself away from the "brighter side of life" for a moment. wouldn't it be worse to say that you truly believe in something that you're not totally convinced of just in case you have to spend eternity in hell's burning fire?
I'm an atheist yet not 100% sure I'm right. i might be wrong, but at least i have the truth on my side.
yes, everyone has faith of a sort, and atheism is a form of faith regardless of what the dictionary buffs might quote from their bible.

2007-01-18 00:55:12 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

i think of you're extremely the terrific option. Atheism is many times against any variety of religion in God, yet that doesn't propose they don't have self assurance in something. With atheists i think all of us have different concepts approximately faith and spirituality. Atheism isn't a faith, isn't a faith. Its purely entirely a concept.

2016-10-07 07:02:14 · answer #4 · answered by blumenkrantz 4 · 0 0

I am of the opinion that if, by some chance, there happens to be a judging god, it will be an entity who will reward me for my actions instead of my beliefs. In other words, I don't believe in a god, but I actively _disbelieve_ in a god who will punish me for disbelief.

Thus what you've written is true for me - I live my life as best as I can. If there's nothing more than the grave, fine. It's what I'm expecting anyway. If there does happen to be more out there, well I'll cross that bridge when I get to it.

That's the only way I know how to live. If you feel that disqualifies me from the title 'atheist', so be it.

2007-01-16 23:08:23 · answer #5 · answered by XYZ 7 · 1 0

Atheism is a system of belief. It is impossible to prove that there is no God. Usually atheists want to believe there is no God, so they do. It's not actually based on evidence, nor can it be. At the root of the problem is that there are many different ways that people worship God. If someone has been hurt by one of them, it is easier to say that there is no God than to try to find Him elsewhere.

2007-01-17 22:59:11 · answer #6 · answered by Save the Fish 2 · 0 0

“We all feel an urge for God as powerful as our instinct for sex and hunger, says a daring new school of psychiatric thought.” (Woman’s Home Companion for April, 1954, Subtitle)

There is something about what you are saying , simply because we all worship someone, something or some idea.

Maybe in 1954 people did, but not today THA!

Trotting out the same old argument time after time doesn't make it any truer.

No. Atheism is not a type of faith.

Thank you and goodnight


2007-01-17 02:10:08 · answer #7 · answered by Nobody 5 · 1 0

Atheists do not bow down to fairytales, all theists have is faith because there is no proofof anything they worship therefore atheism is a lack of faith

2007-01-16 23:11:32 · answer #8 · answered by reevesy314 3 · 0 0

In the same way not believing in Santa Claus is a faith.

2007-01-16 23:02:48 · answer #9 · answered by fourmorebeers 6 · 1 0

No, faith is believing in something. Atheism believes in nothing

2007-01-16 23:04:34 · answer #10 · answered by adiahudo 3 · 0 1

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