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Christians dont bang on your doors and try to enter your home uninvited shoving bibles in your face. (Mormons and Jehovah's wittnesses do) Christian preists dont molest kids then have the church cover it up.(Catholics do) Christians dont take hostages or murder people just because you dont agree with their beliefs.(That is islam) Christians do try to convince people to believe what they believe, sometimes too agressivly but so does everyother religion and atheist try to convince people to their beliefs.(or lack of). Also those of you that keep saying the christians used to kill people for not believing hundreds of years ago, your WRONG!!!!! The catholics killed and tortured christians for being christians.

(Ok, to anyone involved in any group mentioned above: I in no way intend to group all of you into that catagory. I no not all are this way but we all no it happens. If your not like that then please dont get offended. So why only blame christians?

2007-01-16 19:51:17 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

To penny and eldad9: no catholics and mormons and jehovas are not all christians. they have different beliefs and mormons and jehovas have different bibles.
they dont say there christian they say there mormon,jehova's and catholics. Try learning something before you speak.

2007-01-16 20:06:30 · update #1

18 answers

Read the book of I John.

As Christians, we are PROMISED trials and tribulations (book of James) and we are told that world will HATE us for speaking the name Jesus Christ.

It does no good to complain about reality. People are going to hate you because you believe in the Bible. It's a fact of life, and a promise from God.

So instead, just smile and thank them for proving the Bible true and bolstering your faith.

2007-01-16 19:54:55 · answer #1 · answered by Last Ent Wife (RCIA) 7 · 1 1

I do not know what makes you say that everybody blames Christians? Blame Christians for what? Perhaps for what GW Bush has been doing? I remember him saying God gave him the duty to spread Christianity and democracy in Iraq! Some Christians were also blamed for what they did during the crusades in the middle ages. As for molesting children, well check the media and you will find news about some priests who are interested in children. However, all these do not mean one should blame the whole of a religion, nor the true innocent followers of it. The same should apply to all the other religions. Religions are here to teach us to become better human beings; to love and to respect others. Unfortunately, they have been misinterpreted and used by politicians and profit seeking merchants to exert power over other peoples throughout history. I was raised as a Muslim, though I do not practise much. And I learned to respect all human beings, regardless of their belief, even the non-believers.

2007-01-16 20:11:22 · answer #2 · answered by John R 2 · 0 0

This so-called "question" dishonestly and insultingly insists that Jehovah's Witnesses are not Christians. Yet this prejudiced assertion is not offered with any Scriptural justification, and so can only be understood as ignorant bigotry.

It is shameful that trinitarians repeatedly pretend that Jehovah's Witnesses are not Christian. Trinitarians use an artificial, trinity-specific definition of the term "Christian" which excludes anyone who does not believe that Jesus is God Himself, rather than the Son of God. Interestingly, pagans in the first century pretended that Christ's followers were Atheists(!) because the Christians had a somewhat different idea from the pagans about the nature of God.

Jehovah's Witnesses teach that no salvation occurs without Christ, that accepting Christ's sacrifice is a requirement for true worship, that every prayer must acknowledge Christ, that Christ is the King of God's Kingdom, that Christ is the head of the Christian congregation, that Christ is immortal and above every creature, even that Christ was the 'master worker' in creating the universe! Both secular dictionaries and disinterested theologians acknowledge that Jehovah's Witnesses are a Christian religion.

The Trinitarian arguments are intended to insult and demean Jehovah's Witnesses, rather than to give a Scripturally accurate understanding of the term "Christian".

In fact, the bible most closely associates being "Christian" with preaching about Christ and Christ's teachings. Review all three times the bible uses the term "Christian" and note that the context connects the term with:
"declaring the good news"
'teaching quite a crowd'
'open eyes, turn from dark to light'
"uttering sayings of truth"
"keep on glorifying"

(Acts 11:20-26) [The early disciples of Jesus] began talking to the Greek-speaking people, declaring the good news of the Lord Jesus... and taught quite a crowd, and it was first in Antioch that the disciples were by divine providence called Christians.

