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ive never been to a doctor about it, but i know thats what im experiencing. Depression runs in my family (or the pre-disposition anyway). There's no real clear reason why i feel this way. unfortunately, always feeling unhappy leads me to be very irritable and short with people. Its not fair to them or me. I am a very strong willed person, and although i have been known to buy supplements for my lifting, i feel weak for taking medication. Is this wrong? I know science is hear to help, but i dont want to rely on some pill for my happiness. The nights where i just feel weak and vulnerable are becoming more frequent. I get so upset and irritable and unhappy, that it seems the only way to feel good is to just lay on my bed and cry into my pillow. I hate it. I just want to know if theres anything anyone has to done to cope with this without an anti-depressant. All answers are appreciated. Thank you.

2007-01-16 20:56:51 · 12 answers · asked by J Balla 4 in Health Mental Health

12 answers

Get a lot of sunshine and a lot of exercise. You shouldn't feel weak for having to take medications. They help you balance if it is a chemical related imbalance in the brain. You aren't wrong to feel what you feel. Feelings are not wrong or right, these are your feelings and you have every right to feel them. As the friend of a person who has depression, I talk to her/him and sometimes we just sit and watch the sun go down or come up which ever time he/she calls me for help and I'm not working. Do you have friends? If not try to make some. If you make one good friend you have done a lot.

Here's a hug to get you started.

2007-01-16 21:12:15 · answer #1 · answered by greylady 6 · 1 0

Chemical imbalances can be caused by several things: food allergies: heredity:alcohol abuse: drug use: emotional trauma (like a death or divorce or big move or new job). See. There is more than one answer to a problem. Anti-depressants (short term-3 months) can jump start you, and may offer you a shelter from this storm. I would not discount them unless you've tried it and had no success.
Feeling weak is another way of not being willing to seek help. But everybody needs a little help now and then. You know the old adage:
" Pride goeth before the fall."
Have you incorporated any exercise regime or nutrition schedule into your schedule?
If you aren't better, I'd go see a professional for some insight. But remember: doctors don't know much about nutrition as they only have to take one course in med school, and prescriptions are the drugs they push, even if the drugs won't help. So remain a bit skeptical, ask questions, and don't believe everything you hear, and you'll be fine.

2007-01-16 21:09:55 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

There are a number of things you can do, but they will take discipline on your part. The medication is only an aide to keep you focused, but the steps are the same. Make a small list of goals to accomplish on a daily basis. Make sure this is a manageable list. Get at least 30 minutes of exercise a day. Exercise is a top-notch mood elevator. Get up and get dressed every day, even if you don't have anywhere to go. Keep a routine, especially when it comes to sleep. Get out of the house at least twice a week for something non-essential (work and grocery shopping don't count). When you are capable of managing your affairs in a satisfactory manner, you will have less to worry about and can focus on the real issues. Medication is not a cure-all, nor is it a necessity for your recovery. You may want to consider it as a last result, but you can exhaust all other options first. Don't let anyone tell you differently. I would strongly suggest counseling, if you can afford it. If not, try to stay connected to at least one person you can talk to. It will take time, but try to see the accomplishments you make in a positive light. Small steps will eventually get you where you need to be.

2007-01-16 21:10:20 · answer #3 · answered by roknrolr63 4 · 1 0

One of the books I read on depression was excellent. It suggested that there were hundreds of ways of tackling it. I cannot remember the name! Sorry. Here are some hints:

1) Follow your conscience
2) Do not eat junk food
3) Exercise
4) Avoid any strongly negative people
5) Sleep regularly
6) Talk to people
7) Help people if you can
8) pray if it seems relevant to you
9) Meditate or listen to music

My own top of the pops were/are:
1) Do Maths
2) Talk to people
3) Go to a good movie
4) Walk
5) Swim
6) Do something that I have been putting off e.g. a) tidy room b) look for work

2007-01-16 21:47:56 · answer #4 · answered by Sciman 6 · 0 0

I am sorry u r going thru this problem.
First of all see a good do about this, take it seriously.
Then in addition to any mediation that u may be prescribed, do the following.
-take up some hobby. Anything that u enjoy doing.eg. read books, something that perks u up. Even comics!
-Make friends, people u can talk to easily. Get in touch with ur old buddies. Meet up.
-Take care of ur diet and general appearance. Eat healthy. Try to look good, take an interest in what u wear, how ur hair looks etc.
-Try to keep regular sleeping hours, at least 8 hours.
Drink warm milk before going to bed and try reading before u sleep.
-Take up some eerise. Walk, jog, run! Take up swimming or some game, like tennis.Tire urself out before bedtime.
Good luck!

2007-01-16 21:17:59 · answer #5 · answered by saltnsaffron 5 · 0 0

Medication is to keep people stable at a certain level and will help bring them up from a low, however it is not a cure.
Take the medicine, but get outside and get involved with Anything. Activities will help you improve once you have a stable level. Physical activities are best , light ones by all means. Meet people do things, delveope hobbies.

2007-01-16 21:10:11 · answer #6 · answered by Carl P 7 · 0 0

Besides medication,you should be surrounded with happy and fun loving people and also you should have ahealthy life style with plenty offruits,vegetable and a glass of warm milk before going to bed will make you feel good. Meditation and prayers are also the best to get rid of your depression.

2007-01-16 22:00:40 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Get a behavioral therapist. Not the "I'm gonna talk about how I feel" type. I have to change what I am doing before I will feel any better. I want self esteem so I do esteemable acts.

2007-01-16 21:01:47 · answer #8 · answered by Lashenova 4 · 0 0

Try your very best helping the need. More time you spend the goodness, the lesser you experience depression. At least you feel better than do nothing.

2007-01-16 21:06:27 · answer #9 · answered by Ginkgo 1 · 0 0

Yoga will solve all your problems in a short period of time.

2007-01-16 21:11:37 · answer #10 · answered by Ramesh M 3 · 0 1

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