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Ever since I was a child I've wanted a cat.. I'm pretty sure that I want one now, no matter what other people say. I'm just worried. First of all we live on the fourth floor. What if it jumps from an open window or smth.. Also, will it poop everywhere? And will it be clean to touch and stuff? Do I have to bathe it everyday? I'm a kinda ocd-ic when it comes to hygine, so i'm worried that it'll give me allergies and be dirty and give me an infection and stuff. Also what if it has sex with the neighbours's cats.. Will I have to like take care of his children- or worse bring the female cat he impreganted to live with us? Where will it sleep, and will it be annoying in the night? What will it eat? Will it get bored?

2007-01-16 22:13:04 · 22 answers · asked by Pichka 2 in Pets Cats

22 answers

Wow that is a loaded question.
I would recommend reading a lot on the Internet before getting a cat so you know what to expect.
I am on the fourth floor as well in an apartment and my 2 cats just like to sit in the windows (windows with screens of course) Before they sit in the window you need to make sure that the window and screen are safe for the cat with no open gaps or openings.
If you have a cat that is litter trained, just make sure that the litter is always clean (i clean my litter at lease once a day) and in a room where the cat would have privacy (cats don't usually like having their litter in a really public area). If the cat isn't litter trained it isn't too hard to litter train them.
The cat should be fairly clean as they clean themselves pretty well all the time (a kitten may need a little help when cleaning itself after using the litter, but that won't last for too long, just until it gets the hang of it).
You do not need to bath the cat each day as it is not good for their skin and most cats don't like water. I would recommend bathing the cat when you first get it, with flea shampoo (use only if the cat is old enough, the flea shampoo bottle will tell you what age is safe) and don't bath it again unless the cat gets into a mess or gets fleas again. Don't use human shampoo as it is not the right pH for the cats skin and will not be good for the kitty.
I wouldn't worry about getting any infections from the cat. As long as the cat is well taken care of and has regular vet visits there shouldn't be too many problems with it's hygiene.
I would recommend keeping the cat indoors ALL THE TIME if it isn't fixed or get the cat fixed right away. You do not want to be dealing with litters of kittens all the time.. it's a lot of work.
When you get your cat ask the person you are buying it from about how old it is and what exposure it's had to other cats, then you can probably figure out if the cat is pregnant. If you want to make sure 100% that she isn't expecting you should take her to the vet ASAP to get her checked out.
If you get a cat, I would make the cat a bed where it can sleep. If you bring a kitten into your bed when it is young chances are it will always want to sleep on your bed and some people don't like that. Something else to think about. If the cat is not allowed in your room at night it may cry a little at night but the cat will be fine in the night alone as long as it has clean litter, water and food and toys to play with.
Buy good quality cat food, the vet or other cat parents can recommend a cat food brand. The really cheap brands of cat foods are not good for some cats so research that as well.
Hope this gives you some guidelines to go by, good luck

2007-01-17 00:53:30 · answer #1 · answered by Somanyquestions,solittletime 5 · 1 0

My best advice to you is: YOU are NOT ready to get a cat, and this would be due to the ocd thing. I am VERY familiar with cats and also people with ocd. First, if you think you may be allergic to a cat, you probably WILL be because you already have that mind-set. Next,
(also ocd-related) the bathing thing. Most often, you do NOT bathe a cat at all--and everyday is just out of the question! If you don't even know anything about cat food, a litter box and Kitty litter, you are most definitely NOT ready for a cat. If you still have your mind set on this, may I suggest that you take out a subscription to Cat Fancy Magazine? You may want to call your local library and see if they have the monthly issues there. But actually, for you, if you'd like a pet, I might suggest a bird, like a parakeet or
a small aquarium that you can put guppies and goldfish in. Hope this might give you a little more in-sight and options in your quest for a pet.

