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In Farmers Branch and other cities, ordinances are being proposed to tighten up on illegal immigrants (landlords facing fines for leasing to illegals) or making English the official language. I don't get it, if those in the Hispanic community are citizens, would they not also want to keep illegal immigrants from putting a stress on the community?

2007-01-16 18:36:48 · 10 answers · asked by bluefish787 3 in Politics & Government Immigration

10 answers

I'm discorvering that a growing majority of Hispanic Americans (legal) are anti-illegal. They're growing in both numbers and in sentiment. One told me most haven't spoken out yet because they're afraid of the illegals. They actually fear for their safety and safety of their families! But, they tell me, they're getting madder than they are scared and are ready to fight like hell!

A U.S. Army officer told me today that he was never so violated as a Mexican-American than when he saw the marches on TV. He's defended the U.S. in at least two conflicts.

By what these more honorable Hispanics say, I'm beginning to realize that probably MOST latinos here illegally are not working at all but are here in some capacity of the drug profiters, La Raza (motto: "for the Race everything, for others nothing"), Reconquista and others.

Until about 6 years ago, I followed what the news said about this thing; that these are just poor people, they're hard-working, they have nothing back home and are just trying to make a better life for themselves. I've learned first-hand how impossible that is.

Ask yourself: Why did their home-country fail? Can a government alone suppress a capable people? Not for long. Mexico has a trillion dollar a year GDP. That country has 18 billion barrels of petoleum in KNOWN reserves with many potential wells yet to be investigated. Yet their oil pumping infrastructure is just rusting, no reinvestment. Experts say they haven't even tried to keep it maintained because the profits are too low compared to something else they sell.

And the Mexican people have increased their population (I believe that's voluntary) faster than the economy can grow. I've come to know dozens of 13 and 14 year old "First Time Mom's among" among illegals here in the U.S.!

They're having babies like we're living in the wild wild west! And, due to a misinterpretation of the 14th amendment, these babies are granted citizenship here. Called "Anchor Babies" cuz it's difficult to deport the family when the kid's a citizen.

2007-01-16 19:26:05 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Illegal anything causes trouble and breaks down the situation. In this case illega immigration is causing untold damage to this country. In many ways that we can speak of and also in many ways that are difficult to discern.
One of those kinds of things is the amount of racism and negativity towards ALL Hispanics when in fact Mexicanos are the ones that need to be focused on. Many legal Hispanics who are citizens in all the best senses the rest of us carry, are degraded by folks who don't know any better. Ironically, this is the fault of the illegals and their entry here without following the law.
Given the nature of the problem, American and Americans are in for one Hell of a bad time on this. Everyone will suffer for this breach. legal Hispanics may suffer even more.
Many, many of our legal Hispanic citizens are as mad about the illega entry as the rest of AMerica.
Only when the government obeys our laws will things change. Given N. Pelosi's agenda and ways, I wouldn't hold my breath. We have a lot more suffering to endure concerning this issue.

2007-01-17 03:02:13 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Many who are legal are still treated as illegals. My husband is Mexican and faces this everyday. He's half white, doesn't even know Spanish, and gets treated badly from employers. One held his check untill the phone bill came in to ensure he had no charges for calling Mexico!

Many just want to stand behind those of the same race. They may have had ancestors who came here illegally and now they have a better life because of it. They do not want to bee seen in the same light and think them being here illegally is wrong, but stand with them as a solidarity and equality issue.

By the way, I see more strees being put on the community by those who are legal and not hispanics everyday. Let's not single them out. That's why they are up in arms.

2007-01-17 02:43:08 · answer #3 · answered by FrazzledMom 3 · 4 2

Reason 1
Do you think the employers want to see the illegals go? Of course not, so they insight their legal employees feed them garbage and lies. The legal employees then continue spreading the garbage.
Reason 2
Some Legal have illegal family here!
Reason 3
Some legals have a loyality not to America but to there fellow Mexican.
Reason 4
Legal have been fed the lie that American's are againsts all Mexicans Not Just ALL ILLEGAL. There fore some legal are not protesting against illegal they are protesting against what they view as racism.
Kind of sounds like uninformed Legals to me.

2007-01-17 02:53:29 · answer #4 · answered by wondermom 6 · 2 0

As a matter of economics you are right. They should also fight against the illegals. The problem is that it is not a matter of economics for the legal Hispanics, but a social matter. They want opportunities for their family, friends, and others in the same situation they were in before.

Of course this is generally speaking. Some Hispanics feel the same as you.

2007-01-17 02:39:58 · answer #5 · answered by jasonheavilin 3 · 3 1

i would think so. the legal ones i know are pretty peed off about the illegals being here. hear about california's oranges freezing? i take that as a sign god is not to happy with what the illegals are doing. he's taking away their money source.

2007-01-17 05:27:19 · answer #6 · answered by monreda 4 · 2 0

Since there are caucasian citizens who support open immigration, why are you surprised there are hispanic citizens who feel the same way?

2007-01-17 02:44:26 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

Most hispanics don't want illegal aliens here. Over 50 something percent of Hispanics polled want illegal aliens deported(2006).

The only hispanics that want illegal aliens are those that are related to illegal aliens, those that think Mexico is entitled to own the U.S., and those that hate Whites, African Americans, Asians, etc.(Mexican KKK which is Mecha, La Raza, etc.)

Nancy Pelosi is said to hire and profit from illegal aliens. Her business is said to hire them. No wonder she is the biggest advocate of illegal aliens being here.

2007-01-17 02:40:45 · answer #8 · answered by member_of_bush_family 3 · 2 4

Jellybean,I grew up as Mexican-American with this crap all my life. Only white people are doing this.I realize it is not all the whites.But only whites are getting angry about the illegal situation.
That is why I always put at the end of my posts,Payback cabrones.

2007-01-17 03:03:32 · answer #9 · answered by CC Moody Trojans 2 · 1 2

If you can't pledge alliance to the US, you really need to go.pretending it is a relationship. 1 foot in , 1 foot out, go1!!!

2007-01-17 02:46:19 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 5 1

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