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how is it possible that this happened the way that it did at the twin towers?as american people we need better answers. iam bothered because i really do believe that we are not being told the truth about what happened, mainly because the facts do not support the story given and also the pentagons hole in the wall that measured close to 20 feet in diameter,how big in diameter is a jumbo jet???? any parent that had a child come home with a story like this where the facts did not support the story given, what would the parent think? why are we as adults expected to be any different? you can call me a conspiracy theoryist if you want ,but the reality is something smallerthan a jumbo jet made that hole in the pentagon and the twin towers,they sure fell awful quick,that heat from that jet fuel got up to 1800 degrees and made all those floors fall in repetition, is that what the facts represent? certainly mean no disrespect to the familys of those who were lost / just trying to sort it out

2007-01-16 15:46:40 · 5 answers · asked by comingonthru 2 in Science & Mathematics Engineering

5 answers


2007-01-16 16:33:53 · answer #1 · answered by blitzkrieg_hatf6 2 · 0 0

Consider this...steel melts when it gets hot enough. That is how they melted it and poured it into steel structural forms in the first place. Concrete turns to chalk when it gets hot enough. It is fact, get used to this concept before reading on.

Thousands of gallons of jet fuel poured on a building filled with other flammable materials (wood, paper, carpet, plastic) will burn hot, expecially when fanned by a steady wind. It becomes like the blast furnace that created the steel in the first place...with me so far?

The building was designed for a plane crash of a 707 jet 40 years ago. A 737 or 757 is almost twice as large with much more fuel. The fire retardants and protections in place did not sustain the fire. We ALL saw it burn for over an hour.

The result is that the steel started to melt, rather, it softened enough to be like a chocolate bar rather than the strong stuff it was. When that happened, the heavy building of 50 floors avove could no longer be supported and they moved down the height of the floor.

Now the steel bbelow the fire was NOT melted or softened, but there was another problem. A 50 story building (the part about the fire) was falling about 15 feet. That is a LOT of momentum and the existing structure could not support that fall and the next floor steel supports snapped like toothpicks. That dropped the structure and MORE weight another 15 feet, etc. Until it hit the ground. Theresulting crash caused a measurable earthquake. What else do you know that could be so heavy to cause an earthquake?

I'm sorry your cannot visualize this clearly; it is easy for me to understand because I am an engineer and design such things. As I watched the event with a friend, we realized that the duration of the fire was damgerous and risked softening structural members. We believed (before the fall) that one side of the building would fail and tip the top slightly and perhaps the top would tip over eventually. We were wrong, but it does show the extent of the fire across the floor.

As far as the pentagon, a stiff tube 15-20 feet in diameter crashing lengthwise is very logical to cause a hole in the building.
I really trust that this one happened, because I have a good friend in Washington that was looking out the window of his office toward the Pentagon and saw the crash. From his view, it was almost slow motion and terrifying.

Really,. if you all distrust the country and the government so much...maybe you ought to leave and find something better rather than come up with these wild paranoid theories.

2007-01-16 23:56:16 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

It was also everything else in the building that caught fire as well. They ran tests and found that the JetA1 burnt off pretty fast (as you would expect, but by then everything else was on fire, and there is a lot of fuel in most offices once a fire gets hold. The heat generated off the fires was enormous. The other person who answered was correct with the pancaking concept.

part of the reason the building collapsed was where the impact happened. Higher up and they may not have collapased.

Consider too, that a jumbo jet is a rather delicate structure that is designed to be strong, but as light as possible. There is not a lot too them compared with hitting a building.

There is video vision of the plane hitting the side of the pentagon, although i suspect the 'pilot' at the time was far more skilled than some guy training at flight school. It is very hard to land an aircraft of that size and speed as accurately as that if you don't know exactly what you are doing.

interesting question. nice to see you are taking a logical rather then hysterical approach. be good to see what comes up.

2007-01-16 23:59:30 · answer #3 · answered by darklydrawl 4 · 0 0

That's a much more intelligent approach to learning all of the facts than the hype, cherry picked facts, misquotes, deception, unreliable sources and over simplified arguments which usually accompany a question about the events of 9/11. Excellent question!

The fully fueled jet that slammed into the first tower hit it with enough force to literally blow out the entire width of the building - re-watch the video. The resulting fire did not ignite all of the fuel immediately, the fuel run down through elevator shafts, through damaged floors and stairwells causing fires in the immediate floors below as well as the floor that was directly hit. The insulation on the steel supports was inevitably damaged as well as the steel supports themselves. You must remember that you do not have to melt the steel to weaken its structural strength substantially.

Static weight is when you lay a hammer head on a nail - the nail will support it just fine -instantaneous moment or impact is when you drop the head of the hammer on a nail - the nail will not support it - the upper floors were literally dropped on the lower floors when the target floor gave way.

The hole in the Pentagon represents the remaining size of the destroyed nose of the plane that managed to penetrate the building - the building literally peeling the skin and substructure off the outside diameter. It is, after all, an aluminum alloy plane - not a cast iron wrecking ball.

I hope this helps you in sorting it out.

2007-01-17 00:29:13 · answer #4 · answered by LeAnne 7 · 0 0

it's called 'pancaking' the steel on one floor is weakened and it falls on the next floor ( as each floor falls the load and impact gets greater and greater so if the heat makes 2 or 3 fall that continues to the sub-basement )

this does not take a massive amount of heat it has happened over and over to buildings on fire when the roof collapses any fireman could tell you about real life examples ( and so goes another urban myth )

the reason that you haven't seen it is that in normal construction the exterior walls remain after the collapse of the interior - in skyscrapers the exterior walls are mostly decorative ( the load is carried by the interior structure )

i wish i could post this SOMEWHERE USEFUL because this whole thing is boring me to death

2007-01-16 23:53:33 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

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