2007-01-16 22:53:17 · answer #2 · answered by sharon w 5 · 1 0

WOW- well cats are pretty good at balance so even if it jumps it has a pretty good chance of survival. Just get a screen for the window or keep it closed. Cats are usually clean, they bath themselves all day, after you touch them when they wake up before they nap etc. Go to a shelter and stay around some cats for a day or so and if you have no reaction your prob not allergic to them. They generally use the bathroom in their litter box- if your concerned just make sure the cat is litter box trained and then keep it very clean by changing it daily. Get the cat spayed or neutered and you won't have to worry about kittens. The SPCA will do it for you. But if it has kittens they usually take very good care of them by themselves at least the females do. Males usually don't bring home the mate- they just leave her impregnated. But like I said get the cat spayed or neutered and you won't have to worry about it. The cat should eat cat food, you can buy it at the grocery store. Cats are never bored- they always find something to get into or do. If not they're sleeping, and they sleep wherever they want to. Sometimes they will crawl up beside you in bed but they rarely stay there the whole night. Mine sleeps on the kitchen chair, under the sofa, and under the sheets of the bed. Most of their lives are spent asleep- the cat will not be sleep depraved! I suggest you pick up "Cats-for dummies" no offense I have the book too! It would help you out a lot with more questions you might/will have. Good luck with the kitty!

2007-01-16 22:31:10 · answer #3 · answered by jypsiiie 2 · 2 1

You sure are worried. It actually seems like you hate the idea of getting a cat = /

1. Never leave the house with windows open. Put screens in them so even if they are open the cat will not be able to get out. Cats do love to sit on the window ledge, so make it safe.
2. It won't go to the bathroom as long as you get a litter box and start training right away. Make sure it knows thats where it goes to the bathroom.
3. Yes it will be clean to touch, and you should give it a bath once every month or so. Just to keep it clean and healthy.
4. if you are allergic to cats, dont get one. It will only get an infection if you dont care for it properly and let it get sick. Set up vet appointments.
5. You can't help who the cat has sex with. However, you should get the cat spayed/neutered. This way you have nothing to worry about.
6. It will sleep wherever you allow it. On the couch, the bed. You can even buy a small cat bed to put on the floor near the bed.
7. He will sleep at night, just like you (I hope.)
8. It east CAT FOOD. bought at any animal store.
9. If you ignore it, it will get bored.

Like i said, you really dont seem mature enough for a cat. but the decision is up to you. just make sure to take care of it and love it if you do get a cat

2007-01-16 22:26:51 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 4 1

Hi There, I can give you some assistance with getting a cat. Ok - first I can tell you that I am a new cat owner myself (had my cat for 2 years now). I can tell you that when I started to think about getting a cat I did alot of research. I found a great advice from people just like you are doing now.

Now I went to a rescue mission and I informed them that I never had a cat before. And they recommended to me getting an adult cat. Because you will be able to see their personality better. You will know which cat is for you. The cat came right up to me and meowed and was lovable. Just what I was looking for... now as for having cat on a high floor apartment. I have friends that live on the 6th floor of a building they have cats and they are just fine. But you cannot leave your windows wide open while you are gone.

As for pooping... If you keep the litter box clean your cat will not go to the bathroom everywhere. I can tell you that my cat likes to have his bathroom station near the toilet. so I have his litter box set up in the bathroom. You will need to get clumping litter and a scoop to throw it out. I keep a small trash can in the bathroom and throw out the small bag every morning when I leave for the office. Because I want to keep my house smelling nice and clean.

You do not need to bathe your cat. Cats are terrified of water. They clean themselves in fact cats are one of the cleanest animals you can have.

Make sure that cat you get is spayed or neutered. This way your cat will not have sex or get pregant. Plus I think that since you have OCD - you will want to keep your cat as an indoor cat. If you let him roam outside he might get lost, hurt, or you may never see him/her again.

Take your time. Do the research. You will know which cat is best for you.

2007-01-17 00:45:45 · answer #5 · answered by therealmonica4 1 · 1 0

Ok, I suggest getting a male Russian Blue Kitten. To avoid it mating with the neighbours cats have it neutered, and why I suggested a Russian Blue is because they are very friendly and non allergy. I have had a Russian Blue Male for 7 years going on 8 and he has been lovely. I suggest as soon as it can eat solid foods give it Science Diet Oral Care as they are prone to Gingivitis and gum disease. Russian Blues are independant but enjoy attention and while they are kittens games and attention. While it is a kitten place a warm basket, food, water and a litter tray in a room very close to your own as for the first few weeks they are lonely so i suggest getting it in the summer holidays. They won't bore as long as they have a scratching post and some toys. You won't get an infection as long as they are vaccinated and wormed, ask your vet about this. Microchipps are a great idea too, they are inserted into the loose skin of its neck and if it gets lost you can be traced and contacted. If your cat sleeps in your room it will probably sleep in a basket or on your bed and won't bother you. And about the fact you live in a high rise, fly screen your windows and put a lead and harness on it when it goes onto balconeys, make sure you go with it so you can supervise. Cats hate being bathed too so give it a brush everyday and each week a major brush. I hope thats enough!

