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After completing the course of study put together by my old Coven and being awarded my first degree(over phone)there was a failing out between myself,and the Clergy they lied,and said I had never finished my traing,and droped out of the program.Any feed back from Pagans regarding this nature is welcom

2007-01-16 17:54:15 · 13 answers · asked by southsidepalmreader 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

13 answers

Where is Endora when you need her? Certainly she woudl know the answer to this question. Lemme see if I can summons her!~

Can't get to Endora at this time, but will keep trying....

At any rate, you've been f***ed...... don't sit back and accept it. Stand up for your rights. Will be in touch with more info shortly

2007-01-16 18:07:44 · answer #1 · answered by MyPreshus 7 · 1 1

Over the phone??? You can't recieve a degree over the phone!

If you really want to learn Wicca, you have to go to a real coven that practices skyclad (nude) and really has the great rite (tantric sex), and doesn't simply stick a blade in a chalice. If they're scared to take off their clothes, their probably scared of real witchcraft too. You also sound like you're not 18 yet, so your parents would have to sign a waiver to let you join a coven (a real coven anyway).

In order to become a Wiccan, you will have to be intiated via the Great Rite by a High Priest. You cannot do this by reading a book or a website (this isn't meant to be mean, it's just reality).

A lot of people will email you and offer to "train" you. Often times these types only know what they read out of a book or a website, and haven't actually been initiated. There are just somethings you have to do in person. So, just keep those things in mind.

2007-01-19 01:48:56 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You were "awarded" your first degree (initiated) OVER THE PHONE???

You must be kidding.

I give up. There is no point to me trying to explain everything that is wrong with this.

EDIT: You need to find a different group. And if your training has been good, it will not take long for the new group to recognize this. When you sanctify space, there will be a shift, and everyone will feel it. When you direct the energy raised, you will know where in the group it is weak or strong, and pull it up where it's needed;; you will be able to sense when it has reached it's peak and direct it outward before it falls away...and everyone will sense that.

It will not take long for the new group to recognize what you have learned. But don't be surprised if they don't recognize your "degree" without some additional training. There are different kinds of initiations, and generally speaking, those Traditions that practice a degree system have, as the first, initiation into the Tradition (or the coven) that you're being trained in. That may require more training and study with a new group.

You also need to separate your energy from the old group. I suggest that you do this formally.

But to answer your question, a legitimately-conferred degree cannot, as far as I know (and I do NOT know everyting), be withdrawn but in certain Traditions you can have your degree not recognized by others in the Tradition lineage.

Find another group. Be somewhat cautious. Check the website link below.

2007-01-17 01:58:46 · answer #3 · answered by Praise Singer 6 · 8 2

You were awarded your first degree over the phone?????
Amazing. Really amazing.
Webpage about the degree system

Covencraft by Amber is a great book to help you to know what to look for in your next coven.

2007-01-18 08:52:40 · answer #4 · answered by amberdawn 3 · 2 0

i am a Celtic Pagan, not a Wiccan. in my belief system the gods make you a priest or priestess. and no mortal man can say otherwise. i understand the training that Wiccans go through, but i do not understand the Degrees, and levels that some of them go to great lengths to achieve. is the spiritual journey not about your personell path and your connection to the gods. what use then is a degree.

if you need a piece of paper for some legal purposes you can get a free ordination as a minister in the universal life church
ulc.org you can pring it right off the net.

this is where my Legal Ordination is from. My spiritual ordination is recognised by the gods and by my Grove (coven) but you know the good ole USA gotta have the Paper.

besides if they gave you a religious title or degree over the phone, something is messed up there. you are better off on your own path for now.

2007-01-17 02:49:42 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 4

Over the phone?
Please, please, please, tell me you are joking.
I'm sorry, but Wiccan degrees over the phone in my opinion is a load of horse pucky.

If we are truly talking a bout a Wiccan coven, it can't be done, there are rituals that must be done, and they can't be done over a phone line, sorry. This must be one of those eclectic covens who think they are Wiccan or something because say they are.

This is what comes from reading a book and thinking that that makes you a Wiccan.

2007-01-17 02:05:12 · answer #6 · answered by Black Dragon 5 · 7 0

Well, seeing as how they all ready given you your first degree, they can't take it back. They can banish you from the group, but they can't take away the degree. In my view, only the Lord and the Lady can do that.

2007-01-18 13:36:14 · answer #7 · answered by Silver Wolf 3 · 0 0

My brother is an ordained minister. He got his minister certificate by mail order for $29.95. Obviously it's just a novelty item.

I suspect that your over-the-phone, first degree, wiccan degree is just as silly.

2007-01-17 02:02:03 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

Whoa! I didn't even know you could GET a degree.

I'm a solitary and never took any "classes" but I'm just as Wiccan as anyone else. Little less educated in the arts maybe, but no less Wiccan.

You may not be in the coven anymore, but if you still follow the craft, you're still Wiccan.

2007-01-17 02:14:20 · answer #9 · answered by Voodoid 7 · 0 4

Just choose another coven.

2007-01-17 01:59:29 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

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