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I am 16 and have been dating the same girl for about six monthe. From the start we hit it off really well we were unseparable untilt he parents found out that we had had relations together. We are havn't been allowed to see eachother for about two months now yet we continue to see one an other periodically. we had origionally thought that the relationship would end before she moved but by not being able to see eachother it really made the bond between us that much stronger then it was before. Now the trouble will be coming soon, she is moving to South Carolina in two months and i live in California! We have decided that we want to go to college together at UC DAvis when she returns and eventually we would may be like to get married. To make things even harde she has given me her grandmothers ingagement ring that was pressed into her hands by her dying grandmother with instructions to her to find the right guy and marry him! At this point in time i really am having a hard time deciding!

2007-01-16 17:54:38 · 21 answers · asked by funkywhiteshirt 1 in Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

21 answers

i am going through the same thing with my neice(who lives with me)like i have told her,she is still young first of all.she stills has alot in life to learn.they even gave each other rings.she gave her love my deceased father in laws wedding band and in return the other person gave her ,her grandmothers ring.well her lover ended up moving to another state.a few weeks later the ring was mailed back with a note saying that the parents made them send it back and to please send back the grandmothers ring.but that he stilled wanted to be with her.but like i told her the calls will begin to become less and so will the emails.the excuses will be more and more.and they did.like i told her how can you trust someone who lives in another state.you dont know what they are doing or who they are doing.i told her she was more of a long distance frienship than a relationship.why put your heart into something that only has about a 10% chance of working.you are young dont try to grow up to fast.you might end up letting your true soulmate pass you by over something so close by yet so far away.

2007-01-16 18:14:16 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

This, I think, is the test: Are you or her (or both of you) mature for your ages? Do people regard you or her (r both of you) as unusually grown up for your ages? If not, you are probably normal, and this is just a teen love affair which will not last. Lasting love generally can occur only when one or both partners are mature and grown up in outlook. If you positively know exactly what you are going to do as your career, then I'd say you are mature for your age. But if you are like many 16 years olds who don't yet know you want to do for a living, then I'd say you are not mature yet. Also, consider this: If you don't seem to be very mature yet, bear in mind that you don't have to wait until you are 25 or 30 to become more mature. You can make big strides now. Just start thinking and acting like an adult. Start a business now. Buy some stock in a business, even if just a few shares. Take charge of your life. Make long range and short range plans. Set your own priorities. Work hard. Save your money and invest it. Don't even take a chance of making your girlfriend pregnant until you can afford to raise a child. And exercise the maturity to make up your own mind as to whether this gal is THE ONE. If you decide that she is the one for you, then fight to keep the relationship alive no matter what obstacles anyone might throw in your way. In other words, BE A MAN.

2007-01-16 18:16:53 · answer #2 · answered by Dr. SC1ence 5 · 0 0

Reassure that that you have to do this because you want a better life for yourself and that you want to be able to give her a better future. remind her that nothing NICE in life comes without sacrifice. Arrange for regular visit arrangements such as 1-2 times a month, whatever the 2 of you can afford. Maybe round trip bus trips or driving for each meeting halfway would help. Live video conference between the two will help also. Either way the separation will be hard for both of you but the cause is good for future purposes. Bottom line is - If she really loves you, she should support your goal and will wait for 2 years in order to live together happily. The good part is, you could be in army going to Iraq for 2 years _ which would mean no visits or hollidays for 2 years. Fate will take its course. There is always a risky chance that you both are willing to wait for each but yet end up finding someone better. So understand her feelings and offer as much support as you can to help resolve any issues she may have. Goodluck

2016-05-23 23:19:18 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Sorry, but it's puppy love and you will outgrow it. Right now it seems like this is the one, but between 16 and 21 there is alot of growing up. I thought I knew it all at 16 and hated when people told me that...but it was true. I lived thru it and you have to, too.

Trust me, breaking it off will be the best thing you could ever do...both for you and her. You will meet lots of girls while she is gone, and she'll meet other guys. Long distance relationships never work.

2007-01-16 17:57:56 · answer #4 · answered by FrazzledMom 3 · 1 0

I know how rough relationships can be at that age...of course, you can always try the long distance relationship, but unfortunately it probably won't work out. She may meet someone way out there and you may meet someone else's where you are. And since your so young your probably going to want to be with other people no matter how much you love this girl (as bad as it sounds, but it's true), then again, you too could make it work, and maybe you will go to college together. Basically, keep communicating with eachother and be completely honest with eachother. Good luck- hopes all works out the way you want it too.

2007-01-16 18:00:52 · answer #5 · answered by Nicole K 3 · 0 1

thats really tough. I think you are probably too young at this point to decide. I say, don't let her go. But keep your options open. Because you need to see what's out there before you can decide what you really want for the rest of your life. Don't jump into a commitment just yet. Wait until she walks back into your life, because if its meant to be, you will end up together again later. until then, just keep your options open. hope this helps.

ps. if you find yourself never attracted to anyone else again then keep her.

2007-01-16 18:00:13 · answer #6 · answered by kingshighway77 2 · 0 0

Long distance relations never work.They're comforting because you can say you have someone,but the fantasy overtakes the reality.That and if you haven't banged yet, you're going to build your love up to some unreachable level.Get some life experience before thinking of marriage.

2007-01-16 18:08:35 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You are only 16!!! You have to live life first! No, I am not saying to go out and sleep around!!! At 16, you have more things to think about than pining over another teenager. Why did she give you a ring intended for a woman? I know from experience, I married my high-school sweetheart.

2007-01-16 17:59:56 · answer #8 · answered by J W 4 · 0 1

If you truly love each other time will decide. I know how stupid that sounds, but in your case that is very accurate. You said that you would go to college together, right? Wait until then. If your feelings for each other continue to grow, then after college you can do whatever you want.

2007-01-16 18:01:10 · answer #9 · answered by A dad & a teacher 5 · 0 0

Woah..I had a chick like this when I was 16. Wanted to marry me go off to school tog. I considered her crazy even though she was hot and stopped talking her..realizing I was only 16 and had a Life ahead of me that couldn't be planned yet.

Years later we ended up talking again..and agreed it was crazy.

2007-01-16 17:59:15 · answer #10 · answered by sir_blunted 4 · 0 0

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