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i have a 2 and a half year old girl,my friends daughter is coming up 4 in march,when i go to her house her daughter wont share with mine,she panicks that were going to take her toys and all you can hear from her is 'it's mine your not taking it home', and other simmilar things,it's rubbing off on my daughter who is starting to act a bit the same way. Should i keep them away from each other or carry on seeing them and hope it passes,to be honest it's wearing a bit thin and i'm a bit fed up with all the attitude, i've tried to teach them to share but there seems to be a big chip on the older girls shoulder about something.

2007-01-16 21:05:38 · 27 answers · asked by heebygeeby 4 in Pregnancy & Parenting Parenting

27 answers

NO way,
but give them strict boundaries, as all children want to know what they are, and then come up to them just to make sure that they are still there.
also curtail the amount of time they spend together.

2007-01-16 21:10:14 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

If your considering ending your friendship because of your children you cant be that good of friends.
Although your child is only two this will be a good chance to develop her social skills. When she shares a toy with the older child give her lots of praise and encouragement. Perhaps take some of you daughters toys around to your friends house saying "look what (your daughters name) has brought around to show you." The older child will see the attention your daughter is getting and want it herself. If she still refuses to share ignore her completely, she will soon get fed up.

2007-01-17 05:29:31 · answer #2 · answered by kate g 1 · 0 0

Don't slap the child. That's not going to solve anything and might make things worse. Tell the 4 year old your daughter will not take her toys and find out if your daughter has taken her toys home in the past. Then if she has done this before,tell her that she can't do that any more. If this doesn't help separate them and give them their own toys to play with.

2007-01-17 05:20:01 · answer #3 · answered by greylady 6 · 0 0

Have you had a word with her mum over this ,what does she do when it happens ,kids need to share ,is she not in nursery yet ,?i dont think you should stop seeing your friend over it,the little darling will learn just count to ten when she starts and make a big thing of telling your daughter off if she does the same as that other child ,it might shame the other mum into trying to sort it out ,good luckxx

2007-01-20 12:03:35 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Your friend needs to tell her daughter the same as you otherwise you will get nowhere. And smacking isn't the answer either. If they don't do as they are told put them both on a chair till they are willing to share. But I must admit your child is a bit too young for this. Maybe you should say that you wont go around to play if she is naughty. I do understand your situation I have 4 kids and it is hard to know what to do best. Good luck.

2007-01-17 05:15:09 · answer #5 · answered by Honey 5 · 1 0

Advice from one who knows. Never, never ever let kids interfere with a friendship as believe me you will be the loser.

Kids especially are resilient at that age and in no time at all they will be bossom pals. And never ever slap any child. You will lose your pals friendship if you do that.

However, you need to set parameters for both children especially the older one as she knows that she can boss the younger one around. So once these parameters as set and the the toing and froing still continues I would suggest that you mention to your friend that it is not working out between your two children and see what she has to say.

Maybe her little girl is lacking attention? Does she have older brothers and sisters from whom she has picked up bad habits. Or just may you are a little baised towards your own daughter. It hurts when you see your kids being pushed about and it can do strange things to your thinking when this happens.

Whatever, really at the end of the day can you not meet your friend down the park and let the two children run round and get rid of their vent up feelings. Not all children enjoy close company of other children. My grandson is like that he prefers his own company to that of others.

2007-01-17 05:16:43 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Don't slap them. The older girl is just not used to sharing and is worried her toys are going to disappear. The younger one won't understand.......Maybe you should have a break from your friend, or only see her when your child is elsewhere. Have you tried meeting at YOUR house, where you are on your own territory? Alternatively, you could suggest you both join a playgroup and meet up there with your children. That way both your children get to meet others on neutral ground with different toys.

2007-01-17 16:58:59 · answer #7 · answered by xyz 2 · 0 0

well it could be that someone did take some of her toys home. Start by you telling the child that you will not allow your daughter to take any toys home with her. Then tell the other child she "can" share since no one will take the toys home with them. As for your daughter you can just tell her when she starts to act like that the she is not "so and so" and can not act like her.

2007-01-17 08:10:00 · answer #8 · answered by elaeblue 7 · 0 0

In a few years time, when your own child is going through the same phase as this little girl, you will kick yourself for dropping your friend. I know its hare, but what are you gonna do, not be friends with anyone your child has a dis agreement with. i know its hard, but try having a word with your friend. dont criticise her daughter, just tell her about her your concerns and ask if she has any suggestions that will help. Good luck

2007-01-17 12:05:41 · answer #9 · answered by ? 6 · 0 0

Firstly DON'T SLAP THEM, that's well uncalled for. there's a thing called discipline, try that first. obviously the other child seems a bit spoilt and hasn't been taught the simple rules of sharing and being nice. seems she has an "inferiority complex!" which is probably due to her being older and thinking she's better. it's the other kids mum who needs to deal with this, i hope it doesn't influence your child to behave in an unsociable way as that's not fair on you!!

Good luck

2007-01-17 05:15:03 · answer #10 · answered by Miss Tickle 4 · 0 0

What I do when I want to catch up with friends is we all go to an indoor play centre. The kids are entertained for hours (they usually aren't ready to go home, even when we are!!!) and are too busy running around playing to fight. Parents can sit and chat over a cuppa and actually get a word in, without having to worry what the kids are doing (you know they are safe.) Look one up in your area, I have found it really is a great solution to the problem.

2007-01-17 06:46:44 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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