2007-01-16 22:27:59 · answer #6 · answered by Guru Selkie 2 · 3 2

Cats are awesome...just get yourself a kitten or adopt an older one. All of your worries will go away. Find one with short hair though, not long hair since long hair you'll find everywhere and short hair...not such a problem.

They train easily in the littler box (about $10 every month and a half for kitty litter) and they eat kitten/cat food for about $10 a month or longer.

If you get the cat fixed, you won't have to worry about it getting any impregnated. If you live on the fourth floor and keep it inside all the time, you won't have to worry. Plus...the female cat's owner is usually the one who takes care of the kittens.

It'll sleep wherever it wants to, in the bathroom sink, in a box or even on your bed if you let it.

Will it get bored? Probably not, but if you had two cats, which I suggest strongly, they'll play together and be buddies when you're not at home.

Cats are very clean. They clean themselves every day and you won't need to give them a bath...maybe once a year.

It won't jump out an open window. They're pretty smart.

so, go ahead and get yourself a cat/kitten. Don't worry about what people will think or worry about anything else.

There's a slight chance they may scratch on your shower curtain like one of mine did as a kitten (trying to chase the drops after my shower) or scratch your rug, but if you buy a few scratch pads (I've got four now), you'll have no problem. Just teach it with your hands on their paws where to scratch.

The kitty litter is the biggest problem...you'll have to clean it up each day and change the box about once a week.

Ok...so now go out and find a great kitten or cat to own! You'll love the company! They can be quite cuddly when you sit down for a bit to watch tv or sit in your lap when you're on the computer.


2007-01-16 22:28:47 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 3 2

Cats are a lot o relaxing to have see you later as you opt for a superb one! a million. some solid cat features are nicely behaved (potty-educated, do not scratch or attack you) and prefer to snuggle (on your lap or mattress). Plus i'd propose getting a cat who's fastened, declawed (optionally available), and round 2 years previous! youthful cats will be complicated to make stronger. 2. be particular to possess a clutter container, foodstuff and water bowl, clutter, and cat foodstuff previously you purchase the cat! Even some toys will be effective for the cat (catnip toys or string toys are a number of my cats favorites). also a scratching placed up would not be a nasty problem to possess because like to sharpen their claws. 3. Cats opt for to sleep a lot! So don't be hectic in case you cat sleeps countless the day! 4. also at the same time as cats first enter your domicile they are going to be worried. so that they might growl, hiss, or perhaps scratch/chew you in case you get too close. yet do not difficulty that receives more desirable after a lengthy time period. you basically might want to provide them a chance to regulate. 5. Cats also opt for to attraction to close that their in can charge so that they might rub their paw or cheek/neck hostile to many gadgets at your position of abode. so as it truly is standard. 6. be particular to sparkling the clutter container once an afternoon and to provide the cat a scoop of foodstuff and new water each and every morning and correct previously you bypass to mattress! the most important problem to undergo in concepts is to provide your puppy various affection and affection (petting it)!

2016-10-17 01:51:45 · answer #8 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

Don't worry so much.
Here's what you can do.
*With living on the fourth floor, you can put a screen in your window so you can still open it and get fresh air, w/out worrying about the cat falling. Just make sure it's locked.
*If it is litter box trained, it won't poo all over the floor lol :)
Unless a health problem arises.
*Cats clean themselves so don't worry about it being dirty unless you let it outside.
*Yes cats do get bored. Just make sure you have lotssss of toys for it to play with, and play with him or her urself too.
*They sleep anywhere, so no worries :)

Hope I helped :D

2007-01-17 02:46:03 · answer #9 · answered by kriiistenxoxo 1 · 1 0

First you might want to find out if your allergic to them…..I wouldn't get a male cat they tend to spray to mark their territory I would suggest to get a female kitten and don’t forget to get her spayed…..but that depends on you ….be prepared to have your furniture, carpet being scratched on , the things you have around the house knocked down , your plants being slept in or dug up..….and your kitty is going to run around the house like a nut and will inspect everything and everybody that comes into the house also your kitty will sleep most of the day and will sleep where ever it wants….hope this helps and good luck with your new kitty…

to me cats are no different then dogs except that they aren't as needy as a dog....

2007-01-16 23:39:11 · answer #10 · answered by little sister 5 · 0 0

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