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27 answers

wait til yer married
if he loves you, he will

2007-01-16 16:17:33 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

Don't let him get to you with that whole "If you love me, you'll let me" routine. Give him the "If you love me, I'm worth waiting for" speech and see what happens. If he's a good guy and true to you, he'll agree. Then after he's proven his worth, you two can talk sensibly later about a move to the bedroom.
On the other hand, he may decide sex is more important than the overall relationship and move on. Young men are very driven by their hormones and tend to think mainly about sex when around women rather than the woman herself as a person.
If a relationship doesn't matter for you and you don't mind a little fling, then go for it but be careful because guys who are into flings aren't in the mind-set to care for unexpected babies.

2007-01-17 00:25:45 · answer #2 · answered by Rico Suave 2 · 0 0

Agreed with Jiggy Phish - wait till marriage.

If you dont believe in waiting, then i certainly dont think you should have sex with your bf. Sounds like (just a stab int he dark) this is ur first time and you already have mumbled ur way through writing "love" and then "like". If youre EVER uncertain about something like this then NEVER do it. Trust your gut instinct. Once you have sex with him you cant take it back, if he really cares for you he will wait until you feel comfortable to do that. if he dosent want to wait and tries pressuring you, then Get Up And Leave The Shallow Bastard because he doesnt respect you and only wants what youve got to give.

Good Luck =)

2007-01-17 00:32:33 · answer #3 · answered by WomanSoHeartless 3 · 0 0

I don't know your age, which is important, but if you were mature enough, you would not be asking. There are enough options to sex that he should be able to deal with. If you get pregnant, who knows where he would stand. Every guy is in love until he's told he has financial responsibilities for the next 18 years.
If you do it, make sure you are on the pill, don't take any chance and use condoms too for disease.

2007-01-17 00:21:56 · answer #4 · answered by Nort 6 · 0 0

I know this may sound lame. But if you are under 18 talk to your mom. A man will say anything or do anything to get in your pants. Thats all young men think about. Remember once you have done it you have done it. You are the most beautiful thing he has ever met until the next most beautiful thing comes along. Men are pigs. I know I am a man. You don't say how old your are. But there is nothing with as much drive as a 16 year old boy trying to get it on. I would recommend that you don't.
You are in love with him. He is in love with your ****. believe me I have been there.

2007-01-17 00:20:57 · answer #5 · answered by trichbopper 4 · 0 0

NO NO NO. Please do not do this. It will be the hugest mistake of your life. Your first time...you should have ABSOLUTELY no questions about if you should do it or not. Your first time should be something you've waited and waited for. You should feel completely comfortable and OVER ready to do it. It only happens once in your whole life. You're giving a HUGE HUGE sacred part of yourself away, and you will NEVER get it back. EVER. Please wait until it's right. If he really loves you, he will wait years for you. Wait it out and see how faithful this guy really is.

2007-01-17 00:20:40 · answer #6 · answered by Brittany A 2 · 0 0

Wait to have sex when YOU are ready. I loved a guy and he wanted sex but I was not ready. So, we didnt have sex. Wait until you're ready or the sex wont be any good. Just tell him you care for him and arent ready.

2007-01-17 00:19:17 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

If your underage (17 or below), don't do it. Nowadays, guys just want to have sex with girls, just to tell their friends that they "scored". Is it really worth, getting pregnant. 'Cause let me tell you being pregnant and underage is not nice. Your "friends" and your enemies will be talking about you behind your back. Your boyfriend if you just happen to break up (after the sex) will be talking about you as well (and not in nice terms).

2007-01-17 00:22:09 · answer #8 · answered by darkhunterfan65 3 · 0 0

If you are young don't do it. Just think about it. How many guys have you liked or dated in the past? How many times do you tell yourself..what the heck was wrong with me he is so not cute?? If you sleep w/ this guy, if you break up, you will probably be telling yourself that except now you will have a reputation and he will have bragging rights on you.

2007-01-17 00:20:29 · answer #9 · answered by jaded 2 · 0 0

if you are not ready to have sex with him then dont, it about how
you feel it sound like you have questions about how you really
feel. you stated that you love hm then turn around and say i like
him. when you know how you really feel then you will know what
'to do, right now it not the time to do anything.

2007-01-17 00:22:39 · answer #10 · answered by luckystar 6 · 0 0

If your boyfriend really cares and loves you, he would not put that kind of stress on you and the relationship. If you don't want to, then don't.

2007-01-17 00:18:50 · answer #11 · answered by ginger13 4 · 1 0

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