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14 answers


2007-01-16 22:59:38 · answer #1 · answered by scuba_man 2 · 0 3

as read & heard form muslims, ya they will come over the whole the world,,, but not as u said bring us to the dark ages cos it is impossible it can not be!!!
now we're in incience age and every has some knowledg of science in his mind and his brain.. what do u think if some want to control the world and he doesnt have any thing / or take us to a dark age?
no way he must have had more than what we have

if u go back to the history will find that muslims were controling the world for long time with the highest knowledg and science available that time as well as westerns do now
do you thing westerns can comeover the world without any sciences no way never happened the whole history
so muslims may come over the whole world ,,,, and they can only do if they come with science

be sure of that

2007-01-17 09:20:35 · answer #2 · answered by happy to answer 2 · 1 0

According to the Quran, "There is no compulsion in religion" (2:256), thus, no one can be forced to become a Muslim. While it is true that in many places where Muslim armies went to liberate people or the land, they did carry the sword as that was the weapon used at that time. However, Islam did not spread by the sword because in many places where there are Muslims now, in the Far East like Indonesia, in China, and many parts of Africa, there are no records of any Muslim armies going there. To say that Islam was spread by the sword would be to say that Christianity was spread by guns, F-16's and atomic bombs, etc., which is not true. Christianity spread by the missionary works of Christians. Ten-percent of all Arabs are Christians. The "Sword of Islam" could not convert all the non-Muslim minorities in Muslim countries. In India, where Muslims ruled for 700 years, they are still a minority. In the U.S.A., Islam is the fastest growing religion and has 6 million followers without any sword around.

2007-01-17 08:27:33 · answer #3 · answered by BeHappy 5 · 1 0

Muslims will not take over the world and neither will christians. Personlly, i do not wish to see the day that any state is governed by religion, That day would be a sad day. religion, can be used out of context exceptionally easily.
Just look at all hullaballo about cartoons and the Mel gibson flick, i forget the name, i think it's only a matter of time before religion is seen for what it is Brainwashing.

2007-01-17 08:50:42 · answer #4 · answered by Burnt Emberes 3 · 0 0

Dark Ages !!! ha ....

Why dont you do some researches about the Dark Ages!?!? to see who really was in Dark at that time. It was the Europeans you ignorant, not the Muslims! Muslims were excelling at that time, and their empire was growing and advancing exponentially. It is we who translated the old sciences and philosophies of the Greeks. It is we who invented the discovered true sciences of the world. Go learn some history.

2007-01-17 07:20:03 · answer #5 · answered by A Muslim 3 · 2 1

No. The Christians will.

Ooh - the Muslims here raise a good point: during the Christian Dark Ages, the Muslims were a productive, advancing civilization. History is on their side, even if they do have a terrible extremist wing today.

2007-01-17 06:59:58 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 2 3

the dark age was before mohamed came .... mainly christians in europe were in the dark age .....
europe was a zero a non .... same was the desert of arabia ....
the world changed with the mighty spirit of mohamed and islam ....
christians worshiped a man instead of god .. they worshiped god's prophet to them ... the greatest sin god don't forgive is to worship anything except him .......
time goes and goes .... then came Mr Bush ... trying to take the hole world to the dark ages again ... ages which don't accept peace ... it accept power only .....
trying to put the hole world under his empire ....
started a lot of wars ... false wars ... trying to mastering oil and countries unders his kingdom .... and for that reason theirs nothing wrong .. no sins .......
he killed innocent people ....
more than 650 000 innocent iraqi were killed by christian troops ..... not a sin
thousands of iraqi women were raped ...... not a sin
thousands of iraqi prisoners were abused ...... not a sin
thousands of childrens were killed ...... or became orphans ....... by the civiliezed christians ..... who's following Jesus teaching ..... love and pray for your enimes .......
stealling oil ..... not a sin ......
taking lands ..... not a sin......
then .... you say that muslims .... taking the world to the dark ages again ........... so funny

2007-01-17 08:10:57 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

no y v would do that v wana put a step in new age with every one love & peace 4 all ;)

2007-01-17 07:03:22 · answer #8 · answered by nabs 2 · 1 0

didn`t you study history?
don`t you know that the Muslims invented the clock
don`t you know that the Muslims discovered algebra by Khwarizmi the Muslim scientist
don`t you know that 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0 is Arabic numbers
don`t you know that small circulation of the blood was
discovered by ibn elnafes the Arabic scientist

2007-01-17 07:21:22 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

That is what some of the extremeists want BUT God will surely step in before such a thing

2007-01-17 07:01:54 · answer #10 · answered by devora k 7 · 0 2

its the christians that want to do that thay love the dark ages

2007-01-17 07:02:40 · answer #11 · answered by andrew w 7 · 2 2

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