(Acts 26:17-28) [Jesus said to Paul] I am sending you, to open their eyes, to turn them from darkness to light and from the authority of Satan to God... Paul said: “I am not going mad, Your Excellency Festus, but I am uttering sayings of truth and of soundness of mind. ...Do you, King Agrippa, believe the Prophets? I know you believe.” But Agrippa said to Paul: “In a short time you would persuade me to become a Christian.”

(1 Peter 4:14-16) If you are being reproached for the name of Christ, you are happy... But if he suffers as a Christian, let him not feel shame, but let him keep on glorifying God in this name

So why do anti-Witnesses try to hijack the term "Christian" and hide its Scriptural implications? Because anti-Witnesses recognize that it is the preaching work that makes it clear that the relatively small religion of Jehovah's Witnesses are by far the most prominent followers of Christ:

(Matthew 28:19,20) Go therefore and make disciples of people of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the holy spirit, teaching them to observe all the things I have commanded

Learn more!

2007-01-17 02:49:11 · answer #3 · answered by achtung_heiss 7 · 0 0

Hi. We Jehovah's Witnesses ARE Christians. Christians are FOLLOWERS of Christ. We do not try to FORCE our ways into people's homes. IF we did I would have a battering ram. We use many Bibles. We in general prefer the NEw World Translation as it is a translation into modern English. As to your point of saying we are not Christian because we have a name, let me ask Do you consider Baptists Christians????

2007-01-17 23:24:19 · answer #4 · answered by Ish Var Lan Salinger 7 · 0 0

While we Christains have problem of focus we sell our right to unbeliever today becouse of money, we are after money we don't remeber the word of God at all, If not heven in the Court before it happen that the want the truth the have to invite a christain to the case, but now you can see that we all blood lier just becouse of money so tell me, how the can not blame us, remeber Jesus said we are light of world and also a mirro where are we

2007-01-16 20:07:03 · answer #5 · answered by Bature O 1 · 0 0

Theists, especially christians, try to control and restrict us based on their views. If all christians stop crusading against science, culture, art, sex and sexuality, religious freedom and such, and stop telling everybody else they're going to be tortured throughout eternity unless they join you, I assure you that you won't encounter nearly as much hostility.

By the way: The catholic church is a christian church. I find it amusing that I, as an atheist, realize that while you, a christian, do not.

2007-01-16 19:55:27 · answer #6 · answered by eldad9 6 · 2 1

because thay want to brainwash a planet thay start holy wars thay take over countrys with there fairy tale god thay hate the gays and the atheists more so in the usa thay rip of people by taking all there money there book is the bigest fairy tale con in history and the churces are full of pedophiles

2007-01-17 00:20:08 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Let me tell you a story. Six or seven years ago, I wasn't a very religious person, and I didn't think that those folks who knocked on doors were doing anything wrong. There was this group of Christians trying to evangelize in my neighborhood, and they caught up to me at the same spot every day where I caught the bus on my way to work. I would politely turn them away every day. Then one day, they tried to get me to accept Jesus, and I turned them away. The leader suddenly became enraged and they jumped on me, beating me so bad that all of my ribs were broken, and I slipped into a coma for two days. I was able to heal physically, and the cops caught they losers who did it. But because the prosecutor screwed up the case, they all walked on a technicality. They all praised Jesus for being set free, and none cared about the pain they caused me.

I'm seeing a psychotherapist for Post Traumatic Stress disorder, and I'm so full of rage and hate, I'm ready to pop. So let me tell you this you Jesus Freak, I lump all of the Christians together in one group because they're all the same kind of trash that beat me to a pulp years ago.

2007-01-16 20:00:58 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

Most likely because Satan hates the message that true Christian's proclaim. Jesus said if they hated Him, they will hate you for proclaiming His word. Another problem is that not everyone who claims to be a Christian is really a follower of Christ. Most Christians identify with their church more than they do Christ. A lot of these make believe followers give Christianity a bad name by being dogmatic, judgemental, and hypocritical.

2007-01-16 20:03:34 · answer #9 · answered by godeep 3 · 2 2

circulate online and discover me a non-Christian, US-based web site (and that i don't propose some man or woman's weblog, I propose a company's web site) it is dedicated to holding marriage and different rights faraway from gays. i don't think you will discover one. Then perchance you will discover why Christians have become lots warmth interior the U. S. for their efforts to maintain us 2d-class voters.

2016-10-07 06:56:35 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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