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Please help. He is my boyfriend for the past 2 years. We make a great pair but the problem is that I am always calling him and always acting desperate. And, he has started taking advantage of me. If I call, he hangs up and if I start crying he gets angry and yells at me. Two days back we had one of our petty fights. He switched off his phone for the whole night. I was so upset. But from yesterday I avoided his calls and never answered. Now he stopped calling me. I am worried. Do I wait for him to call or do I just call him back. You see, he is 39 yrs old. He always controls me and bosses over me. If I do not call him, will he call me back? I love him a lot and he knows that I do. But, for the few times we are going around, I am managing to control myself and not call him. But every minute, I feel so hurt and want to just dial his number and make up. I am so happy with him in spite of petty fights. I always gave him importance more than myself. What must I do now? Please give some tips!

2007-01-16 17:31:03 · 12 answers · asked by Cassiopeia 1 in Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

12 answers

u just answered your own question - if u call him he will continue walking all over u and whiping his feet on u a s if u re his doormat. if it suits u - call him. if it doesn't - do not call him. even if he never calls u again (i think he will, he needs his doormat after all) this is a good riddance - he will always treat u like that without any respect. i mean come on, he switched his phone? this is the lowest thing ever - to switch phone when a woman is upset. if it were me i would delete his number from my phone and changed my number. who he think he is? a king of the world? but anyway, if u think he IS the king of the world wait at least a few days then call him. but rememebr - if u call him u re back to his door mat. and to my opinion u have been doing a very good job till now avoiding his calls. this is showing him already

2007-01-16 17:38:03 · answer #1 · answered by jacky 6 · 1 0

Um, why are you apologizing to him again?? He;s got you trained girlfriend, now you have to try and beat him at his own game. You just need a little resolve, and that is the next time there is an argument, don't ever try to 'remedy' it, and if you're not wrong, don't apologize. I'm not sure what your boyfriend's problem is, but you can fix his business for him. It may be a personality thing, and you are certainly used to things one way- by the way, expecting him to run after you after an argument is a bit bit childish too, however... it seems clear, this is not the guy for you, or you just need to fix him. You have already taught him that you will run after him, now teach him otherwise, and while you are at it get busy and act as if you don't care, 'cause you don't. You have better things to do other than run after a guy who is not meeting your needs. This little test will help you to figure out if you want him in your life. Show him that you can outlast him in the 'not talking to him first department' first. Sure, it's a little immature, but hey you need to find out if this guy will be there for you in the way you will need in the future. This will accomplish one of two things; either he will come to his senses and realize he may lose you and come find you eventually, or he will stay in his corner, and you will see that he really doesn't care, now isn't this all you really want to know? Sometimes people with different personalities don't relate well to each other; you need a ying to your yang, see this is why I personally don't like Virgo men. Just saying

2016-03-29 01:09:27 · answer #2 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

i think BOTH OF YOU need to stop playing phone tag games & if these fights are just "petty", then why do you both turn it into something so stressful? couples fight when they run into their differences. Your relationship will not blossom if you both don't stop fighting over what you think is just "petty" stuff. It's not worth it. You just give each other headaches, then you play phone games, who picks up the phone, unplugs it or who calls first type of games. It is immature. If you want to have a good relationship, you both need to work on your communication with each other, so whenever you disagree on something, you should talk it over calmly like 2 civilized adults. A relationship can't grow & move forward if you can't work out your differences. If your stressing each other out over petty stuff, you might as well not be together. Pain & suffering over petty stuff is a waste of time. This is 2007, it's not about who is right, who's wrong & who's gonna call first & beg for forgiveness. If he's being bossy & controlling towards you, then you need to tell him to BACK OFF because no one controls & bosses you but YOU. If he can't respect that & remains "petty" then it's time for you to find another man.

2007-01-16 17:42:47 · answer #3 · answered by sugarBear 6 · 0 0

It seems like he needed some time to cool of and think of things. Just give yous a bit of space. He did give you a call but you didnt answer.Hes pretty confussed about that, seeing as you never done this before. You need to have a back bone but also explain things to him. Give him a call and tell him that yous need to talk. Tell him that its going to have to be 50/50 between yous when yous have a fight, both of yous are going to put in equal amount of time to forgive and forget. Seeing as it takes two to have a arguement it takes two to fix it as well. Tell him how you feel and that you dont want to be the one calling him trying to make up, that you want him to do it sometimes as well. Tell him that it will be a good idea next time yous fight to just take 24 hours or at least sleep on it than talk after yous thought things over and calmed down. But no matter what when yous are taking that time to think of things that you both love one another the same just need to take some time to cool off. Let him know how much it bothers you when you are just wondering if things are going to get better or worse after yous fight, so as long as at the end of the fight each one says that yous love one another just right now yous need to cool off. That way yous wont be worried whats on each others mind.

2007-01-16 17:40:39 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Don't you value your self respect why can you see that he really does not love you, because as you say you always are the one that makes him think he is God's gift to women and now he knows how to manipulate you. you also say that he is 39 yrs. old but you do not mentioned how old you are, if you are younger then he is or older. You need to forget this guy ever existed because he will never respect you and he will always try to make you do his wishes. There are plenty of fish in the sea as the saying goes so do not belittle yourself with him, and under any circumstances do not call him to apologize for your behavior have some dignity. Good luck to you and I hope that you will come to your senses.

2007-01-16 17:44:15 · answer #5 · answered by a.vasquez7413@sbcglobal.net 6 · 0 0

He's 39, and you are ?
You 'both' sound like two silly teenagers.
You 'both' act as though you each owe the other something!!
I think you have a very 'childish' and 'selfish' relationship going on here.
I really can't see 'anything' good coming out of this mess, as you
'both' need to grow up before wanting to commit to anyone.
Sorry, but you are 'both' to blame for your problems.
You just keep playing games with each other!!!

2007-01-16 17:47:54 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You know what?
I have one like that before.
First, after you got into fight, don't go and see him,
don't say you're sorry (even if you do), don't call him.
Lets see, if he really loves you, he will call you and say sorry,
but if he don't give a call, then just go and dump him.
There's no need to waste your time and feelings in a guy like that.
He's deserved that. Don't feel sorry for him.
You should feel lucky when he's going outta your life.
You can find the better one, dear.
Leave him, now.

2007-01-16 17:54:42 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I wish you would change your phone number to unlisted. This sounds like a very bad relationship. Being "bossed" is not the same as being "protected". Putting him before yourself only works if he does the same, that is, put you first.
I think you need to stand up on your own for a while to prove to yourself you need not act or be desperate.

2007-01-16 17:40:30 · answer #8 · answered by and_y_knot 6 · 0 0

don't make your self cheap, just wait until he call you, if he loves you he will do, and he'll start talk nice way, don't give importance for anybody in this world then yourself " don't love someone more than yourself, don't be easy", he should to feel about which he might lose.

anyway, show your self-confident, and be Strong, treat yourself and don't scarify more than expected from you or you'll be no thing, no value for you.

think & think & think before you follow your heart

2007-01-16 17:46:09 · answer #9 · answered by peace 2 · 0 0

I think if he had been calling you, you won't seem desperate or anything calling him back. But I have to say, if he's really controlling, that's not a healthy relationship.

2007-01-16 17:38:32 · answer #10 · answered by simply.beautiful 2 · 0 0

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