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2007-01-16 14:44:39 · 20 answers · asked by .......... 4 in Health Mental Health

20 answers

Bipolar disorder is an affective disorder characterized by periods of mania alternating with periods of depression, usually interspersed with relatively long intervals of normal mood.

Common symptoms of mania include:

Increased energy, activity, restlessness, racing thoughts and rapid speech.
Excessive euphoria
Extreme irritability and distractibility
Decreased sleep requirement
Uncharacteristically poor judgment
Increased sexual drive
Denial that anything is wrong

2007-01-16 14:49:00 · answer #1 · answered by beth3988 3 · 1 2

Bipolar is the same as manic depressive. It varies for each person. Some people just have strong mood swings, and some are bordering on schizophrenic when they have an 'episode'. This is NOT just being happy or sad! We're talking BIG swings. My mother had it, so I know all about this first hand. It's generally caused by a chemical imbalance and can be treated with medication, but not cured. There are SO many ways this disease can manifest itself. It can be so minor, and so major. Check out the link I posted in the source bar to see some symptoms.

2007-01-16 14:49:03 · answer #2 · answered by Lisa E 6 · 1 3

It is treatable, but there is no cure (I wish).. There are several different medications that can be used, and everyone reacts differently. Some people do not even get better with meds.

It is not something to make fun of or joke about, those of you who do that should be ashamed and pray you don't end up with it one day.

Emotional highs and lows are part of life for everyone. But for someone with bipolar disorder, these ups and downs can be so extreme they can interfere with daily life. Sometimes they can even be dangerous.

One day a person with bipolar disorder may feel so depressed that they can't get out of bed. Work may seem impossible.

On another day that person may feel great, full of endless energy and creativity. But other people might think that their actions are reckless and out of control.

Bipolar disorder is a lifelong medical condition that can be confusing and unpredictable, but it's nothing to be embarrassed about. Learning more about bipolar disorder can be helpful in managing this medical illness.

2007-01-16 14:58:18 · answer #3 · answered by Mommadog 6 · 1 2

It can be a very terrible disorder. bipolars swing from manic to depressed. it was formerly known as manic-depressive. the new name breaks it down to many specific variations to try and zero in on the correct treatment. bipolars are generally in the depressed stage. some don't need the aid of drugs or liquor to go into a severe manic episode but it is common. during the manic state they do wild impulsive things. they often go on wild spending spreees. Or do some other thing all sorts of dangerous things they would never do when not in that state. Can be extemely dangerous. People kill others, themselves, set fires, you name it. They can take meds to prevent those peaks from happening. But bipolars like me love to be high not low. You you get it now you rotten little freak!!!!!

2007-01-16 15:01:27 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

Bipolar (manic depressive) is a disorder that causes extreme mood swings. The sufferer goes from feelings of depression (the drepressed phase) to feelings of euphoria (the manic phase).
In most cases it can be controlled by medication (usually a combination that works on both ends of the mood swing) I don't think it can be cured only controlled with meds.

2007-01-16 14:49:15 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

bipolar is a disease(also called manic disorder) in which a person can be manicily happy and energentic and then bounce to very depressed. It is like 2 poles of emotions. They can exhibit either the manic or depression syptom for a cycle but they always switch. It is like involuntary control of emotions. People take medications for it to help them stay at the midway of manic and depressed, but I dont think it is totally cureable just yet.

2007-01-16 14:49:03 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

It's a chemical imbalance in your brain. You go through weird mood swings. One minute you're really happy and sometimes do stupid things like spend all of your money or bounce off walls and then the next minute you get really depressed and have bad crying spells. Your moods can change in seconds or minutes and are very unpredictable

2007-01-16 15:02:57 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

It's like being with someone who has a personality of a roller coaster ride. Too many highs and too many lows. AND, when the highs are high, it's fine. But, when the lows are lows, one can end up in the psych ward, especially when a bipolar thinks they don't need their medications. Is it cureable? No.

2007-01-16 14:49:22 · answer #8 · answered by Weasel Girl 3 · 1 3

A mood disorder, with, generally, severe mood swings that include severe depression (bipolar always has a depressed phase) and a "high" phase called mania or hypomania. It is treatable, not curable.

2007-01-16 14:47:52 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 3 2

it is a mood disorder and characterized by bouts of depression and mania, it is not curable, but you need to understand that true bipolar takes days and weeks for the mood to swing (or cycle), if yours is not taking that long you may just be anxious or stressed out

2007-01-16 14:51:28 · answer #10 · answered by Chris 2 · 1 3

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