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And on the way out, I saw a Guy unbuttoning his Kids belt, the man screaming at the child "Benjamin, move your arms, move your ******* arms" ( I reckon this kid was about 6) then he slapped/hit him really hard on the stomach.
The guy was about 50, carried on screaming at this poor boy calling him stupid.

I know we all have bad mornings, but never in my life would I/have I done anything like that...
Do you think I should tell the school??

2007-01-16 20:42:36 · 39 answers · asked by Coley 4 in Pregnancy & Parenting Parenting

39 answers

Yes definitely. They are very probably already aware that something is going on but in case they aren't, it's up to responsible and caring parents like you to make sure that less fortunate kids are looked out for. The school should refer to social services if they feel it necessary. If you're not happy with the school's response then a call to social services might be in order.

As far as children are concerned, it's better to be safe than sorry and if this is how this man behaves in public, what's he going to be like at home. It might only be the odd insult but even something like that can be very damaging for a young child's self-esteem. OK so maybe this guy was having an off-day - in which case he'll learn his lesson but if he wasn't then he needs to be taken in hand.

2007-01-16 20:48:33 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

You could mention it to the school yes. It's a difficult situation to be in. This guy could have been having a bad morning like you say; but there's no excuse for hitting a child. Tell the school, they will know whether to take it further. Just think how bad you would feel if Benjamin came to real harm from this man; knowing you could have done something about it.

2007-01-16 20:48:17 · answer #2 · answered by kchick8080 6 · 1 0

YES wihtout any hesitation I would call the shool and report what you saw. Its could be vital to helping the child concerned. My wife and I have 2 kids and are expecting another baby in 4wks time but never would I ever treat my child like that, your right 'having a bad day or morning is no excuse for that'. Good luck and I hope you call the school

2007-01-16 21:10:21 · answer #3 · answered by thedaddy 4 · 0 0

If I were there I would have beat the living **** out of him. Theres a difference between physically disciplining a child and child abuse and it sounds like this guy crossed the line you should definitally inform the school or child protective services because how would you feel if that guy ended up hurting the child in the future and you had a chance to do something about it ?

2007-01-16 20:48:34 · answer #4 · answered by pintoguinness37 3 · 1 0

That is wrong.

You ought to let the school know but also tell your local council or Social Services - they should have a department called something along the lines of 'Children, Schools and Families Unit' which will be run by admin staff and social workers - they often get referrals of this kind from concerned neighbours or schools and they have the appropriate channels to deal with this (in the UK at least).

They offer services from counselling and family therapy, to fostering and adoption, and they always put the child's needs first.

Go to www.direct.gov.uk to see advice and details of who you should contact.

2007-01-16 21:20:12 · answer #5 · answered by SilverSongster 4 · 0 0

Yes yes yes.You really should and then let the school take over.This is assault on a minor and child abuse.In fact tell the police that what you saw and that you have informed the school also.Don't be scared of this guy.The police will arrest him if he approaches you in a threatening manner.That is why they need to know.This child could be being hurt at home and if not then at least you have done the right thing.

2007-01-16 20:59:32 · answer #6 · answered by Niamh 7 · 0 0

Yes definitely. This isn't just a bad morning its child abuse. He has hurt and humiliated this child. If the child has been "playing up" this is not the way to deal with it, Hitting, swearing and calling him stupid? He's six! Don't worry about being the one to inform the school as they probably already know or at least suspect and if they don't they definitely should.

2007-01-16 21:41:43 · answer #7 · answered by kate g 1 · 0 0

yes you need to say something. You should have gone over and said something or at least yelled "stop hitting him" so then ppl will look and see. Tell the school though. If you see it again, write the guys license plate number down and turn him into the police. A small act of kindness could safe a childs life. If it turns out to be nothing...at least you did something and you dont have to worry about it

2007-01-16 20:47:29 · answer #8 · answered by I hate stupid ppl like you 4 · 3 0



It is so hard these days to know what to do isn't it?

I think yu need to have a word with the school and let them know what you've witnessed. There may be some history that they know about, and people they may be able to refer the matter to.

However, I would say that you would have to be prepared to be called as a witness if the matter when further with the appropriate authorities.

I'm sat here now thinking about that poor little thing - what kind of day (or life) is he now having?

If it was me, I'm afraid my conscience wouldn't let me ignore it, I'd have to say something.

Best of luck.

2007-01-16 20:52:59 · answer #9 · answered by Moofie's Mom 6 · 0 0

yes talk to the headteacher. he/she will file the incident and keep aclose eye on that pupil. if the pupil acts abnormally it will be filed until they have a case to report to the social services. i work in a school and we had a case very similar where a mother was always verbally abusing her child. i reported it and it was filed. the following week that child came to school with bruises on his arm and we asked him how he got them. he said he fell down the stairs. but they were finger bruises. i filed it again and social servises came to the school and talked with his mum. that boy is now in foster care and his mother doing 2 years for neglect and abuse.
even if this man was just having a bad morning its no excuse to scream at a child in that way. talk to the head teacher and put ur mind at rest. it will then be out of your hands and u can rest knowing that u have done something to help. if there is any form of abuse going on the school should pick it up. schools have teaching assistants (which is what i am) who work very closly with the children and are more likel to spot the signs.
hope this helps

2007-01-16 20:59:24 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

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