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49 answers

Well if you're properly prepared to care for it - cats live for up to 20 years so it's a long-term commitment and it costs money to keep them, neuter them and have their shots done.

But they are wonderful creatures that provide much pleasure.

2007-01-16 21:42:46 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

If you get the right cat, then yes. They are very comforting to have around, and much less maintenence that a dog, which is also a great companion.

I have a dog and three cats, and the dog is a great friend, but he's 9 months, so still very puppy orientated and over excitable...I find he gets on my nerves more than he makes me happy. Out of the three cats, there's only one that I would consider a "friend". The eldest is very moody, and although he loves to cuddle up, it's on his terms, and he'll often turn around and scratch me if he gets bored. The next is 8 months old, both boys...one is always in my face, he literally can't take no for an answer...so maybe for a lonely person he'd be a good option (I also have two children, so don't have time to be spening every second with the cat). The last is also 8 months old, but he's very friendly, but only when I have time for him. He purrs loudly when he sees me, and he'll run up and give me a kiss...but he'll also just sit quietly whilst I'm busy.

So after all that, I'd say a cat could help, but it's impossible to tell whether the kitten you get will end up being a stay at home lover. My advice would be to get a girl...or get a boy that you will definitely get neutered early.

2007-01-16 21:42:09 · answer #2 · answered by Anon 4 · 2 0

Yes yes yes!

I love cats, and always wanted a cat. For ages we rented properties and so no cats allowed, but then when we bought our first house I went out and got two little kittens...

It's better to get two because when you are out they keep each other amused, and despite what you may think, looking after two cats is no more difficult than looking after one!

Our puddies, Timon and Pumba, are complete entertainment value. They do the funniest things! When we come home from work, they recognise the sound of our car and run out from hiding places and sit at the front door waiting for us to open up. Timon is a little girl who is very timid yet very clever! She cannot be fooled! Pumba is a big fat boy who is lazy and a little bit stupid! Timon comes and goes through the cat flap, yet Pumba is a little confused by the little window in the door :)
It's ace at night when watching tv and they will curl up at either side and purr for affection, and in the morning as soon as our alarm goes off Timon starts clawing at the bedroom door to get to us and then follows us around the house! It's like they can't bear to be away from us! Pumba has even followed me to the shop before now!

I love them sooooooo much! They're my babies! My husband was a dog man until we got our puddies, now he adores cats!

They are loving wonderful animals, I'd have a house full if I could! :) xx

2007-01-17 07:00:42 · answer #3 · answered by lou lou 3 · 0 0

no cos then you would just be a lonely person with a cat! Cats are very independant and wouldn't be much company unless THEY wanted to be! Get a dog then taking it for walks you might meet some new friends. Have you looked into night classes or some other activity which would bring you into contact with other people and the chance to make new friends? Good luck-this planet is too overcrowded for anyone to need to feel lonely.

2007-01-16 21:42:34 · answer #4 · answered by Rachel H 2 · 0 1

Sweetie, you should then definitely get a pet. Depending on where you stay - flat or house - if a house - rather get TWO small dogs like small fox terrrier types or the best of course the JACK RUSSELS!! They are small, intelligent, superb watch dogs, lively, VERY LOVING. I stress though get TWO dogs. As lonely as you are and can get AS LONELY a dog or cat will be!!!!!!!!!!!! A cat is wonderful, I feed 7 strays at present, but cats own you, you do not own them and they will come to you when THEY want love, not visa versa. If you cannot afford it the, go the SPCA, or in England you call it the RSPCA and get two small type dogs. They do not have to be the same tyupe, but two doggies. Your life will be SO enriched!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2007-01-16 22:41:58 · answer #5 · answered by Kuschke 2 · 0 0


I am very similar and don't like to be alone. 6 months ago I seperated from my husband and got a cat. I don't know how I would have got through things with out her. She is great company, and very effectionate. She is a real lap cat that loves sitting on my lap.

To all the poeple that say that cats are not effectionate, this is not true. The more attention and love you give a cat the more effectionate it will be. I find that people I have met with unfriendly cats do not seem to apreciate their cat or give it much time, attention, and love.

2007-01-16 22:35:15 · answer #6 · answered by Meek 1 · 1 0

yes, but if you can get a dog that is better as they are more affection and loving as many cats are aloff and more attached to the house than the owner. Still a cat will be nice to pet and show affection to and their purring lowers your stress and blood pressure studies say.--they are less upseep than dogs and if you have an apartment won't bark and get the neighbors or landlord mad

.don't be ashamed to admit it....many, many people are lonely in this world.

2007-01-16 21:44:30 · answer #7 · answered by janie 7 · 1 0

Lots of people feel isolated and I don't see anything wrong with having a companion animals for company - as long as you remember the golden rule; the cat has the needs of a cat and they must be met! As long as you can remember that and not treat it as a human you'll both be fine.
I'd suggest you rehome an adult cat from a cat home. That way you can ask for a people friendly one. Some of them can be stand offish and thats not really waht you want, look for an affectionate one.

2007-01-16 23:50:56 · answer #8 · answered by sarah c 7 · 0 0

you could get a cat they are great companions and are not as much hard work as a dog. Im single and live alone and i get lonely form time to time, i have a dog and he is great company but like isaid hard work. Yeah get a cat , why dont you also start gym classes or night school, there you will kept busy and meet some new poeple.. i started going acrobics classes and eve n though at first i was well nervous i love it now... good luck

2007-01-16 21:45:59 · answer #9 · answered by DizzyCutie 2 · 1 0

A pet would be a great idea, i could'nt be without my dogs they mean the world to me.
And you would be surprised at how many wonderful people you meet while out walking!
Not got time for a dog then yes a cat is a great pet to have and there are so many in rescue just looking for that perfect lap to curl up on.
Good luck & take care.

2007-01-16 22:10:30 · answer #10 · answered by MoJoJoJo 4 · 0 0

ohhh yes it so would - cats are wonderful animals they give you so much joy - when I was single for 4 years - coming home to my babies was wonderful!!! some people say cats are aloof and selfish - but those that are cat lovers know how much a cat can give you!! for instance this morning I let mine up and got back in bed for 10 mins - it was like a huge pile on when they got on the bed to love me - it brightens up my day - whether I was lonely or not I would always have a cat in the house - they are totally aces!!!

2007-01-16 23:41:59 · answer #11 · answered by Grace - baby No.2 due in October 3 · 0 0

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