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Do you Tithe to help pay off the law suits stemming from Catholic Pedophile cover-ups? Wouldn't your money help and support the Pedophiles? Is it OK that A LOT of PRIEST committed and still commit these crimes? With a organization that has Trillions of dollars in cash, securities and real estate why do you still give them money that you work so hard for?

2007-01-16 17:55:23 · 16 answers · asked by Harry Merkin 4 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Then why did the other 99.99 % of the Priest cover up their crimes against children?

2007-01-16 18:02:01 · update #1


good one

2007-01-16 18:03:50 · update #2

I'm Catholic and will not give one penny ever. I eat their donuts and chug the wine and eat two sometimes four appitizers during communion

2007-01-16 18:14:11 · update #3

that is still 8,100 pedophiles that we know of

2007-01-16 18:16:33 · update #4

I see below that in the Catholic Church certain percentage of Pedophiles is OK with you. That if the Catholic Church feeds the poor then it is OK to ruin and scar a little boys life forever. Such hypocrocy. You ought to be ashamed. All of you!

2007-01-17 03:30:47 · update #5

Father Slavko
Look it up on Yahoo. The Church looks the other way at this SOB.

2007-01-17 03:33:13 · update #6

So 6% of 450000 is 27,000 pedophile priest. That is over 1/2 million children scarred and ruined for life and that is OK with you?

Not Slavko but Father JOZO in Medjugorje. He does Nuns and people that can't speak out, victims. That is the SOB. All they do is suffle him around.

2007-01-17 03:40:25 · update #7

16 answers

There is something like 11,750 priest since 1950

They also pay to have them sent to other churches in other countries, so they can continue their crimes.


Also they get alot of money from insurance companies, investments in banks and other finances, food industry, and oh yeah.... dont have to declare the assets in this country.

2007-01-16 18:11:21 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1


The Church's crimes? No, no, no. You mean the individual clergymen's crimes.


First, most Catholics don't tithe. Catholics are not required to give 10% of their income to the Church. They are free to give as much or as little as they please.


The odds are against that given that only 6% of clergymen are pedophiles.


Of course it's not okay. However, let's get our numbers straight - only 6% of clergy are involved in the sex abuse scandals. Unlike you, I am not going to screw the other 94% on account of a corrupt 6%.


The annual budget from the Vatican is no larger than that of the city of Chicago. The Catholic Church is not nearly as rich as you think it is.

<< Then why did the other 99.99 % of the Priest cover up their crimes against children?>>

This comment assumes you can read the minds of other people. Can you? if not, you have no business making such statements.


Tithing makes financial donations obligatory. They MUST be charitable, that is to say - entirely voluntary. That is why tithing is not a practice in Christiantiy.


I'm always amused by people who think their being Catholic, or having been Catholic, grants them credibility. Your words and your actions are not in sync. A proper Catholic would not abuse the Body and Blood of Christ the way you claim to.

2007-01-17 01:56:33 · answer #2 · answered by Daver 7 · 0 1

In answer to your question about tithing. Roman Catholics are not required to tithe. Each catholic is free to contribute economically to the necessity of the Church according to his own conscience. There is no comandments of the Catholic Church about how much catholics must give. Generally, however, 10% is normally given. Today our Church still needs our support to pay the expenses and financial obligations it incurs as it operates in a commercial society. Salaries, benefits, insurance, maintenance, utilities and service fees are all expenses that exist in today's world. Additionally, we are still called to care for the poor among us. I give what I can with a joyful heart.

In terms of your statement regarding the abuse. I can see where your confusion would come from. I am Catholic and still struggle to undestand how a priest especially, let alone anyone-- can do such things and not only that but how it got to the point it did, with so much swept under the rug. There were so many failures on so many levels in this situation. I think we must remember the actions of some don't define the whole group. Unfortunately there are bad people everywhere, yes even in our church. It does not mean that all of the priests in the world are not to be trusted. That's like saying that ALL teachers should be feared, and we shouldn't go to school because some individual teachers absused their students.

I dont have all the answers, but I hope my comments assist you.

2007-01-16 18:42:22 · answer #3 · answered by ? 1 · 1 1

I am a Protestant who has some problems with the Catholic Church, and I HATE pedophiles, and God hates pedophilia as well, but I know from personal experience that Catholics also help people in need out. At least part of the tithe money goes to keep innocent kids from starving to death. Have you fed any hungry kids lately? Have you helped any elderly or parents with young babies get their heat turned back on in the winter? If you pay money to the Catholic church you have taken part in all these things and more.

2007-01-16 18:16:25 · answer #4 · answered by Mad Maxine 4 · 1 1

I don't know where you got your information. I know of know doctrine which says Catholics must tithe. If there is any tithing it is probably just a parish. Even so, a parish cannot impose tithing on its parishioners without the approval of its bishop.
Who gave you the impression that the Catholic Church has trillions of dollars? I have been a member of a parish pastoral council and a director of a diocesan program and I can tell you that the Catholic Church is a poor Church.

2007-01-16 19:53:17 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Catholics are not obligated to tithe, and Protestant ministers have more abuse cases than priests. School teachers are 100 times worse, but you dont say anything about that because the media has you convinced its just a priest problem.

The CIA World Facts doesnt agree with your figures. The Vatican runs a deficit of 2-3 million a year. Vatican wealth is a myth. Here is proof:

The Vatican is funding research with the John Jay Insitute of Justice to make sure these atrocities dont happen.

Of course, we won't mention the Aids clinics, hospitals, schools, infant care centres, food centres, nurshing homes, all run by Catholics in the third World. You are blind to the good the Church does in the world.

Give the name of any priest who has been convicted that is free, and the name of their bishop before you make such wild conclusions.
I hope they catch them all.

I could go on and on because this priest scandal thing is really beating a dead hourse. 99.99% of priests are good servants of the Gospel.

I pray that God will heal you of your prejudice and bigotry.

2007-01-16 18:28:20 · answer #6 · answered by Br. Dymphna S.F.O 4 · 2 2

Some American diocese are almost bankrupt because of those law suits. Since more and more victims are now coming forward the spending will shoot skyward (amen) so the donations are a necessity. I guess it's called solidarity and after all, most of the priests and the bishop that tried to organize the cover ups say that god made them do it so it deserve Tithing.

2007-01-16 18:12:28 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Do you know how many Priest's there are in the world and how many were accused? Probably not and you have just accused 99.99% of Priest of paedophile

Less than 2% of 405,067 Priests were accused

As for the money it goes to the Local Church for Priests wages, lay persons wages and general upkeep of the Church and Presbytery

God Bless You

2007-01-16 18:11:33 · answer #8 · answered by ? 6 · 0 2

Anyone that tithes at a Catholic Church is giving money partly to help pedophiles, period. That's where a lot of the money goes.

2007-01-16 18:31:37 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

for faithful catholics it has nothing to do with what the church is doing, as it does with their personal relationship with God. And if they feel that God has commanded them to give their tithing to the church, then it's not them who are condemned. It's the church.

I'm LDS and that's how I would imagine they feel. And if for some reason my church happens to be at fault in the end for whatever reason, I hope that God would see my faithfullness and see that I was trying to do my best with my beliefs in Him.

2007-01-16 18:03:53 · answer #10 · answered by collinchristine_edwards 2 · 3 2

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